If this ended badly, the psychotic pit bull defenders would instantly throw the parents under the bus.

Who says that Pit Bulls aren't the best nanny dogs???
~ SHARE if you think Pit Bulls are the best nanny dogs!!! heart emoticon
The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed
Dear Kevin Bacon,
Daxton’s Friends for Canine Education & Awareness was formed in honor of Daxton Borchardt, who passed away on March 6, 2013 due to severe injuries sustained in a dog attack. Daxton’s Friends would like to educate the public about the importance of understanding dog breeds and how, with proper education and pet care, the number of dog-related incidents can be reduced.
If Daxton’s Friends is provided substantial evidence that we have shared incorrect information, we will correct or retract statements. We welcome feedback and invite you to share your thoughts about our organization. Please e-mail us
The American Pit Bull Terrier is, like all the ‘bully’ breeds, one of this group of descendants of the British ‘bull and terrier’ type fighting bulldogs. Once imported into the United States, it was bred up to be bigger again, and again used in baiting animals and in dogfighting. The American Kennel Club (founded 1884) was unwilling to register these fighting dogs, so in 1898 the United Kennel Club was founded specifically to register working pit-fighting dogs and to promote dogfighting. In order to be registered, a dog had to first win three pit fights. The American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) became a ‘breed’. As dogfighting declined in popularity in the 1930s and 1940s, Colby (the most famous and prolific breeder of these dogs) began to search for a new market and began promoting the APBT as family pets. This despite the fact that his breeding lines included child killers.
It is recommended that American Pit Bull Terrier owners have and carry a break stick. A break stick is a device designed to open a Pit Bull type dog’s mouth while it is engaged in fighting. Pit Bull type breeds have a very distinctive fighting style and often will latch on their opponent and not let go. They usually will shake the other animal violently when they are latched on. This can cause horrific damage quickly. The break stick was designed by dog fighters to be inserted into the Pit Bull’s mouth and release his grip. The original purpose was to safely end a dog fight. The break stick often is the ONLY thing that will release the dog’s grip. People have been known to hit Pit Bulls with objects such as a bat or even shoot them and the dog still will not let go. Bully Breed owners should always have one handy in cause of an emergency. The break stick is not safe to use on other breeds of dogs and is only recommended for dogs in the Pit Bull family that were once used for dog fighting purposes.
Click here to read more about the American Pit Bull Terrier:
This post reeks of Jeff Borchardt and most likely came from his hate page pit bulls identified by owner submitted photos most of the pics came from emails to Daxton's Friends and are being used without the owners permission and as you can see they don't even blur the child's face, why you ask , because they don't care about children they hate pit bulls.
Is it responsible ownership to allow a 2yo to walk a pit bull?
Yet another child needlessly exposed all in the name of Public Safety these people need to be removed from Facebook completely before it's too late?
They haven't made the slightest effort to hide the child's face and even left the parents name visible these people are not community safety orientated advocates they're bully's, thugs, and criminals?
The most astounding fact is that Facebook seems to be just letting them do this type of thing every day obviously they prefer to pay out victims families after they've committed suicide then actually removing these bully's.?
These people have on numerous occasions wasted the child protection society's time chasing up complaints against dog owner for simply taking pictures of their own kids with their own pets how many legitimate abuse reports went unchecked while these fixatious complaints were followed up only to be dismissed as hoaxes?
As you can see Aaron wood is an extremely special kind of stupid and he obviously hates pit bull more then he cares about children.
They claim to be concerned for the children obviously not concerned enough to NOT post their pics all over their hate pages thus exposing them further.
It's time for Facebook to get serious with it's enforcement of it's own community standards let me ask this FACEBOOK, how many people have to commit suicide before you'll act? 10, 20 100?
If you click on the blue links they'll take you straight to the haters unless they have you blocked and if they do there's a fair bet your pics are on their pages too because the cowards block their victims prior to posting their pics all over their hate groups.
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