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Sunday, 14 September 2014

Justice for Lexi

Cover Photo
Justice for Lexie who was brutally attacked at Petsmart by a Pit Bull

Justice for Lexie who was brutally attacked at Petsmart by a Pit Bull

This woman is BRILLIANT. Could not have said it better myself. I might be in love. Educated, beautiful, and not afraid to speak against evil. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
I'm going to get a lot of hate for this, but I don't care.
"the penalties for the owners of the pit bulldogs responsible for the carnage perpetrated against other pit bulldogs are stiff. they face felony charges and sometimes federal charges that can result in prison time, massive fines, automatic ... See More
So, where is the oldest known reference to the Staffie Bull being some sort of nanny dog? In a New York Times article. In 1971, Walter R. Fletcher wrote an article entitled, "A Breed That Came Up the Hard Way" in which he interviewed Willia... See More
Photo: So, where is the oldest known reference to the Staffie Bull being some sort of nanny dog? In a New York Times article. In 1971, Walter R. Fletcher wrote an article entitled, "A Breed That Came Up the Hard Way" in which he interviewed William R. Daniels and Mrs. Lilian Rant, President and magazine editor for the Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of America on the eve of the Staffie Bull's being granted permission to be shown in the American Kennel Club's miscellaneous class. It's the first step to AKC recognition and the club wanted to polish their dog's image.

Daniels brings up Dickens' villainous Bull's-Eye again and Mrs. Rant acknowledges that the Stafford "had an unsavory reputation for fighting and violence and his name became associated with ruffians, who cared little for him as a dog but only for his ability in the pit. The Stafford we know today quickly becomes a member of the family circle. He loves children and is often referred to as a 'nursemaid dog.'"

Well, there it is. Mrs. Rant, lover and promoter of the Stafford, is clearly speaking in the present tense about the dog of today (1971) currently being referred to as a 'nursemaid dog' in the United States. She is using a variation of the argument that Mr. Lee used 77 years before about the Bull Terrier, suggesting that the Staffordshire Bull Terrier's unsavory reputation as a fighting dog has been left in the far distant past. She harkens back to Dickens again, before the Staffordshire Bull Terrier even existed as a distinct breed. Her contention that Staffordshire Bull Terriers are OFTEN referred to as nursmaid dogs is a little bit of a stretch, too. In 1971, there were 99 registered Staffordshire Bull Terriers in the United States. As editor of the club's magazine, she must have been at the center of all conversation about the breed. It is likely that she either coined the nickname or promulgated it through the magazine, and the term may have gained popularity among those few Stafford enthusiasts who subscribed to her magazine.

A timeline search does not turn up a mention of the exact term "nanny dog" until 1987 in an archived Toronto Star article entitled, Move to Outlaw Pit Bulls Under Study in Several Cities. 

"Breeder Kathy Thomas, president of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier Association said, 'We're aware of the fighting - there's a lot of it in the Hamilton area. We only sell to family homes.'"

"Thomas, mother of two young children, said her eight Staffordshires are 'wonderful with children. In England, our Staffies were called the nanny-dog because they were gentle with kids.'"

Here's where the lie begins to get twisted into its most bizarre and current form and the Nanny Dog myth jumps on the crazy train. The Nanny Dog argument is no longer valid in the way that Mrs. Rant used it in 1971 when the general public was not aware of contemporary dog fighting. By the 1980s, dog fighting had become a generally recognized problem and initiatives to ban pit bulls were beginning. Kathy Thomas acknowledges that there is dog fighting going on all around her in 1987 near Toronto. She can no longer say that the Staffie was once, long ago, in Dickensian England a fighting dog, but has been transformed by many years of selective breeding to be a gentle nanny dog. The dogs are fighting all around her. So, the lie becomes that Staffordshire Bull Terriers were ALWAYS known as nanny dogs. They snuggled with the babies by day, ripped out throats and gutted each other by night and, returning from the fight, snuggled once again with the baby in the pram, this time ripped to shreds and soaked in blood.

It took about 16 years for the story to mutate into the Nanny dog of England - historic fighter and lover of children. But, the myth did not really take off for another 4 years, when Mrs. Rant published her book in 1991, Staffordshire Bull Terriers: Owner's Companion. She uses the term "nursemaid dog" three times and significantly says, " He has a great affection for children, having earned the title 'nursemaid dog' many years ago." (p.117) In this instance, "many years ago" means about 20 years previous, when she first coined or adopted the term.

And how about the history of the term "America's Nanny Dog" referring to the American Pit Bull Terrier or the American Staffordshire Terrier? 5,570 results come up for that query. Again, you cannot find one single citation, source or reference to a text from the 1940s that confirms this assertion. A google timeline search for "America's Nanny Dog" shows the earliest online publication date is September 25, 2007 as an opinion piece in the online publication, Times-Standard entitled "America's Nanny Dog" by Tyla Hafstrom. It is a complete fabrication and an utter lie.

Go ahead and prove me wrong, not with a single primary source, but with a preponderance of evidence that demonstrates the incredible existence of the baby loving fighting dog that was so beloved and so popular in times gone by that it was commonly called the nanny dog.
What a perfect family pet, said no sane person ever! Plays rough with children and had to be taken away from a helper dog to see if he was good with other dogs.
TO BE DESTROYED - 09/14/14
Brooklyn Center - P

My name is ROMEO. My Animal ID # is A1012885.
I am a neutered male brown and white pit bull mix. The shelter thinks I am about 1 YEAR 2 MONTHS old.
... See More
 — with Micky Rudolph and 32 others.
Photo: TO BE DESTROYED - 09/14/14
Brooklyn Center - P

My name is ROMEO. My Animal ID # is A1012885.
I am a neutered male brown and white pit bull mix. The shelter thinks I am about 1 YEAR 2 MONTHS old.

I came in the shelter as a OWNER SUR on 09/03/2014 from NY 11368, owner surrender reason stated was LLORDPRIVA. 

09/09/2014 Exam Type CAGE EXAM - Medical Rating is 3 C - MAJOR CONDITIONS , Behavior Rating is EXPERIENCE, Weight 59.8 LBS.


09/03/14 19:15 NAME: Romeo REASON FOR SURRENDER Client has moved to a place where they do not execpt animals. RELATIONSHIP Client has owned Romeo for about a year. PEOPLE Romeo lives in a household with 2 adult. Client says children have often come to the house and Romeo tolerates them. Romeo does play rough with children. He allows the kids to do whatever they want to him. OTHER ANIMALS Romeo has lived in a household with other dogs and they coexisted perfectly. Romeo has never lived nor interacted with any cats. PERSONALITY/HABITS Romeo is described as a dog with a high activity level. Client states he is very mellow in the household but quite hyper outside.At home he follows people around and usually in the room they are in. Very often he tries to engage in play. He also loves to wrestle with people and he plays rough. He's not aggressive he just jumps all over you and it may be too much for children. When people are present he will follow them around looking to be rubbed and hugged. Romeo eats both wet and dry food (virtually any brand). TRAINING Romeo knows commands like "sit" and "stay". One crucial thing about Romeo's training is he will only eat when you tell him to. Otherwise when food is placed in front of him, he will not eat until you say "Go eat Romeo". MEDICAL Romeo has no health issues that client is aware of. BEHAVIOR DURING INTAKE Romeo was very social during intake. He engaged and play and allowed to be rubbed and walked by unfamiliar faces. He also allowed to be collared by an unfamiliar face.

No Web Memo

Helper Dog: A1012776 Notes: Romeo's previous owner states he has lived with cats, dogs and two adults and is relaxed and friendly with children and got along well with the cat and dog that he lived with. Romeo pulls on the leash and was sociable toward the handler during the assessment - soft body. He was excited during some of the handling items, but had soft body language. He was excitable, but playful while playing tag. He did not resist being handled while eating, and was easily pushed out of the food bowl. He put his body between the assessor and toy, showing no growling or stiffness and showed minimal interest in rawhides. Romeo rushed in confidently towards the helper dog , body is tense, ears erect, tail high, snarling and growling. Look: 2. Dog pulls out of Assessor's hands each time without settling during three repetitions. Sensitivity: 1. Dog leans into the Assessor, his eyes are averted, tail wagging, soft body and mouth open. Tag: 1. Dog assumes play position and joins the game. Dog jumps on Assessor once play begins. Squeeze 1/2: 1. Dog does not respond at all for three seconds. Food: 1. Dog lifts head and ceases eating when you reach to push him out. Toy: 2. Dog takes toy away, keeps a firm hold. His body is between you and the toy, and he is loose and wiggly. No growling or stiffness. Rawhide: 1. Minimal interest in rawhide, dog may smell or lick, then turns away. Dog-dog: 4. Dog approaches the helper dog, body is tense, tail well above spine level, ears forward, snarling and growling. Dog-dog follow up with helper dog A1012319: Romel and the helper dog met through the fence. They sniffed each other, and immediately Romeo started hard barking and his hackles raised. When walking back and forth past one another, Romeo continuously rushed toward the helper dog. Romeo's focus could not be broken. When they met nose-to-nose, Romeo rushed in and jumped, trying to get over the helper dog's head. Romeo appears to be rude and may have a poor understanding of social signals. After meeting nose-to-nose three times, Romeo hard barked and snapped at the helper dog. At this point, the interaction was ended. During the entire interaction, the helper dog was noticeably uncomfortable and demonstrating a lot of calming signals. Romeo was rude nonetheless.

Medical rating was 1 - NORMAL , behavior rating was NONE
scan positive # 985112003167698 neutered, ~ 1 yr 2 mo nervous during exam BARH BCS 3/5 gave 3ml activyl and 6ml dewormer ears and eyes clear, teeth clean long nails trimmed

Medical rating 3 C - MAJOR CONDITIONS , behavior rating EXPERIENCE

Additiona Photos:

Original Thread:



For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following:

If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the dogs at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process. *We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*

For more info on behavior codes and ratings, please read here:

For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please see:

You can call (212) 788-4000 for automated instructions.
"I actually thought they were going to kill her, they were that violent," Annette Cuda said. "They wouldn't let her go. I thought we were going to lose our puppy."
"It was terrifying," Steven Cuda said. "We had a difficult time surviving th...See More
Never forget that it can happen to anyone, at anytime, and for no reason.
Any parent can take the risk of owning pit bulls...but why?

Photo shots aimed at proving "it's the owner" are risking the lives of babies. Propping your swaddling child against any dog is a recipe for disaster, DON'T DO IT!

You have a... See More
Photo: Any parent can take the risk of owning pit bulls...but why?

Photo shots aimed at proving "it's the owner" are risking the lives of babies.  Propping your swaddling child against any dog is a recipe for disaster, DON'T DO IT!   

You have a camera in your hands, how could you possibly react in time?  Even if the dog were to do something as simple as get nervous and move away, the results could be deadly for your fragile loved one.

If your staged photo were to turn into a deadly attack, the pit bull excuse brigade would suggest that you should have been watching your child better.  They would announce that you are indeed one of the BAD OWNERS that we hear so much about, when another misunderstood pit bull rips a demonic child's face off.   

A recent message from a dog fanatic included a photo of a newborn leaning against her aging pit bull.  The dog did not appear the slightest bit happy about it.  "Does this look dangerous to you?"  the brilliant caption she provided.  

Yes, as a matter of fact...IT DOES!  

I responded with a picture of Nephi Selu, the 6 year old murdered by a pit bull last month.  The owner of the dog said they were "best friends"  This picture was taken with the same twisted agenda as hers.  

As I expected, it had no effect on her.  It often seems that those attracted to vicious dogs are immune to stories of tragedy and loss, that is..unless a poor pit bull happens to be shot.  Her response was quite typical, and riddled with irony.  An excerpt:
"No mother is going to volunteer information that they created the dog to be violent and take fault for their own part in their child's death"

On the same token...would any mother volunteer the information that they knowingly selected a violent breed to begin with?  

Of course not.

Perhaps it's even more offensive, that our own safety is cast aside with the same casual denial.  
It's hard to imagine the multiple levels of self-deception it must require to be a pit bull owner, especially with children.
Dogsbite is absolutely a credible and factual source. Anyone that dismisses them as a legitimate source is only doing so because the information on the page challenges the lies about pit bulls being spread by the pit bull lobby.
Photo: Dogsbite is absolutely a credible and factual source. Anyone that dismisses them as a legitimate source is only doing so because the information on the page challenges the lies about pit bulls being spread by the pit bull lobby.
IN-Fort Wayne girl mauled by neighbor’s pit bull-hospitalized several days
Photo: IN-Fort Wayne girl mauled by neighbor’s pit bull-hospitalized several days
Another pitdiot actually believing the most murderous breed should have the same rights as humans. Watch for her on the news. She has officially been documented.
Photo: Another pitdiot actually believing the most murderous breed should have the same rights as humans. Watch for her on the news. She has officially been documented.
Always a slave to their precious. They don't care about anyone else.
Photo: Always a slave to their precious.  They don't care about anyone else.
  • 12 people like this.
  • Larry Arnold 28 People dead (1 year) by a Breed of Dog, and people still want the Monsters around their Children. I call it unfit and endangering a Child's life. Especially with what we all know about them today. Is there any other animal besides us Humans that have killed more people than them? I don't know of any. It is crazy.
Thank God this man was able to get a gun. This could've ended much worse if not for the protection he had. Just like Lexie. These men are heroes." Pro-pit bull groups argue that the 20-year fatal dog attack study (from 1979 to 1998) issue... See More
Another pit bull righteously stabbed. One has every right to protect and defend the animals and people around them. "It was extremely traumatic, it really was," Kemp said. "It was a disturbing, horrific scene. The violence and the savagery ... See More
Just like any other dogs huh?
Das ist doch mal wirklich Tierquälerrei ??!!
I'm sure the assaults by pitdiots will begin shortly if not already on the man who "assaulted" (rigggggght) the devil dog pit bulls. Like Lexie's owner, this man deserves a medal of honor. "Apparently the child fell down and the dogs went i... See More

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