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Sunday, 14 September 2014

Deborah Riethmeier ·

  • Deborah Riethmeier ·  Top Commenter · Letter Carrierat United States Post Office
    The numbers on bully breeds that have maimed and killed are not hard to come by as the journalists claims in the above article. Type in the search tab: Animal People PDF dog attacks. Boom! An accounted for and researched study according to news reports and other sources breaking down the breeds during a 30 year period. The CDC does a lousy job keeping up with the world of dog bites but information is out there. The winner by an overwhelming large number is -----> The Pit Bull
    To call this a "stereotype" may be doing the innocent public a disservice. Of course there are friendly pit's, but anyone with common sense and logic can read the numbers as well as me.
    Reminder, many of the dog that have attacked were well trained socialized animals living in loving homes.

    Still a fence sitter? Still eager to put this DNA into your home with children? A safer choice for a pet may be another breed.
  • Joel Joyce · Winston-Salem, North Carolina
    But her 7-year-old pit bull, Mr. Thibodeaux, she said, is none of those things.

    LOL that's what they all say. These dogs should be registered like guns.
    • Protect Children From Pit Bulls And Other Dangerous Dogs
      For every fatality caused by pit bulls and related breeds there are 60 attacks that put the victims in shock trauma units. that means in the last 5 days about 180 people have been hospitalized from being attacked by one or more pit bull type dogs.
      • Diego Fairley · Fairview, Oregon
        We still have German shepherds, Rottweilers and Dobermans, this too shall pass.
        • Dan Sanders ·  Top Commenter ·Wethersfield, Connecticut
          Amen, brother.
        • Tessa Robinette
          BSL worked to reduce their numbers (backyard breeders) and heighten awareness about their aggressive behaviors--they weren't continued to be bred unchecked. Breeding blood lines of animals showing aggression makes those very traits dominant.
      August 13 · 
      Simply put, border collies do not herd sheep because they are raised on sheep farms; rather, they are raised on sheep farms because they herd. In addition pointers point, retrievers retrieve, and mastiffs guard, all because those traits are part of their breed expectations, meaning strong and continuous selection in the underlying breeding program "
      Simply put Pit bulls do not attack because they are raised with dog fighters and drug dealers, dog fighters and drug dealers use...
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      Protect Children From Pit Bulls And Other Dangerous Dogs's photo.
      Protect Children From Pit Bulls And Other Dangerous Dogs
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