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Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Lori Welbounre buthurting over National Pit Bull Victim Awareness

Lori the fact is the 50 groups and organizations involved in your new venture are the same old haters that have been fighting for Bsl without success with a combined following of under 20,000 if you're lucky it seems you've boarded a sinking ship here's links to four examples? = 

Craven desires =  

Daxton's Friends for Canine Education & Awareness = 
1,477 people like this

And they're the big pages!!!

The fact is one of your own advocate's stupid comment and post prompted the creation of that page Lorde Faust can take the accolades I've posted his comment below check it out for your self Lori the fact is anyone has the right to make a Facebook page and i find it disturbing that you'd not only report the page but post in your hate group calling for support to attack the page .
As you all know, National Pit Bull Victim Awareness is a coalition of over 50 groups and organizations advocating for pit bull attack victims and public safety. A pit bull fanatic has started up their own page with the exact same name and just posted it on our FB page. It's description is: "We want to raise awareness as to the abuse and suffering inflicted on pit bulls." Here's the link:…/…
National Pit Bull Victim Awareness's photo.
National Pit Bull Victim Awareness
10 people like this.
William Johnson So easy to spot. That's Terry. He's an insane Australian. I guess he hasn't been getting much attention lately.
Lori Welbourne I reported the page, but wasn't sure which option to pick. What a psycho.
Mary Jones I reported the page for harrassing someone I know, there are links there to his hate blogspot.
Like618 hrs
Lorde Faust Facebook is pro Pit, good luck getting anything done.
Like117 hrs
Tony Solesky H has chased me a couple of times and posted a comment on a page I am trying to dominate. Of course I suffer the sickness where I like fighting these people. It makes me feel alive to not take their shit. IN my area people either embrace and support me. stay neutral but aware , avoid me or fight me. I have a reputation that It will not be worth your time to fight with me since it is so worth my time. In any case the residual effects add up to a positive.
Like1122 hrs
Chris Blomskog This is one of the memes this horrific advocate posted trying to discredit the numerous trainers, media, veterinarians, doctors, and thousands of victims families that have EXPERIENCED tragedy from Pitbulls and because of their advocates deadly propaganda. Denise, dog trainer of 20 years who believes stats not myths!
Like217 hrs
Patricia Forbell Stop raising awareness? Stop telling it like it really is? NEVER
Like114 hrs
Alan Baker In reality he is helping us, but dont tell him that.
Like216 hrs
Patricia Forbell What abuse? They were allowed to finish the job?
Like14 hrs
Mia Johnson Lori I just got up to speed on this. Yes it's Terry Holt in Australia. We can file a copyright report BUT Facebook will provide him with our postal addresses, emails and names. It would also be hard to do much since he's out of the country.

(Note that we regularly provide your contact information, including your name and email address, the name of the organization or client who owns the right in question, and/or the contents of your report to the person that posted the content you are reporting.)
Like212 hrs
Chris Blomskog Well at least the link still works when you type this:
Like11 hrs
Neil Shirt Tag I've been blowing up his page.
Like12 hrs
Jeff Borchardt Anything with "Boofhead" is Terry. Apparently he has a mind of an 8 year old because he thinks it's a funny way to say my last name.
Like11 hr

Actually Jeff "Boofhead" is Aussie slang for someone who tries to make out they're smart when really they're not and often it's a sympathetic term of endearment similar to "poor bugger", it has nothing what so ever to do with your name. lol!!

"Although there are occasional cases of Pit Bulls being abused, I have yet to see anything to support the claim that Pit Bulls are the most abused animal. I have seen plenty to support where normal breeds of dogs and other animals, such as cats, are abused in greater numbers. Little did I realize that idiots consider dog fighting abuse!"

This ridiculous post by Lorde prompted the creation of this page as stated and you can go right ahead and report away because to my knowledge there's nothing on that page that breaches Facebook community standards.

Neil shirt Tag you made five juvenile comments that a 2 year old could easily account for please come back and play I've left you some responses if you're ready for an IQ test lol?

The fact of the matter is the five relatively small pages I contribute to have more likes then your 50 groups, pages and organizations so throw in the millions of others I'd be reckoning that Bsl is doomed and will be a bad memory before too long but that's just my opinion!!!

more to come....

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