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Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Thomas McCartny confuses the kiddies with too many big words

They seem to be struggling to come to any sort of consensus as to what their definition of a "pit bull' is an there's some real pearls of wisdom here?

So everyone which of these pit bull type dogs are safe and unlike the APBT and in no need of specific regulation or BSL restrictions?
Should we allow those to advocate on this page that they are safe to the uninformed general public who come here for knowledge and education on a serious public safety issue?:
American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire bull terriers( Miniature version Staffordshire bull terriers as well), American pit bull terriers, Show Pit Bull type dogs.
Pit Bull Mixes in general or specific Pit Bull Mixes such as American Bulldog, Bull mastiffs, dogo argentinos, fila brasieros, presa canarios, cane corsos, Bandog, Boerboel, Rhodesian Ridgeback, & Catahoula Bulldog and their mixes and any dog generally recognized as a pit bull or pit bull terrier and includes a dog of mixed breed with predominant pit bull or pit bull terrier characteristics)
What does this group stand for?, what does it advocate is a dangerous Pit Bull type dog?, and does it advocate that a particular pit bull type dog with APBT precursor genetics from Ol English Bulldogge & Roman Alaunt War dog stock can be safe and with no specific restrictions warranted.?
Inquiring minds want to know and more importantly we all need to be clear on what is being advocated to the general public is or isn't a safe normal dog.!!!!
4 people like this.
Stacey Westover Any dog with pit bull qualities. This is how BSL is generally written because a pit/lab is still a danger.
I would add any large mastiff known for fighting, and Rottweilers.

The pure Rhodesian, and a pure Catahoula are not BSL dogs. The squat faced bulldog might be ok.
Like121 hrs
William Johnson The focus of this group is on pit bulls Thomas. Pit bulls, as we all know them, if Bandog, Boerboel, and Ridgeback are an issue where you live, then by all means, speak out on that issue. Personally, I've never seen one. But I live in a city with a shelter full of pit bulls, and they give them away for free. There's no one size fits all solution. All politics is local. That's why pit bull activists seek statewide local preemption, their goal is take the decision making away from the common citizen.

I'd just like to add, that in 2015, pit bull activists made serious efforts in 6 states to get statewide anti BSL passed. As of today, they are 0-6. It takes a broad, diverse group of people to stop these bills that seek to strip local control.

This is a discussion group. It's not anyone's personal domain. Differences of opinion are encouraged.
Like318 hrsEdited
Ashley Walker I have never heard of a catahoula bulldog... Is that a cross? My personal experience and research has taken me to the conclusion that anything will 'bull' in its title was at some point bred for an unsavory purpose. Rhodesians were bred to chase off lions from what I understand, they were used as stock dogs, livestock guardians even, they had a very broad job description but their main instinct is to aggress predatory cats. I don't see them as a danger but I have known very few and would be open to more information on the breed. Cane corsos are being crossed with Pitts in my area, it's like a trend, from what I've heard it mellowed their fighting ability and the trend is quickly on the decline in fighting groups so that would lead me to believe perhaps they aren't a problem but again I have limited experience with them. Mastiff type dogs were bred to sit on intruders and hold them so I am not so concerned with most mastiff breeds, the many I have known were lazy and calm, pretty loving and gentle. I'm sure any breed of dog can be a threat if you trespass or threaten their family, but Pitt Bulls seem to be the breed that proves its instability over and over, they seem to be the breed that their fanatics deny any sin and make absolutely no effort to change or breed out their dangerous traits, and so they are my main concern and focus. Any mix can display one attribute then at random display other breed traits, mutts are very unpredictable so I would never trust any Pitt mix...
Like17 hrs
Marc Brown Yes, pit bulldogs -- the old generic, non-breed name -- are the problem. Thomas is right, there is no sense in letting them play their "Let's name our pit bulldog something else" game here. Anything with any pit bulldog blood / genes in it is a PIT BULL TYPE DOG, never mind the new phony 'breed' names these pit fanatics think up. I agree that we shouldn't be letting people post "It ain't a pit bull unless it's pedigree AKC APBT" here -- because this is an anti-propaganda page, and that 'only AKC APBTs' is an outright lie.
Like8 hrs

Well I hope that clears that up for everyone please read Ashley's comments about Mastiffs and Ridgebacks shear brilliance and silly Willy the bartender with his lies about the 6-0 count he must of spent the last three months in his mums basement as Bsl has fallen in more then 6 places over the last 3 months wake up and smell the roses Billy boy......


more to come....

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