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Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Should people be able to keep pitbulls

Should people be allowed to keep pit bull dogs?

people should be able to keep pit bull dogs .

I've had many pit bulls growing up . They were all very loving and caring , they never acted towards me or my family in an aggressive or dangerous way . I've never witnessed any of the negative things people say about pit bulls happen which is weird considering i've had over 9 pit bulls . YES we should be able to keep pit bulls .
  • Pit bulls are loving and caring animals

    Most people don't take care of there pits so they attack people but I had a pit and I took care of it the right way like give it love and all the things it needed. But guess what it did not attack me or bite so people who think pits are bad think about it again and think hard
  • Yes. Yes. Yes.

    Yes, people should be allowed to have or keep pits at their home, because the owner makes the dog how they want the dog to be. If there's a mean, law breaking owner, then no, they shouldn't. I've grown up with Pits, i have 4, all over 150 pounds and their the biggest babies i've ever seen in a bully breed dog. I Stand firmly with the opinion that all Pit owners or want to be owners of this beautiful dog, should be background checked, and if there's criminal records then no, if their record is cleared, then they should be more than allowed to have the dog.
    Posted by: hunter0622
  • They should be able to keep pit-bulls

    Why not ? People make them what they are . They make them aggressive by beating them & making them fighting dogs . I mean its dumb that most people are against pit-bulls . They might have attacked people but why are boxers allowed to be kept & pit-bulls arent . I just think you shouldnt judge one until you have owned them . I have had so many loving pit-bulls . & not one of them attacked ANYONE .
  • People should be able to own them.

    Not all pit-bulls are dangerous. One of the teachers at my school has one, and she brings it to school sometimes. She is very calm and is never violent. She doesn't even growl or bark at anyone. If it were dangerous then people wouldn't be able to own one. Upon my research, I found that the dog that caused the most fatalities was the breed of the German Shepard.
  • I don't have to live with this kind of life thread for someone else s pleasure.

    I don't have to live with this kind of life thread, for someone else s pleasure. No one has that kind of luxury. I am also against to other kind of sick, man made psychopath beasts. Other wise we all should have a gun to protect ourselves. It this kind of action lead us much more chaotic position.
    Also, I strongly suggest that government should enforce the ones who has those beast, to get psychological treatment . They are surely self oriented, aggressive sociopaths.
  • I don't have to live with this kind of life thread for someone else s pleasure.

    I don't have to live with this kind of life thread, for someone else s pleasure. No one has that kind of luxury. I am also against to other kind of sick, man made psychopath beasts. Other wise we all should have a gun to protect ourselves. It this kind of action lead us much more chaotic position.
    Also, I strongly suggest that government should enforce the ones who has those beast, to get psychological treatment . They are surely self oriented, aggressive sociopaths.
    Posted by: byrock
  • These dogs are demons

    My religion teaches me to love animals but these are the animals of the devil. They have attacked people I knew just for walking. I've met one person who came home from groecery shopping and found them killing each other than they saw him and bit off skin from his shin and mussels too. He had to shoot them 4 times with a .357. These are not good dogs if you can't have a cobra you shouldn't have this.
  • Pittbull attacks are more severe and deadly than other dog attacks.

    Any dog can attack, but when a pitbull attacks it is more severe or deadly. Blaming owners or those attacked is ridiculous ! If a dog bites anyone it should be put down. Dogs are unpredictable and temperamental. If you breed them to have larger jaws and a more deadly bite, it is dangerous. Dog breeders should be stopped from breeding ANY killer pitbull dogs.
  • A Living weapon.

    It should be illegal to own a pit bull just like it is to own wolves ,bears or other wild animals . A regular person can't control a bear or a puma or a pit bull .Most dog bite related deaths are caused by pit bulls. So People should not be able to own pit bulls.
  • A Living weapon.

    It should be illegal to own a pit bull just like it is to own wolves ,bears or other wild animals . A regular person can't control a bear or a puma or a pit bull .Most dog bite related deaths are caused by pit bulls. So People should not be able to own pit bulls.
    Posted by: ANDCGOP
  • They are land sharks

    This is just like the whole gun debate. We hear people say, "Guns don't kill people. People kill people." Well, I take it a step further, and say, guns make killing much easier.

    The same principle is true for these aggressive breed dogs. Because of their propensity for a quick and violent attack, coupled with their size, weight, strength, method of biting and latching; they, therefore, make mauling and killing easier.

    The bottom line is, they have a much greater ability, and propensity on average, to cause harm, or death, than other dogs. Otherwise, we wouldn't be debating this. They've earned their reputation.
  • Pit Bulls kill.

    It may actually be people that made pit bulls how they are. But that doesn't change the fact that they are dangerous. Laws on dog fighting should be heavily enforced and prosecuted. At the same time Pit bulls should not be allowed until they are less violent and vicious. I've bitten by a pit bull before. It was my friend's loving dog. You just don't know until the dog just turns into a predator.
  • Pit-bull bites cause much serious injury

    Every dog bites. But once a pit-bull bites, the damage is much more serious than other dogs. Check the statistic numbers, it is just the pure fact. When pit-bull supports say that their dogs are never aggressive, they ignore the fact that statement does not mean anything. It does not warrantee that other pit-bull dogs will not bite, and it does not even warrantee that their own dogs will not bite. We know once pit-bulls bite, it will cause someones' life or serious injury.
  • Overbred and unwanted

    Though there are vast amounts of pits in shelters and euthanized each year, the pit community just pushes people to adopt rather than spend more time on focusing spay and neuter. They are not the appropriate dog for everyone though they are presented as such. Hence many people obtain them, can't control and contain them and they end up attacking and killing people and other pets.

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