This woman is BRILLIANT. Could not have said it better myself. I might be in love. Educated, beautiful, and not afraid to speak against evil. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

A must read for anyone advocating for pit bulls.
"the penalties for the owners of the pit bulldogs responsible for the carnage perpetrated against other pit bulldogs are stiff. they face felony charges and sometimes federal charges that can result in prison time, massive fines, automatic ... See More
"I actually thought they were going to kill her, they were that violent," Annette Cuda said. "They wouldn't let her go. I thought we were going to lose our puppy."
"It was terrifying," Steven Cuda said. "We had a difficult time surviving th...See More
"It was terrifying," Steven Cuda said. "We had a difficult time surviving th...See More
Thank God this man was able to get a gun. This could've ended much worse if not for the protection he had. Just like Lexie. These men are heroes." Pro-pit bull groups argue that the 20-year fatal dog attack study (from 1979 to 1998) issue... See More
WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT. Yes, pit bulls attack, maul, and kill the very hand that feeds them, time and time again.
Another pit bull righteously stabbed. One has every right to protect and defend the animals and people around them. "It was extremely traumatic, it really was," Kemp said. "It was a disturbing, horrific scene. The violence and the savagery ... See More
Just like any other dogs huh?
I'm sure the assaults by pitdiots will begin shortly if not already on the man who "assaulted" (rigggggght) the devil dog pit bulls. Like Lexie's owner, this man deserves a medal of honor. "Apparently the child fell down and the dogs went i... See More
Exactly why strict legislation on who is allowed to own the most murderous breed is a public emergency. People are being killed every 11 days. Pit Bulls are NOT family pets.
Prayers for this man and his golden retriever puppy, Addie. Too bad he wasn't carrying protection. Those devil dog pit bulls need a dirt nap.
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