I wish more pit advocates would learn more about their breed.
They could start by reading writings from one of their own, DIANE JESSUP, a pit bull owner, breeder, author, EXPERT and former ACO, that is well known and respected in the pit b... See More
And one link to get the nutters all riled up! This is some sick shit, please go check it out. These are all animals mauled by PIT BULLS, which do about 90% of the attacks and damage on other animals.

(Seriously, people, pits were bred to attack other dogs, and fight until death, and given the physical characteristics to be the very best killer- what did you think would happen when they became part of the pet population?) 
Want to HELP the VICTIMS? Here is a link to their medical fundraisers, click for their pics and stories. Please, if you love pit bulls, go to this page and see the damage they cause, and this is but a tiny sampling. Then give some money, it... See More
Yes, I have been LAZY. It's the hot part of summer here, and like normal people that have lives, I am enjoying it by the pool.
It's not that pit attacks have stopped, or even slowed, its just too nice out to be on the computer all day. We get such a short swim season, I won't lose it arguing with haters.
Total scum balls.
The Lexus Project recommends hiding your maulers.
Photo: The Lexus Project recommends hiding your maulers.
Just another day for maulers
We have another Mom sharing her story. Thank You for speaking out.................
My daughter was attacked on may 2nd by a pit bull and had emergency surgery
It happened on May 2nd,2014 at around 7:00pm our whole world changed!
In that ... See More
Photo: We have another  Mom sharing her story. Thank You for speaking out.................
My daughter was attacked on may 2nd by a pit bull and had emergency surgery
 It happened on May 2nd,2014 at around 7:00pm our whole world changed!
 In that moment I was in shock at the same time I was having to 
 save my baby girl (Cadence,6) from a pit bull attack!
 she had only been out of the truck at a friends house for
 a few minutes...I was getting my youngest son(2months) out of his car seat
 at that time.Cadence walked around the truck and the pit
 was sniffing her leg.All of a sudden She starts screaming, "Mommy  help me!" repeatedly over and over and louder and louder!
 Not thinking at that time I got out of the truck with my son in one arm and the dog had drug her to the ground on her stomach and all I could grab was her hair.My husband and his 
 friend(the owner of the dog) was at the back of the truck and had a loud racing four wheeler started and couldn't hear what was going on. So, while I was pulling Cadences hair (because thats all I could grab, and I was scared to let her go and put the baby down because I didnt know if he would try and go for something else or drag her off! the dog was on the other end pulling
 her leg. the closer i'd get to the guys to help me the dog would drag her back! I finally got their attention and  they ran over kicked the dog and held it. Me screaming telling my husband to hurry and check her leg!  he puts her in the back of the truck and starts screaming we have to go to the hospital NOW!!! 
 so we rush in the truck and drive the 30-45 minute drive to the nearest hospital. As soon as we get there, they
 tell us she will be transported to Johnson City Medical Center in Johnson City,TN where they will be waiting 
 for her to rush her to surgery! they started surgery at 1;28am and she arrived back into her room at 3:50am 
 The only thing that held us together and made her strong was the POWER OF PRAYER! We (as a family) prayed
 so hard on that drive to the hospital and all during surgery! That night our hearts stopped for a few hours. Not 
 knowing if our baby-girl would lose her leg not knowing how bad it really was...not knowing anything until she
 got out of surgery was the hardest thing as parents for my husband and I that we had ever had to endure in our 
Children's Mercy Hospital Kansas city pediatric advisor:

Choose a pet who is friendly and tolerates children. Pit bull terriers and Rottweilers are especially dangerous and do not make good pets for young children. Do not take the risk.
This is for all of you that make excuse after excuse, after excuse….
Loca, I am looking at YOU, Miss "It must have been a bad owner the dogs aren't bad"…
The Pit Bull Advocate's Playbook
Photo: The Pit Bull Advocate's Playbook
"Don't take that chance. Its just not worth it"
I just wish the kids didn't suffer for the adults stupidity. I am very glad this kid made it, his injuries were very severe. Watch and learn. I am glad the owner has learned a lesson from this.
Unheeded Warnings commented on an article.
SHe is a strong woman, I wish her the best. What an amazing guy to save her like that. I am so glad she survived.
Unheeded Warnings commented on an article.
This is the saddest thing. I hope some real laws are passed. When a kid cannot play in their OWN YARD? This story really hit home to me, my kid is near this age.
I am so sorry to the family, no one should ever have to endure such a tragedy.
Oh, pit bull lovers and nutters, why do you NEVER comment on any of the stats, deaths, or mailings? YOu will post on opinions or general comments about pits, but never on the facts. Why is this?
Nutters sure hate people that call them out for what they are, and they really hate those that call their maulers out for what THEY are- deadly gripping monsters.

You all hate Colleen because she is RIGHT. She covers ALL the DBRFs, of ALL breeds. She collects the data you are all too afraid, or too stupid, to look through. I bet you nutters couldn't even read all the DBRf's and the info that goes with them without trying to make excuses for all the "pibbles" on that list.
**Pits are responsible for 14 out of 19 DBRFs. in 2014**
Lets not even get into the daily maulings that leave people in critical condition, often disfigured forever.
Here is the list of names, and the situation, and breed of dog. THESE PEOPLE MATTER.
2014 - 19 U.S. DOG BITE FATALITIES- 1/1- 5/8

 See More
Please know how much I HATE FAKE SERVICE DOGS.
It is not a reasonable accommodation to make a city with BSL allow your pit bull "service dog". These dogs have no business being serve animals, but not in BSL areas for sure.
I hope this attack makes the laws change, so people cannot lie like they have been.
List of pit bulls that have jumped out of windows and off balconies to attack.
This is NOT normal dog behavior.
Have you been told pit bulls are just like other dogs? See this list of pit bulls leaping from upper stories just to attack
Photo: Have you been told pit bulls are just like other dogs?  See this list of pit bulls leaping from upper stories just to attack
Nice attack wound! Lets here what nutters have to say about the dog that did this, shall we? They think he is a sweet, pretty, angel. These are some sick people.

Lisa Boss Love this pic he's so beautiful
4 · April 21 at 4:35am
Deneen Grov... See More
Look like more than a bite to you?
Photo: Look like more than a bite to you?