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Monday, 15 September 2014

A Listing of More Fake Bull Sites, Each With Links To More:

A Listing of More Fake Bull Sites, Each With Links To More:
A conglomeration of news features about pit bulls that are twisted to suit the author’s agenda.  The site is to “Educate The Public About Pit Bulls”.  While not much effort has gone into this one, it is heaped onto the rest of the pretend-facts blogs to add to the numbers:
This site makes no attempt to hide the fact that it skews facts AND people.  Unabashedly naming-names of those who dare oppose the views of ‘Dawn James’ (another fake name/person) and twisting half-truths to suit their own agenda.  Nationally- acclaimed behaviorists and pit moms alike are trashed in this hodgepodge of fuckery:
FAKE PROFILES THAT NEED REPORTED TO FACEBOOK:  It is against Facebook Terms of Service Policy to have a personal profile that isn’t a ‘real’ person.  As many animal advocates can attest, Facebook is making those having profiles that are suspected of not being ‘real’ people, fax them a copy of their photo identification.  Although I am certain this group of fakes will simply put up another fake profile, the following profiles need to be GONE from Facebook, as they are clearly the same individual.  To report a regular page, go to the bottom left, and click ‘Report/Block’, then check the box that says, “Not a real person”.  To report a timeline, go to the gear in the upper-right corner and hit “Report/Block”, then click “Not a real person”. – This profile actually changed names in the time it took me to write this post!! It was Ginny LRidley, now it is Fiona Mastiff!!!  In reality, it’s a woman named Dawn James:!/profile.php?id=100002775596708&sk=wall
This woman is actually   Now Tim’s Cockatiels…no doubt due to the negative publicity she spouts!!!  If you scroll down to the first page, her Fiona, looks amazingly like a “Pit Bull Type”…classic hypocrite!!!!
Here’s What She Does When She’s NOT trashing pits and their owners:  (She’s not a playa, she just eats a lot.)  Colleen L’s Yelp Profile shows she does a good deal of drinking and fine dining, at the expense of our pups!
  • Review from Colleen L.
  • Photo of Colleen L.
What to Expect When Confronting This Group:
Myths of the Absolute:
1.  All pit bulls are dangerous, unpredictable beasts who will attack without warning
2.  All pit owners, fanciers are prostitutes, dog fighters and drug dealers
3.   All pit bulls possess supernatural traits, ie. ‘locking jaws’, no fence can contain them, unGodly strength
4.  All BSL proponents are experts on pit bulls, but are unable to define them
5.  All pit bulls must be eradicated
6.  Any individual that speaks out for pit bulls has questionable mental faculties
Recognize Their Tactics:
1.  Personal attacks will take the place of evidence
2. The subject will change depending on where they want to go, or when they perceive you are making ground
3. Goading us into anger
4.  Promoting breed/breeder hatred
5.  Identifying pit bulls as ‘victims’, while calling for their extinction
6.  Hiding behind anonymity
7.  Claiming to be experts, but with no credentials
8.  Bashing those WITH credentials
9  Accusing defenders of doing what they are doing, ie. changing subject, not caring about victims
10.  Isolating one defender to befriend, while trashing another
What to Do To Protect Your Animals:
1. Debate openly
2.  Stay on topic
3.  Ignore personal attacks
4.  Substitute fiction with facts – offer proof
5.  Use humor
6.  Know who you are talking to
7.  Know yourself
8.  Know the law
9.  Treat your opposers with courtesy, respect and politeness
10.  Learn from EVERY ENCOUNTER!!!!!
One Analogy:

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