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Sunday, 21 September 2014

Merritt Clifton = foamer

  1. Note to animal abusers: Big Brother is watching you!

    WASHINGTON D.C.–Federal Bureau of Investigation director James B. Comey on September 17, 2014 announced that the FBI will add cruelty to animals to the national Uniform Crime Rep... See More
  2. Rock star Joan Jett: vegetarian animal advocate or rodeo clown?

    CHEYENNE––Is Joan Jett of the Blackhearts a “legendary musician” who “has given her voice to animals for years,” and “attributes her great health and youthful appearance to ... See More
  3. Rollover crash reignites controversy over dog rescue traffic from U.S. to Canada

    EDMONTON––A September 13, 2014 rollover crash near Olds, Alberta that killed at least three dogs in a load of 30 has reignited debate over the practice of imp... See More
  4. Pit bulls, Trooper, & “The personal is political”
    News analysis by Barbara Kay

    When I began writing regularly for Canada’s National Post, my editor told me that two kinds of news stories can be counted on to attract heated response from readers, and plenty of it: sports and animals. Even thus forewarned, I was taken aback by the virulence of the feedback my first column on pit bulls provoked. “...
     See More
    • 12 people like this.
    • Olivia Wyatt Yes and this debate is getting hotter and hotter and pretty soon it's going to explode! Perhaps it already has.
    • Aly Curtis Barbara Kay wisely states "Learning to make the distinction between anecdotal and hard evidence ourselves, and insisting that our opponents recognize the distinction as well as a pre-condition for engaging with them may raise the tone of individual confrontations, and in the process diminish the frustration that is the besetting scourge of this ongoing conflict." Well said.
  5. Mutilated for your viewing pleasure: Pinioning birds in English zoos
    Free download from
    Reviewed by Merritt Clifton
    “In zoos and wildlife... See More
  6. Declawing, ear-cropping, & tail-docking: more nasty legacies from dogfighters
    by Merritt Clifton
    Declawing cats and ear-cropping and tail-docking dogs have in common that they are pointless surgical mutilations, profitable for the veter... See More
    • 8 people like this.
    • Eve Sylvie I never understood all these people with pit bulls who say they are sweet nanny dogs and then crop their ears like fighting dogs? If you question them you're told a) it's a show dog or b) it was done for health reasons. The US needs to join most of Europe in condemning unnecessary cosmetic surgery on animals.
    • Joseph Angelo Pit bulls: the MOST nasty legacy from dogfighters.
  7. Briar Theelsmom, 60, died on September 11, 2014 in King County, Washington, after a long struggle with cancer. Said Humane Society of the U.S. senior law enforcement specialist Eric L. Sakach, “Briar was one of a handful of courageou... See More
  8. Editorial: Obsessed about pit bulls?

    Among the many issues raised by Beth Clifton’s ANIMALS 24-7 essay “Why pit bulls will break your heart,” published yesterday, is whether ANIMALS 24-7 is obsessed about pit bull issues that most of the ... See More
    • 2 people like this.
    • Eve Sylvie There is a problem with pit bulls - with overbreeding, with abuse, with overwhelming animal shelters and rescues - we can't adopt our way out of it. You would think those who profess to love the breed would actually do something to help the dogs instea...See More
  9. Ask Beth: Why pit bulls will break your heart
    by Beth Clifton

    My pit bull Trooper filled three years of my life with worry and stress over keeping him and others safe from harm. Trooper was a victim from conception of the systematic lies... See More
    • 4 people like this.
    • Geoff Geiger I like this story very much. It's not just a statistical argument about pit bulls and the problems they cause. It's a heartfelt story by someone who owned a pit bull, genuinely loved the dog, and came over time to the painful realization that the dog was dangerous to the point that it needed to be put down.
    • Patty Adjamine Having had to euthanize my 21-year-old Corgie/Spitz mix last week due to ravages of old age, I read this piece with interest. But I come away with feeling that it is not perfectly clear why Trooper was euthanized other than a reasonable fear that he c...See More
  10. How HSUS sponsorship of a meatfest in Denver overshadowed announcement of reforms by the world's largest food producer

    Co-sponsored by the Humane Society of the U.S., The Hoofin’ It culinary tour in Denver attracted fewer than 400 particip... See More
  11. Post-Fukushima lawsuit may reshape the politics of animal welfare in Japan

    Aftershocks from the March 11, 2011 earthquake that devastated the Tohoku region of Japan continue, including the rise of activism on multiple fronts that may resha... See More
  12. World’s biggest mayonnaise maker to seek end to culling male chicks

    Unilever, the world’s largest maker of egg-based mayonnaise, on September 2, 2014 announced that it will lead a global initiative to end the culling of newly h... See More
  13. Lenient animal control policies toward bully breeds in background of recent death-by-dog cases

    LOS ANGELES––Alex Donald Jackson, 31, of Littlerock, California, was on August 29, 2014 found guilty of second-degree murder for th... See More
  14. What’s a Dog For? The Surprising History, Science, Philosophy and Politics of Man’s Best Friend, by John Homans
    Reviewed by Barbara Kay

    As Homans announces very early in this entertaining and frequently insightful, but flawed book, “the ... See More
  15. Acquittal in first trial in deer feeding murder case

    Paula Zumberge, 50, was on August 19, 2014 acquitted of all counts in connection with the alleged murder of Todd Stevens, 46, in a dispute originating over Stevens and his partner, Jennifer Damerow-Cleven, 48, feeding deer in their yard in New Brighton, a Minneapolis-St. Paul suburb. Read more:
  16. Circus lion attack calls into question the will of Peruvian authorities to enforce ban on wildlife performances

    CUZCO, Peru––Three years after Peru officially stopped the use of wildlife in circuses, a nominally banned lion named Smith nearly killed schoolteacher Roxana Guevara Huaraca, 32, during an August 14, 2014 performance of the Monaco Circus in a suburb of Cuzco.
    Read more:
  17. Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council hires former ASPCA president Ed Sayres

    WASHINGTON D.C.––The board of directors of the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council, the lobbying umbrella for pet stores and breeders, on August 20, 2014... See More
    • 3 people like this.
    • Aly Curtis Saayers: "Yet no survey has ever showed breeders losing market share to shelters when actual pet acquisition behavior is investigated, as opposed to stated intent. On the contrary, as pet dog sterilization rates have soared toward 80% for all breed ...See More
    • Harve Morgan I have too many manners to comment on what I think of this and of Ed Sayers.
  18. Four-year-old killed by pit bulls because Miami-Dade law was not enforced

    MIAMI, Florida––Javon Dade Jr., age 4, would not have been fatally mauled on August 13, 2014 if the Florida Department of Children & Families had known about ... See More
  19. Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages to picket NYC mayor de Blasio for failing to keep promise
    by Elizabeth Forel, Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages

    Enough is Enough! We are holding a peaceful demo in front of New York City mayor Bill de Blasio’s official residence at Gracie Mansion on Tuesday night, August 26, at 6:30 p.m.
    De Blasio promised to ban horse-drawn carriages when he got into office. Many people voted for him because of this. We were delighted that we finally seemed to have a kindred spirit in our new mayor.
    But here it is 10 months since Mayor de Blasio was elected and he has not kept that promise. Read more:
    • 9 people like this.
    • Ronald Meltzer I'm a fanatical animal lover and a resident of NYC. I think the horse drawn carriages are fine. I see them every day. The majority of New Yorkers want to keep them. We have regulations. Focus on real animal cruelty.
    • Doug Cummings It was always about real estate, campaign contributions and political favors, anyway. The horse people got played. Strictly business as usual in good ol' NYC. "Nothin' to see here...Keep movin' folks..."
    • Serafima Yan Lying politicians??????????????? No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Madras High Court rules against temple cockfights

    CHENNAI––Striking at judicial corruption and moving to close the biggest legal loophole that has allowed cockfighting to persist in India, the Madras High Court on August 21, 2014... See More
  21. Managing Community Cats: A Guide for Municipal Leaders is in most respects the endorsement of neuter/return feral cat control that those of us who introduced the method to the U.S. circa 25 years ago wish the Humane Society of the U.S. had ... See More
  22. Michigan Humane Society names Matt Pepper to succeed Cal Morgan as chief

    DETROIT––The Michigan Humane Society on August 13, 2014 named Matt Pepper, 38, to succeed Cal Morgan as president and chief executive officer. A Michigan native, Pepper had been director of Bernalillo County Animal Care Services in Albuquerque, New Mexico, since 2011, headed Caddo Parish Animal Services in Shreveport, Louisiana from 2008 until early 2010, and was director of the Memphis Animal Shelter from March 2010 until August 2011. Read more:
  23. Are skinned and dismembered rabbits “Whole Foods”?

    Whole Foods Market sells them, along with other meat, much to the disgust and outrage of SaveABunny Inc. founder and executive director Marcy Schaaf and House Rabbit Society president Marg... See More
  24. Infighting among animal advocates

    Circa 1996 a relatively young, very dynamic, very successful humane society had a really nasty internal split underway. Some of the warring factions asked me to umpire a meeting that looked to me like ... See More
  25. Field Mortalities in Wildlife Research:
    It’s Time for a Conversation
    by Jon Geller, DVM, DABVP
    Preface by Merritt Clifton

    Jon Geller, DVM, author of “Field Mortalities in Wildlife Research: It’s Time for a Conversation," is scarcely the fi... See More
  26. From Robert Lucius, founder, the Kairos Coalition:
    I wanted to apprise you of the upcoming national animal welfare conference that will be held this year in Ho Chi Minh City from September 13-14 at the Hotel Continental in District 1. This will be the first ever of its kind in Vietnam. Read more:
  27. Armor is not enough to protect pangolins

    LONDON––The International Union for the Conservation has elevated all four Asian pangolin species to “endangered” status and all four African pangolin species to “vulnerable” status. Read more:
  28. Merritt Clifton shared a link.
    Ruling against camel slaughter

    From Chinny Krishna, in Chennai:

    I am delighted to inform you that the Honorable High Court of Madras on August 6, 2014 gave directions against camel slaughter, in a case filed by the Blue Cross of India
    Read more:
  29. China's largest bear bile producer is chickening out of the market

    The Animals Asia Foundation on July 31, 2014 cautiously welcomed a report that KaiBao Pharmaceutical, the world’s largest maker of bear bile pharmaceuticals, has embarked upon a five-year-plan to develop synthetic alternatives using byproducts from poultry slaughter.
  30. A black-and-white issue that the humane community has yet to face

    Editorial by Merritt Clifton

    Lila Miller, DVM joined the ASPCA staff in 1977. She became the third nationally prominent humane worker of African descent––and, after 37 y...See More
  31. Shelter Medicine for Veterinarians & Staff, Second Edition, edited by Lila Miller & Stephen Zawistowski, is a reference that belongs on the most convenient shelf of every animal shelter library.
    Read more:
  32. The ANIMALS 24-7 research files include coverage of sixty-odd public controversies involving cormorants during the past decade. Each began with fishers, fish farmers, and politicians erroneously blaming cormorants for the consequences of ov... See More
  33. Remarked FBI founding director J. Edgar Hoover toward the end of his life, with a nod of his head toward the Ten Most Wanted list,

    “One is honored by one’s friends and distinguished by one’s enemies. I have been very distinguished.”

    ... See More
  34. Cage-free egg farm fire kills 65,000 hens, revives attention to lack of sprinklers in barns

    FORT WAYNE, Indiana–– A predawn fire on July 28, 2014 killed 65,000 hens at an Egg Innovations barn in Kosciusko County, Indiana, reviving attention to a two-year-old National Fire Protection Association proposal to require sprinkler systems in farm animal housing. Read more:
  35. Ag-gags from a business owner’s perspective

    by Doug Arch

    I run a janitorial corporation, and have also owned rental property. In neither instance has there been any protection for us from a worker or onlooker taking pictures if we make any mistakes. Nor do I believe there should be. Read more:
  36. Nathan Winograd in perspective
    Editorial by Merritt Clifton

    On July 11, 2014 the AR-2014 conference hosted in Los Angeles by the Farm Animal Rights Movement was to feature a talk and video presentation by No Kill Advocacy Center founder N... See More
  37. Who invented no-kill?

    Before there could be a successful no-kill movement, the techniques of combating dog and cat overpopulation without high-volume killing had to be perfected.
    The basic components were high-volume, low-cost dog and ca... See More
  38. Author of San Francisco bylaw requiring pit bull sterilization may be victim of advocacy militants

    SAN FRANCISCO––San Francisco Department of Animal Care & Control director Rebecca Katz was quietly dismissed on July 25, 2014––bu...See More

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