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Sunday, 14 September 2014

Pitbull Holocaust

This Lady Is Gonna Get Pitbulls Banned : Arrested After Letting Her Dogs Loose On News Reporter!

Posted June 19, 2013 by landofthebanned
Categories: Ban Pit BullsBan Pitbulls

This Lady Is Gonna Get Pitbulls Banned In Rhode Island: Arrested After Letting Her Pitbull Dogs Loose On A News Reporter! abc 6 news women lets her Pitbulls attack news reporters girl women official video Mother, who’s daughter was a victim of a gun crime at a graduation party, tells dogs to attack news anchor who comes to tell her the suspect has turned his self into prison! This Lady Is Gonna Get Pitbulls Banned In Rhode Island: Arrested After Letting Her Dogs Loose On A News Reporter! This Lady Is Gonna Get Pitbulls Banned In Rhode Island: Arrested After Letting Her Dogs Loose On A News Reporter! This Lady Is Gonna Get Pitbulls Banned In Rhode Island: Arrested After Letting Her Dogs Loose On A News Reporter! This Lady Is Gonna Get Pitbulls Banned In Rhode Island: Arrested After Letting Her Dogs Loose On A News Reporter!

Ban pit bulls in australia – Sydney pitbull attack: Jogger Rob Nelson ‘screamed for mercy’ as police announce dogs will be destroyed

Posted May 28, 2013 by landofthebanned
Categories: Uncategorized

The owner of the three American pit bull terriers signed for the animals to be put down, after they mauled 49-year-old Rob Nelson at Ashcroft yesterday.
Police today confirmed the dogs would be destroyed.
Meanwhile, Liverpool Council revealed the dogs’ owner had been fined earlier this year for keeping unregistered pets.
Chris Thompson, 40, described the horrific scene.
“I was in the backyard working and I heard the bloke scream for mercy and I ran out at a 100 miles per hour and ran into the dogs and tried to put a kick into them.
Police want dogs that bit man destroyed
Police want dogs that bit man destroyed
Police say that three dogs that viciously attacked a jogger in Sydney’s southwest should be killed.
0:00 / 1:26
“They were gnawing on his shoulder the way dogs do when they have a the knuckle of a bone.”
Mr Thompson’s friend, Colin McEwen, who also went to help was then set upon by the dogs and hand his hand mauled.
“I grabbed a pot plant and cracked it over the dogs heads and the shock made them disperse but then they came back and latched onto Colin’s hand.
“I got a hammer and smacked it straight in the snout and it did nothing. It was wagging its tail like it had done good.
“Colin was on the ground and it went for his head but I got it with a hammer just in time and just missed Colin’s head by inches.
“I chased them back to their house and the lady came out saying they weren’t her dogs.”
The woman is believed to be the partner of the dog owner who just recently moved in.
“I’ve seen some stuff in my time, but that’s up there with the worst,” Mr Thompson said.
Mr Nelson was on Maxwells Ave, Ashcroft, in Sydney’s southwest, just after 2pm yesterday when the dogs knocked him to the ground and started biting him.
The NSW opposition is now calling for a full investigation after a man was savagely mauled.
A lady who would only give her name as Julie said the victim was in a bad way.
“He’s in good spirits but physically he’s a mess, he’s in a bad way,” she said.
“I don’t think it’s going to leave him for a while.
“He’ll be in hospital past today, he isn’t getting out anytime soon.”
The crazed animals dragged the man from the footpath and on to the road during the five-minute attack.
“Two men in the street heard a man screaming for his life and armed themselves with what they could, which was a hammer and pipe,” paramedic John Brotherhood said.
“The man had suffered some of the worst injuries I have seen in 27 years as a paramedic.
“His upper body was so traumatised I had to insert a intravenous drip through his feet. His height has probably saved him. A child or younger person would have had no hope warding off those dogs. The attack would have been fatal.”
Mr Brotherhood said the men that raced to his aid were incredibly brave and probably saved the jogger’s life.
One of the men, aged 54, received a severe bite to his hand and was taken to Liverpool Hospital. “The two primary care paramedics were first on the scene and did a terrific job,” he said, adding the main victim’s injuries were predominantly to his chest and arms.
The three men managed to chase off two of the dogs and knock the third out, but not before one rescuer had been bitten on the hand and abdomen. At least one of the dogs had to be tasered by police.
Brad Moore, who was in the backyard of his home when the attack took place in his driveway, said he could see the bite marks clearly.
“There was blood in the driveway,” he said.
“We thought it was the neighbours having a fight until we came out the front and saw him sitting on the front step.”
Police secured the dogs until trained council rangers came and collected them.
Detectives spoke to the owners, who lived two blocks from the scene of the attack, for more than an hour. “The owners could well be charged and the animals put down,” a police spokesman said.

6 victims die due to pit bulls in 2013 IN 58 DAYS

Posted March 11, 2013 by landofthebanned
Categories: Ban Pit BullsBan Pitbullspitbull holocaust

‎58 days into 2013 & the 6th victim of pit bulls this past Wed.. RIP little angel at 14 months old. Nn excuse for this. Again all 6 fatalities are from pit bulls.

Your pit bull wants to kill you – A list of victims of their own pit bulls – pit bulls that kill their owners

Posted February 28, 2013 by landofthebanned
Categories: Ban Pit Bullspit bull HolocaustPit Bullspitbull holocaust

Tags: ,,,,
This list begins in 2002.
These folks all were killed by their/their family’s pit bulls: Carter Delaney, Carmen Ramos, Roberto Aguilera, Kelly Chapman, Brandon Coleman, Lorinze Reddings, Raymond Tomco, Darla Napora, Joseph Hines, Kelly Chapman, Christine Staab, Ethel Horton, Chester Jordan, Jennie Erquiaga, Tonia Parks, Gerald Adelmund, Blanche Bodeur, Mabel McAllister, Pamela Rushing, Edward Mitchell, Linda Leal, Michael Winters, Mattie Daugherty, Justin Lane, John Reynolds, Johnny Wilson, Mary Diana Bernal.
For chilling 911 calls, see youtube Tina Marie Canterbury and Clifford Wright, who last seen in his front yard, tending the landscaping, with his beloved pit bull at his side; found horribly mutilated a short time hours later on his front porch (his esophagus was gone). Oops, Charles Hagerman. Oh my, same week here’s another: Rebecca Carey who rescued pits and other “bully” dogs. Debra Roberts (found dead, her leg was almost chewed off). Wow, another “rescue” person, Mary Jo Hunt October, killed in her own backyard by her own dogs, while frantic neighbors couldn’t save her. Elsie Gracie, 91, pronounced dead at the scene, many wounds to body.
I don’t include the death of babysitting Grandma Betty Todd, as she did not live at that home. She was attacked by her son’s pit bull. When police arrived at the scene, no ambulance was called, as her throat and spinal injuries were incompatible with life. Their pit had never showed aggression, not even to Betty during previous visits.
This list doesn’t include dead or maimed children, that list is longer.
This list doesn’t include non-fatal injuries, such as limb amputations, broken legs, there are many more of them!
This list doesn’t include visiting, passing or neighborhood pets, that list is horrifically endless, and grows by the minute, from coast to coast…
It might be acceptable if pits only maimed/killed their “consenting adult” owners, but more often the victims are neighbors, visitors or passersby (pet/people).
If pit bulls can be overcome by the pit instinct to tug-and-not-stop, so that they kill adult family members, we should not be surprised when they maul or kill neighbors (pets/humans). – See more at:

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