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Monday, 15 September 2014


Strategies for dealing with dangerous dogs next door

An anonymous reader sent these suggestions for dealing with maulers next door. This is a threat to be taken seriously as evidenced in tragic cases like those of  Klonda Richey and Juan Campos, not to mention the staggering number of innocent pets mauled to death in their own yards by invading pit bulls. We welcome comments, and if there is enough interest, we'll incorporate updates, improvements and refinements. 

First of all, get the neighbors on board.

Get as many neighbors to call in every single complaint they have, and send letters when needed. You cannot be the only one that wants the maulers gone. Make sure the owners get anonymous notes about their dogs being a threat, and let them know that every time their maulers leave the house someone is watching them, waiting to have them removed.

Do not harass them or be nasty, just let them know they are posing a threat and they will not be tolerated. Even the biggest jerk is bothered by a steady onslaught of complaints. REMAIN ANONYMOUS. There is power in this, as well as safety.

Keep in mind that if you engage these people directly, they may get violent. People have been shot and killed over this.

Stay safe. The owners are often as volatile as their grippers, and they frequently have anti social behaviors and criminal proclivities. Let the authorities handle them, and keep your actual names out of any actions.

You need the neighbors to be witnesses and write their own complaints about the dogs, so the sooner you organize them, they better. Just know most people are both lazy, AND hesitant to get involved. This may be the most frustrating thing. Head this off by offer to write the letters for them, as long as they agree with the content and are willing to sign it. The more people you can get to complain the better it is for you. Letters to the local newspaper can also help, if enough neighbors do it.

Secondly, approach the landlord or the property management company. 

Send the owners landlord a certified letter telling them all about the danger this dog poses, and list all of the attacks and escapes, plus any other witnesses. Make sure you include the bill for your dogs vet bills, with a detailed description of the wounds. Ask them for reimbursement, and ask who their insurance carrier is (you should already know this).

Let them know that they WILL be liable for any more attacks. Since they have been notified, if they do nothing to remedy the situation, it will be even worse for them financially if any attacks happen. Let them know that the average insurance claim for pit attacks is $500,000, with awards being much higher if a lawsuit is necessary.

Let them know that you understand their position, but that you cannot live in terror each day. Spell out clearly that your small children are in serious danger; they may have kids too. Be polite, be to the point, offer a way out: eviction. I would send it overnight, with a signature required for delivery.

Call the landlord and see if they are willing to do anything, and when this will happen. Make sure you wait until they get the letter. Be kind and polite, and make sure they know that they will be on the hook for any attacks from the maulers. If they are going to help, thank them profusely and tell them they are saving lives. People need to feel good

about doing the right thing.

Thirdly, approach their insurer.

Find the insurance carrier and send them a similar (but shorter, and more professional) letter. If you weren't paid by the landlord, make a claim. If you were paid, make sure they know this.

Tread carefully! Be advised that this step could result in the insurance company dropping the coverage.This could force the landlord to have the mauler removed in order to secure new insurance coverage, but it could also result in a victim being unprotected financially. Without insurance, victims can only get a judgement against the landlord, many years later, if you are lucky, with no guarantee of recovery.

To be fair, you may be unprotected anyway, as many carriers will not pay out for pit bull attacks. They are often not covered because of the inherent hazard. You can find out if they cover pit attacks BEFORE you let them know about the situation- if they don't, you might as well let them know, you have nothing to lose. If this is the case, also let that

landlord know that HE will be personally liable!

Fourth: Call the cops.

Engage the police department, and push for removal of the animal and for charges from the last attack (based on the pattern, which you MUST document carefully).

Call them about the dogs anytime you feel threatened, or they are lose, or trying to get loose/ ANY excuse to have them come out, you need a record of complaints. Be frank with them, some might actually help you. They may also be more apt to come with guns drawn if they know the dogs are likely to attack. This is good, one snarl and the grippers may be


Then send the Police/ Sheriff, and Animal Control, a letter with the same information, plus the dates of any complaints. Firmly request that the dog is removed, and remind them that they too have been informed, and when an attack on a human occurs, they may be considered responsible. They won't get hit financially, but people may lose their jobs or get suspended if the case is egregious enough. I wouldn't bet on this outcome, but it is still a good threat.

If the steps above just won't work, you might opt to go vigilante, in which case your legal covering will be shaky at best. But it is a matter of safety at this point, and I would call it self defense. (As a wise man once said, it's better to be judged by 12 than to be carried by 6.) The maulers will at some point "somehow" get loose and seize a human victim. Your children are in very real danger. If only I were kidding - but a pit bull attack is so sudden, and so violent that, even if you are right there, you may be unable to stop them. Your conscience must be your guide here in choosing between greater and lesser evils, for the greater good.

It would be best if you could see them at large, and record it on your cell phone. Then you can call the cops and tell them that you are in deadly situation, that they are violently aggressive and have killed before. When cops have to come out to take care of a pit bull running loose, things often escalate in such a way as to result in the removal of the threat.

Do not call animal control (aka, pit bull social workers), they won't help you, as they tend to be primarily concerned with trying to maintain a positive image for pit bulls. The police, on the other hand, see these attacks often enough they know to shoot to kill.

Of course there are other ways to rid the neighborhood of these killers permanently, but I don't think the owners of this site want anyone posting things that encourage harming any animal. It sickens me that it can come to this in order to keep people safe from these beasts.

To pit lovers who think this is cruel: F you. We are tired of being forced to deal with your deadly dogs everyday - especially those of which owners know to be aggressive, those that have killed animals and attacked humans in the past. It's on you to keep your maulers contained. They shouldn't be killing and attacking, ever, let alone at this insane rate. You all like to talk about responsible owners, but finding one is near impossible. 

The danger needs to be resolved before someone dies.

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