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Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Dogsbutt dot org doesn't seem to have a lot of support?

Dogsbut as I call it celebrated it's 8th anniversary recently so I thought we'd have a quick look at how they're actually going so I've copy and pasted some info from their Facebook page for all to see for instance they only have 4,633 likes after 8 years?

So considering there's over 300 million people in America alone not counting the rest of the planet connected to the internet it's be a bit of a stretch to suggest they speak for the majority?

Help us save more lives.
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With your support, we can reach more Americans who seek truthful information about dangerous dog breeds to keep their families safe. Since January 2014, our reach on the Internet has grown by leaps and bounds too! 50% of all visitors to since our launch 8-years ago occurred in just the last 2-years!
--In 2015, state preemption legislation was introduced in seven states that would prohibit all municipalities from enacting pit bull ordinances. and grassroots efforts helped ensure a 100% no passage rate of these bills in 2015. See our 4-year state preemption trend document here: (
--In 2015, our original investigative research identified 4 fatal dog attack cases that involved pit bulls or pit bull-mixes that were either mislabeled by officials or no breed information was reported at all. Thus impacting 12% of all dog bite fatality statistics in 2015 (and we are still working on one more!) See each case below: is also a watchdog group. In July, after a 6-year old boy was killed by a pit bull adopted out 3-weeks earlier by the Asheville Humane Society, the group deleted their pit bull “promotion programs” from their website. We did not let Asheville Humane hide their sneaky actions from the public. (
Each year, provides the benchmark in U.S. fatal dog attack statistics and trends. The CDC stopped tracking "breed data" in dog bite fatalities in 1998 -- 17-years ago. Over this period, 1999 to present day, 285 Americans have been mauled to death by pit bulls alone. (
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22 people like this.
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Marilyn Moreau-Plourde We want a Canadian site as well.
Paulo Perez Pits are terrorizing Canada too?
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Lucy Muir Thank you DBO! Contributed!

As you can clearly see here I went to their page and clicked on likes and this is the info there's 405 people talking about this page = not a lot of support?

People Talking About This
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0%from last week
New Page Likes

The fact is these people hate pit bulls and as such seem to ignore victims of non banned breeds they say it in the short description, "primarily pit bull types", breed specific legislation ignores 38% of victims.

Dogsbite claim to have stopped the preemption laws 100%.........

"The national trend is moving steadily away from breed-specific legislation (BSL) and toward breed neutral laws that hold all owners equally accountable for the humane care, custody and control of their dogs. The list of states that are considering and passing legislation to preempt municipalities from passing BSL continues to grow.
BSL is a discriminatory law or ordinance that prohibits or restricts the keeping of dogs of specific breeds, dogs presumed to be specific breeds, mixes of specific breeds, and/or dogs presumed to be mixes of specific breeds.[1]
The trend reflects a growing understanding that regulating dogs on the basis of breed or physical description does not reduce dog bites.[2].[3],[4]. An analysis published in 2010 offers one explanation for the failure of BSL.[5] Most importantly, studies continue to show that one kind of dog is no more likely to threaten or bite a human being than another.[6],[7].[8].
The American Bar Association has urged the repeal of all BSL.[9] The White House also opposes BSL and released a statement saying, “research shows that bans on certain types of dogs are largely ineffective and often a waste of public resources.”[10] No major national organizations endorse BSL, including the American Veterinary Medical Association, the Centers for Disease Control, the Humane Society of the United States, the National Animal Control Association, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and Best Friends Animal Society.
The tide has turned against BSL and communities are implementing policies that hold all dog owners responsible for the humane care, custody, and control of their dogs, regardless of breed or appearance."
The fact is Colleen Lynn has admitted on at least on occasion that Bsl does not work but she wants it anyway, don't take my work for it click on the link and listen to the interview yourself......

The facts speak for themselves not one legitimate animal organization in the world support Bsl because it doesn't work we want to stop the maximum of these attacks where we can and the fact is pit bulls are not the only breed/type involved in Dbrf's.

They claim to be acting in the interests of victims and even claim to help victims whereas if you go to the victims "resources" here's the sort of thing you'll find...

Dog bite victim resources ::

Suggested books and articles for dog bite victims, their family members and friends. If you are searching for a dog bite lawyer, please visit our growing dog bite attorney directory.

Safety & survival books

A Critical and Objective Analysis of the Facts & Myths Concerning Pit BullsMisunderstood Nanny Dogs?
Attorney J. Thomas Beasley dives into America's pit bull mauling epidemic in a compelling new book and discusses the primary myths trumpeted by pit bull owners, chiefly the thoroughly debunked Nanny dog myth, the true history of the pit bull breed and ways to curb the mauling epidemic. Beasley presents an abundance of evidence and asks readers to draw their own conclusions. | Read our book review

Dogsbut victims resources = a directory of dog bite lawyers and books the first on the list is written by one of those lawyers none of whom are either dog experts or medical counsel actually there's nothing there for victims other then a small area displaying victims who have started their own funds.

more to come....

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