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Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Jeff Borchardt using Dr Phil too now has he no limits?

Well I have to wonder if Dr Phil knows he's the new anti pit bull poster child in Jeff's relentless pursuit of pit bulls and their owners?

Jeff Borchardt to The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed
I started a new folder called "owners attacked by their own pit bulls" about a month or so ago. It's really growing fast. Please feel free to share or keep for your own use.
"Below is a list of Pit Bull owners killed or seriously wounded by their own animals…The list does not include children of Pit Bull owners…Those may be seen Here. Notice how many incidents where first responders must save the Pit Bull owner during a prolonged, berserk mauling…A suggested remedy is a “Darla’s Law” where Pit owner reimburses the tax payer for labor for the rescue, fuel, damaged equipment and ammunition expenditures. Keep in mind every time a police officer shoots a pit bull off it's owner, there is normally two weeks of paperwork for the in the line of duty investigation."

Based on previous experience with Jeff Borchardt he's willing to do anything in order to exterminate pit bulls all the while claiming to be acting in the interests of public safety there's only one problem he ignores all victims of non banned breeds which seems to indicate it's more about revenge then victims eh Jeff?

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