Little Lexie was being attacked by a pit bull at Petsmart when her owner had no other choice but to use the weapon he had to protect her.
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Love is for people who own certain breeds.. the rest of the pet owners can cry, listen to their pets squeal, bleed and bury them.
#Virginia Pit bull attacks are coming fast and furious. This little pomeranian named Happy was torn from his wheelchair bound owner who was trying to hide Happy under her blouse when he was ripped from her arms. #pitbullattack #pitbullvictim #publicSafety #BSLsaveslives
Photo: #Virginia Pit bull attacks are coming fast and furious.  This little pomeranian named Happy was torn from his wheelchair bound owner who was trying to hide Happy under her blouse when he was ripped from her arms. #pitbullattack #pitbullvictim #publicSafety #BSLsaveslives A great page to like.. Satire but makes a wonderful point.
An alligator named Mickey killed a pit bull in FL and now he is being unfairly hunted. The pit bull tried taking Mickey's bone. Where were the parents?
Community: 283 like this
Child is attacked twice by family raised unabused pitbulls during visits. Parents have to ask now before allowing a playdate.. Are there any dogs allowed on the property and what kind of dogs are they?
I just joined this group and I'd like to share my personal experience. In Oct of 2013 my oldest son, 7 at the time, was bitten by a neighbors pit bull. I had my reservations about "these" dogs and the owners promised to keep it kenneled or outside when my son was visiti...
  • 2 people like this.
  • Larry Arnold So glad your kids are still alive. With all these dangerous dogs running freely that are attacking children shows the owners/parents are not responsible people. It is sad and pathetic to drop off a child with people that claim everything will be safe t...See More
  • Terry Holt
  • Roy Sonobel What they SHOULD have done was get that mop handle under pibble's neck and crush his throat til he can't breath. THEN he'll let go. Why should the little dog suffer one second longer than it has to and not the pibble? Let the fucken pibble suffer and or DIE.
  • Hank Good This is what they are bread to do.
  • Terry Holt