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Monday, 15 September 2014

Nathan James

What foamers do on Sunday morning while the rest of us walk our dogs:
Nathan James You're all out of your minds.
7 hrs · Like
Nathan James Clara had the other dog in its mouth and wouldn't let go. No one would step in to break it up except the victim's owner who apparently cared enough about his own dog. He tried other ways to get Clara off his dog, but ended up resorting to stabbing it t...See More
7 hrs · Like
Nathan James Certain pro-pitbull websites spin this story, acting like he just went up and stabbed Clara for no reason. You all claim anti-pitbull sites use propaganda, BUT WTF IS THAT IF NOT PROPAGANDA?
7 hrs · Like
Nathan James Clara is the victim, for biting the other dog? Riiiiiight. You all need to be medicated, seriously.
7 hrs · Like
Nathan James If Clara had been allowed to keep biting the other dog, and had killed it, I bet you all would be overjoyed at her getting away with it! BECAUSE ACCORDING TO YOU FOOLS PITBULLS CAN DO NO WRONG. I'd like one of you to admit at least once that a pitbull was actually wrong for killing someone!
6 hrs · Edited · Like
Nathan James Cindy, for your ignorance I hope this happens to you:
Horrifying Death For Dog Rescuer
A Georgia college student who devoted "countless hours" to abandoned animals was...See More
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Nathan James ""[The dogs] never showed any type of aggression, even if one got loose,” neighbor Monica Cofer told Fox 5 TV in Atlanta." FROM AN UNBIASED SOURCE
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Nathan James You all are so ignorant, you might as well believe the Earth is flat! Unbelievable! I never knew people could be so blind in the face of facts and reason!
7 hrs · Like
Nathan James I'm against BSL. Its not the dog's fault, its always the owners. That's why I support treating pitbulls as weapons in the owner's hands in these cases. When a pitbull kills someone, the owner should be tried for second-degree murder. Mauling? Aggravate...See More
7 hrs · Edited · Like
Nathan James One last thing. You all should burn in hell for the disrespect you show to the countless dead who have been killed by pitbulls. Total disrespect, by ignoring them and their tragic stories and claiming its heresay! Like a dog is worth more than a human's life! What about Daxton Borchardt and all the others? You'll spin the story all day to prove the pit innocent but in the end the kid is dead by the jaws of a pitbull!
6 hrs · Like

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