Most APBT puppies get along fantastically with other animals, including dogs. Puppies often love to play with and have companionship with other animals. This often gives owners a false sense of security. As the APBT matures, their relationship with other animals can change drastically. Often dog aggression issues emerge from 1-3 years in age, but some dog’s exhibit aggression as early as 6 months of age. They often will actively seek out other dogs to engage in fighting with and have broken their collars, crashed through windows, and torn through fences to do so, and one recently leaped from an apartment 2nd story balcony, to get to a dog. They can get along with other dogs at times, but things can escalate quickly and they can attack suddenly and for no apparent reason. They often redirect onto humans who try to break up the fight14. Extreme caution should be used with all animal interactions and owners should never be completely comfortable. They can be unpredictable and a dog that plays nicely with dogs for years can suddenly change. Many owners have been shocked to see their beloved pet’s fighting instincts suddenly surface. It is highly recommended that the APBT is separated from other animals in the household when they cannot be supervised15. This is not a breed that is suitable for interactions at off leash dog parks16.
Jeff D. Borchardt shared a link.
And so I added a comment in reply to Ms Streeter: “Nobody advocating for [breed specific legislation] has adopted that position because they were unable to find “one positive story.” Nor did they become BSL advocates because of “one negative story.” One comes to a policy position through exposure to epidemiological trends, not personal anecdotes. Moreover, just about every case in which a family’s pet dog mauled or killed a family member was a “positive story” until the tragedy happened – randomly and suddenly. Public policy is not about “you” or “me” or anyone in particular. It is about risk assessment. There are many people who smoke all their lives and never get lung cancer. That does not mean that smoking is safe. Pit bulls present an elevated risk to other animals and to humans. That is settled fact. What to do about it is the question you should be considering instead of limiting your focus to your particular pet.”
Susie Iwicki with Kimberly Sucharski Borchardt and Jeff Borchardt
"18 months and 6 days later, I still pine for Dax's smile. I know it's selfish, but I wish I could see him upset to leave my house just one more time. After 3 years of love, attention, vet bills, expensive dog food & treats, toys, socialization (with babies, children, and animals) and TIME, my pit bulls saw me as NOTHING MORE than a targeted obstacle. Up until then, they TRULY were SWEET & LOVING! --> Then they were ready to pull Dax from my arms, using their TEETH IN MY FLESH. Betrayal. HORROR. Lies, ("nanny dog" my ass!) nightmares; anxiety; fear.... Everything that I could do was what I did. He is not here after FIFTEEN MINUTES OF FULL-OUT ATTACK. Had I EVER known it was possible, it WOULD NOT have happened. And I live with my choice of "pet" every day and every sleepless/nightmare-filled night. THANK YOU TO THE PEOPLE THAT TOLD ME PIT BULLS WERE SOOOOO GREAT WITH CHILDREN....NOTTTTT! I hold each of you RESPONSIBLE. I had a healthy hesitation toward the breed, and YOU changed that. You also CHANGED MANY LIVES.
I'll say it over and over again. Please note that while others are called out for their role, I still accept mine, with a heavy heart of survivor's guilt. It should have been me, if anyone. No, I am not suicidal, but I would have gladly sacrificed myself for Dax, had I that choice."
"18 months and 6 days later, I still pine for Dax's smile. I know it's selfish, but I wish I could see him upset to leave my house just one more time. After 3 years of love, attention, vet bills, expensive dog food & treats, toys, socialization (with babies, children, and animals) and TIME, my pit bulls saw me as NOTHING MORE than a targeted obstacle. Up until then, they TRULY were SWEET & LOVING! --> Then they were ready to pull Dax from my arms, using their TEETH IN MY FLESH. Betrayal. HORROR. Lies, ("nanny dog" my ass!) nightmares; anxiety; fear.... Everything that I could do was what I did. He is not here after FIFTEEN MINUTES OF FULL-OUT ATTACK. Had I EVER known it was possible, it WOULD NOT have happened. And I live with my choice of "pet" every day and every sleepless/nightmare-filled night. THANK YOU TO THE PEOPLE THAT TOLD ME PIT BULLS WERE SOOOOO GREAT WITH CHILDREN....NOTTTTT! I hold each of you RESPONSIBLE. I had a healthy hesitation toward the breed, and YOU changed that. You also CHANGED MANY LIVES.
I'll say it over and over again. Please note that while others are called out for their role, I still accept mine, with a heavy heart of survivor's guilt. It should have been me, if anyone. No, I am not suicidal, but I would have gladly sacrificed myself for Dax, had I that choice."
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