The first hour of
Radio Times today featured a piece about the recent pit bull attacks in the city; their potential implications and who is to blame.
Marty Moss-Coane welcomed
Deborah Bresch, an attorney and the
ASPCA‘s Director of Government Relations, Eastern Region; and
Colleen Lynn, a survivor of a pit-bull attack and founder of
DogsBite.org to her show, titled
“Who’s to blame for pit bull attacks, the dogs or their owners?” Points brought up in
the comments section of our previous pit post were hashed out in great detail. During the show, shit got heated between the two guests — so heated, in fact, that Marty had to step in at one point and verbally yank them apart by their collars. No matter what side you fall on the “pit bulls are evil” argument, after listening to the show, you have to admit that Colleen Lynn did little for her cause just based on the way she behaved during the show; by the time it was over, even
we were embarrassed for her. She literally scoffed at the Bresch’s comments and went as far as to interrupt the lawyer with snide comments mid-debate. All in all, it was some good audio drama mixed in to some great radio. Check it out via the
Radio Times Podcast (it should be up by tomorrow at the latest) or on the rebroadcast at 10pm tonight.
UPDATE: Listen here now.
This entry was posted on Wednesday, February 24th, 2010 at 2:18 pm.
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