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Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Helga Joubert -- if it's in their Genes how is it that non fighting breeds kill people too?

Helga if you truly believe this Bs then please answer me this; if it's all in the fighting breeds genes how is it that non fighting breeds have attacked killed humans and family pets too? I definitely won't hold my breathe waiting for Helga's response because she doesn't have one do you Helga?

The nature/nurture debate is such a clever tactic by the pit bull advocacy. We could go around arguing about it for the next fifty years, and for what? 

The results of any scientific research can never fully satisfy both sides of the debate. If the results don't agree with one group's preconceived notions, then the people conducting the research will be discredited and dragged through the mud. 
Either way, pit bulls need to go.

If their behavior is mostly genetic (which I believe it is), then it's a no-brainer. They are defective animals that cannot be rehabilitated and they must be destroyed. 
If we play devil's advocate for a moment and agree that yes, every single death by pit bull in history was the direct result of irresponsible pet ownership, what difference does that make? 

The statistics don't change! I don't know how many times I've read the comment "Ban bad owners!" How stupid--come back from la-la land, pit nutter, because there's no way to do that. Bad dog owners are here to stay, which is great news for the pit bull advocates because they can continue to cluck their tongues and rant about how their breed's image is being ruined by a few bad people. Meanwhile the mayhem continues. 
We have reached a point where the CAUSE of the attacks no longer matters, and I don't think we should even bother to engage with the nutters about it. Talk about a stalemate... 
When an unneutered, chained, unsocialized, abused, neglected, "forced" to fight [insert your favorite excuse here] dog attacks, whether or not it's a pit bull becomes THE most important factor to the victim. 
STOPPING the attacks is what needs to happen; we the victims frankly don't give a rip WHY they attack. 
In the future I will ask them what should be done about the problem that will reduce life-changing and life-ending attacks immediately. They'll no doubt start blathering about educating pit bull owners, but seriously... they've been bombarding Americans with "education" for years now and it's only getting worse. Unless they can come up with a concrete solution that will start working immediately, BSL is the only reasonable solution I can see.

Alternatives to BSL - Defend your dog

Helga really earned some browny points among her advocate friends with this rant as you can see by their comments.....

You can ask anything you want Helga because put quite frankly the average person already knows you all are bat guano crazy except your equally crazy mates in the group PBPMR they just eat this crap up and encourage the behavior and they wonder why Breed Specific Legislation is being tossed in the garbage around the world.

These people feed each others egos falsely propping up their standing and legitimacy the fact is not one legitimate animal organization in the world supports Bsl and even the American Bar Association has recommended bsl be scrapped.

American Bar Association (ABA) urges repeal of all breed ...

organizations that do not endorse breed specific legislation ..

Breed-Specific Legislation (BSL) FAQ I NCRC

The fact is it's extremely infantile to expect sane people to buy this load of Bs rather then examine the actual facts and realize the problem goes well beyond any one particular breed or type of dog as the ever increasing death toll testifies to the failing of Bsl.

Let me finish by challenging the haters to PROVE that any attack resulting in the death of a human has involved a legitimate papered purebred American Pit Bull Terrier.


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