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Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Allan Baker victim bashing on some rescue ex-fighting Pit Bulls

Here's just another example of victim bashing by our favorite sheeple over at " the pit bull propaganda machine revealed" and typical the dj's in the midst of it posting his sick meme's and once again the usual mob of sicko's are there with all their suggestions, conjecture and allegations and despite the fact that the Vick dogs were rehabilitated re-homed and lived long and happy lives these people still insist ex fighting dogs are like ticking time bombs with their usual rhetoric regarding the heritage of fighting breeds and the whole routine about it being in their genes I'm sure you've all heard it before and the fact of the matter is if that theory had one ounce of credibility all fatal "maulings" would involve fughting breed dogs which clearly is not the case with several types of bully breeds counted together their responsible for 60% of fatalities.

The dogs’ current foster parents in Walnut Creek say the two are best friends and are very gentle and loving, despite having likely been used in dog-fighting.
WALNUT CREEK-- Two abused "bait dogs," are looking for a forever home. "Steve" and "Joe" were found badly injured, wandering the streets of Martinez. They were taken to a pound and then saved from ...
Ashley Walker likes this.
Jeffrey Sloan The idiots spreading this deadly misinformation ought to adopt them.
Like99 hrs
Alan Baker Ohh look fighting dogs need to be rescued......ok we cant say its all how you raise them on this one , everyone got that..........
Like129 hrsEdited
Ashley Walker Hey you can raise beagles to stay home unleashed, unfenced and never follow their nose *snort*
Like12 hrs
Lori Welbourne How do they know they're bait dogs rather than fighting dogs? The bait dogs I've seen in videos died. It's such an obvious lie to raise sympathy.
Like88 hrs
Sarah Howard Dog loses fight, dog gets dumped.
Like31 hr
Sabra Steele They dont know..nor do they have sense enough to understand selective breeding...dogs that lose fights normally end up dead or severely injured not just a few scars
Like11 hr
Sarah Howard and dumped in the streets for rescuers to take care of. That way the dog men dont have to bother with killing and burying their culls. #truth
Like135 mins
Sabra Steele actually these dogs were probably owned by some fighters wanna be..
Lance Wendling Take them out and shoot them each behind the ear. Quick and painless... which is a lot better than their future victims will get.
Like58 hrs
Lorde Faust Just the location of the scars proves they are not bait animals. Those are dog fighting scars.
Like38 hrs
Ashley Walker Bait animals are seriously disfigured or dead. This is sickening!
Like12 hrs
Tricia Malone Who wants a dog that not only was bred to kill but was also trained to do it??? Why does "it's all in how they're raised" always fly out the window in these situations?"
Like51 hrEdited
Ashley Walker Because people who advocate for a dog with hundreds of years of killer instinct bred into it are not logical people so they just twist things to fit their agenda.
Like41 hr
Sabra Steele They will be able to raise thousands in donations off these dogs and then sell them to unsuspecting person who believes love will fix it all and that the dogs will be so grateful for a home that they will worship their new owners forever..
Like31 hr
Rose Solesky Because people have had gentle animals and they forget that dog breeds were created by man to have certain traits. The PIT BULL dog just it's name shud be enough to explain what they were bred for. Fight to the death in a pen for the enjoyment of the people that enjoy that kind of thing. Will never understand that kind of mentality!
Like14 mins

These people aren't ignorant they're deliberately being deceitful they're are the lowest of the low as they are hiding their murderous revenge driven kill all pit bulls campaign behind the noble cause of helping prevent more victims of dog attacks whereas in actual fact they hate pit bulls and want them to become extinct and they don't seem to mind sacrificing innocent community members in order to do it 40% of fatalities do not involve bull breed/types.

They argue the merits of breed specific legislation using all the slimy and under handed tactics you'd expect to encounter when dealing with a Cult including bullying, threats and cyber bullying and as Bsl gets repealed and legislated against they become increasingly desperate.

"The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed" ; alleged public safety advocacy group......

more to come.....

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