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Sunday, 27 December 2015

Pit Bull follies with Merrit (can't lie straight in bed) Clifton.

Pit Bulls and Amputees slams Merrit Clifton because of his nonsense stats and disinformation and his wife Beth breaks out the profanities when coming to his defense in true breed specific legislation-er style.

In response to our (daring to) question the self-ginned statistics of anti-pit bull, wanna-be guru Merritt Clifton ("Animals 24-7" blogger) -- stats which he cited to support his claim that fire extinguishers 😜 are an EXCELLENT way to stop a vicious pit bull attack (slightly less effective than a gun ... according to him) -- his wife, Beth Clifton, posts THIS (see below) in a thread. For the full story, scroll down our Wall to this Thursday's "lead therapy" meme post and read all the comments and responses.
A couple of the Clifton's sycophants "de liked" this Page in the aftermath, but hey, who cares. Right? See, we're just not the low information, "Kool Aid drinker" types that, apparently, make up his little personality cult. FACTS MATTER.
Dan Saeger What page did this come from? And was this recent?
LikeReply7 hrs
Pit Bulls and Amputees It was posted on our wall.
LikeReply7 hrs
Dan Saeger From where? By who?
LikeReply7 hrs
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Kathryn Dunigan Typical vile, violent animal worshipping vegans. I find pit adovcates and animal rights nuts have alot in common.
LikeReply7 hrs

The fact is not one of Merrits so called statistical reports have been reviewed by his peers nor have any of them been accepted as credible by legitimate animal experts the plain fact is Merrit Clifton was a journalist not a scientist or a statistician he's using this issue to gain notoriety shame on your hiding your egotistical ways behind such a noble cause? 

Merrit doesn't care about victims in fact his nonsense articles more then likely contribute to the death toll as opposed to helping anyone. 

more to come.....

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