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Monday, 15 September 2014

Gail Rosbach makes me throw up in my mouth a little

Gail Rosbach makes me throw up in my mouth a little

The absolute HYPOCRISY of these people never ends. Why is it okay for them to love their dogs so much, to give them Christmas presents, to think of them as FAMILY, but not for the rest of us simply because they don’t like the “breed” (that isn’t actually a breed).
It is the statements like this that make me see he proof..more and more, that this is not about any kind of victim advocacy or any kind of realistic concern. It’s nothing more than personal vendettas born of ignorance and fear. And they should all be stopped. That is another reason I will fight their lies, their bullshit and their insanity until the day I take my final breath.

Remove Pit Bulls From Our Public Schools in Texas

    1. Gail Rosbach
    3. Petition by
      Corpus Christi, TX
Pit Bull owners have been bringing their dogs into Public Schools recently in their attempt to "soften" the reputation of the Pit Bull.   They allow their dogs to interact with the children, receive "doggy kisses" and teach the children that Pit Bulls are great dogs. Pit Bull Owners often say their dogs are "Service Dogs", but that is not true.  They may be considered "Emotional Support Dogs"  which are not recognized by the ADA.  Even Pit Bulls that have passed training tests are not stable enough to be taken into schools.  They too, have attacked. There is no reason for these dog to be in our Public Schools except for the owners to push their own interests and their agenda on our children. Pit Bulls are not part of the States Teaching and Learning Plan, and the danger they present is just too high to take a chance by allowing them to be in Schools.  Their are no studies to prove what the owners are teaching our children is even remotely true
We strongly object to this practice as we feel Pit Bulls are dangerous, and we don't want our children interacting with them in any way. We have taught our children to stay away from Pit Bulls, they do not visit at other childrens' homes if that family owns Pit Bulls, and many of us have children and pets that have been attacked already by Pit Bulls., some of them fatally.  We feel Pit Bulls are inherently dangerous.  This is backed by the High Court in Maryland, that ruled that Pit Bulls are inherently dangerous in its decision with Tracey vs Solesky . Accoring to, a website that advocates for the Victims of Pit Bulls and other Dangerous Dogs, Pit Bulls are responsible for 74% of fatal dogs attacks, together with Rottweilers. 700 Cities have Bans or Breed Specific Laws. The entire US Army, Marine Corps, and the Airforce do not allow Pit Bulls on their Bases or in their Base Housing, they are banned because they are considered too dangerous.
Pit Bulls are notorious for attacking unprovoked and without warning.  It does not matter how the dog was raised, even well raised, trained Pit Bulls have attacked. They have a disposition that is unpredictable, unstable and are predisposed to violence.  This year alone, there have been 23 deaths by dogs, 20 of those deaths were caused by Pit Bulls and Pit Bull Type Dogs, and 14 of the deaths were children.  Texas leads  all of the 50 States with the most Pit Bull Fatalities.  As far as non-fatality injuries, they happen everyday, there have been hundreds of them.  One only needs to Google in Pit Bull Attacks to see how many there really are.  And severity of these attacks is appalling.  Pit Bull attacks are always severe, because of this dogs particular grip on its victim, its refusal to release its victim, and its hold and shake pattern, the victims are left with deep tissue wounds, dismemberment, degloving, and kids usually will have horrendous facial wounds Texas Doctors produced a study, Mauling and Maiming by Vicious Dogs. The conclusions of this study are that Pit Bull Attacks are associated with high morbidlity rates, higher hospital charges and a higher risk of death than are attacks by other breeds.
Other concerns are with Insurance should a child be bitten by one of these dogs and does require Plastic Surgery and Reconstruction. Public Schools have no coverage for this type of injury, rarely does the Pit Bull owner have any Liability Insurance on their dog. (To date, only 2% of Pit Bull Attack Victims have collected any monies for medical bills.)   If the childs parents have their child covered on their policy, their insurance will not cover the plastic surgery needed. Health Insurance companies consider Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery an elective, cosmetic procedure and does not pay for that.  The only alternative would be a huge Lawsuit against the school.  It is not unusual for some of these kids, bitten in the face by a Pit Bull, to have over a million dollars in Medical Bills by the time they are finished with all the many surgeries needed
All this represents a huge risk to everyone, but esp. our Children.  We do not want to see Pit Bulls in our Public Schools in Texas anymore.

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