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Friday, 11 December 2015

Elton Camp can't take criticism and Lorde Faust is verging on being sued for defamation.

Elton Camp I am not a "group" and I'm not attacking anyone I'm am exercising my freedom of speech by expressing my opinion just as you are, it is in fact you being the cry baby as I've simply stated the obvious the dog in your stupid meme is an American bully not an American Pit Bull Terrier and you're poetry/limericks or whatever they're supposed to be are not to my taste and seem to have little support from your own hate group members.

I'm no lawyer or anything but it seems that every time you people post about me stalking you and "attacking' you it further supports my claims that you all are the one's doing the bullying and the stalking with Lorde Faust ( Cindy M Ballard) once again demonstrating and proving my point by posting a picture of me and attacking me personally because "they got no game!" Lol!!!

Notice to those who post here: I have been singled out for attack and ridicule by a nutter group. It doesn't bother me at all, even what goes well beyond difference of opinion and all the way into outright lies. But I thought I'd mention it in case they go after any of the rest of you. To see the attack, go here:
4 people like this.
Lorde Faust Haha! Take a number! That is crybaby Terry Holt's puke hole.
Like12 hrs
Lorde Faust It only means you scare him.
Like22 hrs
Elton Camp Yes, that's the name of the one who posted iit.
Like12 hrs
Elton Camp Actually, he is helping spread the message in what I wrote.
Like12 hrs
John Wright Yeah, if you never make enemies it means that nobody is listening to you.
Like31 hr
Lorde Faust He's a little sissy from Australia. He posts a lot of anti American sentiments and trolls all the child fatality by Pit Bull reports so he can gloat at the loss of another American child losing their life.
Like31 hr
Elton Camp John, I consider it an honor to be attacked by a nutter.
Like31 hr
Elton Camp Lorde, what a loser that guy must be!
Like31 hr
Lorde Faust Yes he is, here is his picture.
Like21 hr
Elton Camp Oh, my! A picture really is worth a thousand words.
Like11 hr
Lorde Faust Speaks volumes!
Like11 hr
Lew Heifner I'm there too... somewhere. It is a badge of honor to be targeted by the head kook.
Like41 hr
Susan George I wonder if he is a child predator type of guy. NORMAL people don't revel in the death and suffering of innocent children.
Like11 hr
Lorde Faust Hmmm! You might be on to something.
Like11 hr

Lorde Faust (Cindy B) and Susan George, I caution you against making unsubstantiated slanderous and highly defamatory comments about me on a "public" social media hate group without any actual evidence assuming you don't want to be the subject of a defamation suit?

The fact is I'm only doing what you all are doing except I'm doing it better and you're all cut because basically your whole argument is based on lies for instance; 

"If all pit bulls kill because it's in their genes how do you all explain deaths involving non fighting breeds?" 40% of the average 32 deaths per year involve non banned breeds?

I've done my research and I'm opposed to breed specific legislation because it doesn't work to start with and if it did work it still ignores 40% of dog bite related fatalities Bsl was created by people who hate pit bulls and want to exterminate them all even Colleen Lynn has admitted bsl is not about community safety it's about killing pit bulls.?

Lorde Faust the picture of me you've posted was stalked from my facebook profile by Mary Ann Redfern and used without my consent and as such I consider the picture to be stolen, note you have been officially notified the picture is stolen and any further publication of said picture will be reported to the relevant authorities.

I strongly advise you to remove the picture of me prior to facing the consequences and possibly being excluded from facebook again?

more to come......

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