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Friday, 11 December 2015

Annie Cowan Brown "I have an idea! We need to construct pit bull/dangerous dog protection kits and market them. What would they consist of?"

All "Bully" breed owners this is what you're up against when trying to keep your pet alive as these people will kill your pet without batting an eyelid just for looking like a "Pit Bull".

They shout from the roof tops that "Pit Bulls" are responsible for 60% of dog bite related fatalities but what they hide is that they created the "legal term" "pit bulls" which actually refers to more then 30 actual breeds and that's why in spite of the hundreds of thousands of pit bulls killed under breed specific legislation the death toll on average has grown hence the many municipalities repealing and legislated against Bsl.

As the ever increasing death toll indicates this is more then just a "breed" issue by anyone's logic to try and use breed specific legislation when you're actually targeting a type of dog is absurd and is doomed to fail and how many more victims in the meantime?

I have an idea! We need to construct pit bull/dangerous dog protection kits and market them. What would they consist of?
16 people like this.
Jen Arevalo Have you seen those suits for dogs to protect them against coyotes? They have spikes...let me find the link.
Annie Cowan Brown I posted that awhile back and folks told me that pits would just find the week spots and rip that right off which I agree with.
Jen Arevalo Lew Heifner I would love to carry once my kids are older. I had my hunting license in the Midwest when I was a teen, shooting is what everyone does out there. I do carry a knife for protection...for instance there is a lady at my barn who brings a big ...See More
Carol Miller Find another barn if this boarder has not been kicked out for creating a hazard, and theft of hay.
Jen Arevalo Since I complained I haven't seen the dog off leash...not that it would matter because the girl is petite and dog is huge.
Lew Heifner Carry now, teach your kids gun safety. Tell them they are allowed to ask you to look at and handle the guns ANYTIME they want. Make it a weekly thing, unload, clear the gun, and had it to them. Teach gun safety. I've been shooting since I was 5-6......See More
Jen Arevalo Yeah I need to wait a bit, my kids are all under 5.
Lew Heifner Look at it this way. You have an emergency, you drop your kids at a friends house... they forget to put the guns up, they are curious and handle it... tragedy.. We always house proofed our kids, not kid proof our house for that reason. Just my $1 worth.
Lew Heifner We had an "incident" in our home years ago, someone burst through a window, pistol close by or it would have been bad. Lots of questions and answered, but my family, very young kids were safe. Believe me, you won't hesitate if the need is there.
Lew Heifner btw, lovely family you have, protect them.
Jen Arevalo Thanks Lew Heifner we are very careful and protect our kids at all cost. 
Jen Arevalo It should really go all the way around the neck to protect against a pit.
Gary Young I used a 12 gauge only because I didn't own a .357 at the time.. A 12 gauge is a liitle to bulky to carry around while riding your bike.. but a hand gun.(Big hand gun.. not a .22) would do..
Karen Branson Lol - I grew up hunting and I've done skeet shooting but I really know nothing about specific types. 357 was the first gun type that came to mind.
Tricia Malone That's all ya need.
Lew Heifner like emoticon .357s are revolvers, I prefer semi auto pistols for home defense and carry.
Lew Heifner Were you any good at Skeet, I suck at it. I am proficient at trap. Skeet has all the goofy angles and speeds. frown emoticon
Karen Branson No because I have a vision problem that causes my eyes to have difficulty lining up. In the beginning I don't hit any but after a warm up I can hit most. But I can't trust my eyes but instead do it more on feel or blind luck! I was really good as a kid because my dad was always making me shoot cans off a fence and would give me a quarter for every shot right in the center. Back in the 80s I was also really good at the indoor range with a pistol but I haven't fired a handgun in almost 30 years.
Lew Heifner Cool. I hunted Pheasants in the Iowa fields, I was very proficient at it, they fly very predictably. Stationary, I can shoot with the best. Skeet makes me cry like a baby tongue emoticon My dad took me shooting trap and I sucked at it and he bitched at be for a month. My BIL and I practiced for a couple of months..every day. Next time dad and I went, broke 200/200. On the way home, dad still bitched at me. frown emoticon Oh well.
Nick De Rooy Here is my weapon of choice....
When you are absolutely positivity gotta 2 kill every Pitbull insights....
Lew Heifner like emoticon lol
Susan DeVilder A break stick for sure.
Kris King A knife and belt. Long-range bear spray. A high decibel alarm.
Gwendolyn Hanan Common decency and common sense vaccinations for the pitophelia
Sandra Fuller Maybe use the protection vest and neck collars that hog hunters use on their catch dogs.Might not come in a small enough size though for little dogs.Bear spray,knife,golf club,metal tent peg to use as a break stick.All else fails use a gun
Annie Cowan Brown Seriously though. An ACTUAL kit. The reason is TWOFOLD, 1) First and foremost to help people protect themselves and their pets from dangerous dogs. Maybe have a breadstick, spray, tazer, knife, strap (to choke em out) and a video demonstrating how to use them. This would enable people to at least have a fighting chance. 2) To raise awareness and MAKE this an issue! Can you imagine Dangerous Dog Protection Kits hanging on the shelves at Petsmart, Walmart, Petco? With a pic of a pit, staff i.e., bully, mastiff and Rottie on the package! I say we do it! TOTALLY serious here.
Kim Mironov Autocorrect got you on "breakstick". smile emoticon
Karen Branson Remember how batshit crazy the nutters went over the pit bull defense spray in Walgreen's? Lol They totally lost their shit over that - petitions, boycotts, etc.
Annie Cowan Brown A breadstick might
Annie Cowan Brown If I saw a kit in the store it would def raise MY awareness. And it would help counter all of the cute product packaging with pits on it. Show people what they really look like, prepare them. Maybe have a link on the packaging to our support networks.
Christel Ravn Good idea.
Mary Conner First aid kit, shotgun, stun gun, knife, break stick and medical emergency numbers for starters. I just moved and sure enuf, there are two, two doors down. I'm afraid to take my 35# dog out. The two dogs have already attacked the mailman.
Oh yeah, don't forget links to the victims. The pit advocates say differently but how do they respond to the statistics? Don't those speak for themselves? I don't get it, I really don't.
Marie McGrath You beat me to it Karen.
Carol Miller Amazon is an option for selling the kit. Did you know you can buy breaksticks on Amazon?
Kathleen Horton Read this article and let me know what you all think:
Before I get into this I want to preface by saying I HAVE AND LOVE DOGS. I am not anti dog, nor am I…
Stephanie Snier Butler Excellent bit of information. For my walks my hubbie made me a "walking" stick... I also bring my mothers helper.... Stun gun.
Lisa Padgett Kathleen - wow interesting article!
Mary Conner Thank you, Kathleen
Stacey Westover GREAT IDEA. I will write up a sales and marketing plan for you once you have what you want in it figured out.
(I'm a sales and marketing manager)
Stacey Westover There should be 3 options. Maybe 5. But no more than that.
Gwendolyn Hanan Sounds great but do not overlook the liability problems inherent in selling something described as being effective protection from pit bull attacks....... because as soon as someone gets hurt or killed despite properly using the product its gonna be law suit city.
There will also be a huge "public perception" problem in regards to who will agree to carry something lethal enough to be effective in stopping a pit bull attack. IE anything even remotely like that will bring the rabid pro pit warriors out in force, boycotting, picketing, social media lynching, pinning the scarlet R for 'dog racist" on everyone from cashiers to CEOs in any retailer brash enough to carry a product meant to hurt a pit bull!!
If you're serious budget for an atty to minimize product liability law suits and also budget for a spin doctor to provide effective 'positive perception camouflage' for the product.
Lew Heifner Call it an assist kit or something with a disclaimer?
Like19 hrs
Lew Heifner Personally, I think it is all wrong, the real money is selling chihuahua protection kids, we all know how vicious they are.
Carol Miller ^^ Valid point Lew. Kevlar socks might be a very profitable product.
Gwendolyn Hanan Carol Miller, BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! LMAO!!! Love it!! Last I knew ( 2008) kevlar still didn't provide protection from edged weapons. Maybe they changed that by now??
The vest I wore in the early 90"s weighed 8 lbs, had no darts and removeable, flat , 8 x 10 metal plate in the front for edged weapons protection.
Like18 hrs
Lew Heifner Steel toe shoes are a must and the all important tooth pick.
Lew Heifner Dangit, someone was supposed to ask about the tooth pick = break stick for a chihuahua... tongue emoticon
Elizabeth Bennet A magic wand and a list of chants such as, "it's all how you raise them" and "pit bulls are nanny dogs".
Annie Cowan Brown Lol. But seriously....I want to do this. If nothing else, it will bring attention to what we're trying to do.
Like114 hrs
Lew Heifner I agree, you know what? Make up a kit, price it high enough that you can break even if some one buys it, and list it on eBay and Etsy.... someone searching for pit bull, bull breed, rottweiler, etc, will see the kit and just MAYBE think twice about getting a pit bull type dog. like emoticon like emoticon like emoticon
Like9 hrs
Lori Welbourne That's a BRILLIANT idea Annie! You could pitch it to SharkTank!
Like39 hrs
Lew Heifner That is a great idea, it would be fantastic if they pick it up. Just the coverage on the show would reach a lot of viewers. Cite statistics, get info out nation wide.
Like7 hrs
Annie Cowan Brown Totally thinking that.
Like12 hrs
Alan Baker Dog horn, mace, knife and defense instructions. I have a dog trainer that is making videos on this subject. Im not sold on putting all your faith into defense tools, however it is certainly one aspect of the situation to consider for adults. Children are a different situation.
Like28 hrsEdited
Annie Cowan Brown We've got to start somewhere.
Like12 hrs
Barbara Ghiselin Annie- I have been thinking the same thing for quite a while now- dogs do have protective collars and gear ! Any ideas out there? I thought of some kind of metal mesh and helmet of hard plastic. I really think if we protect ourselves and our children much of the attraction for the BEASTS will decrease. Of course the cost will be a problem- but with some victims facing hundreds of thousands of dollars - up to $1 million in medical bills--- Our federal government should pay for it because they are not doing their job by protecting us from dangerous dogs!! Obama is SO gullible and believes the LIES and MYTHS and PROPAGANDA!!!
Like137 mins

If you own what these people consider to be a "bully' breed please be extremely vigilant as you can see these people obviously suffer an irrational fear of dogs and want to inflict it on the rest of society.

I've said it before and I'll say it again are these the comments from public safety advocates or is it closer to the truth to say they're bully's and thugs?

more to come

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