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Thursday, 17 December 2015

Mary Jones accusing me of cyber-bullying her while she cyber-bully's me! It seems she has the right to freedom of speech but no-one else does?

I was commenting on a news article and I was attacked personally by Mary Jones on the article and being an amateur blogger I created and published a blog with copy and pastes of Mary's comments well when she found it she attacked accusing me of cyber bullying her and if I didn't take the blog down she was going to set her attorneys on me and I told her to go for it.

So then she screenshot the link to my blog and then took that SS to one of her hater groups and posted the image and a big rant about me asking for all her friends to report my blog and the Facebook page where she found the link.

So I blogged that too and published it exposing both her and her friends well that's when the threats escalated to the point of threatening to have the law visit me and jail me for up to 3 years it's at this stage I thought this lady seems a little delusional as to what constitutes cyber bullying and it would be safer to block her on google+.

Mary Jones

 commented on a post on Blogger.
Shared publicly  -  Yesterday 9:45 PM
Terry I am now going to report you to the Australian authorities for cyberbullying which is against the law because I too live in Australia. What is cyber bullying?

Cyber bullying is bullying carried out online or through mobile phones.
This could include using SMS, email or social networking sites to harass or abuse someone.

From Lawstuff Australia:

Is cyber bullying against the law?

Cyber bullying can be a crime under either NSW or national law when it involves:

Using the internet or a phone in a threatening, harassing or offensive way
Threats or intimidation
Stalking (including messaging someone to harm or scare them)
Accessing internet accounts without permission
Defamation (spreading lies to intentionally hurt someone’s reputation)
Encouraging suicide

Menacing, harassing or offensive use of the internet or a mobile
It is a crime to use a phone or the internet in threaten, harass or seriously offend somebody . A message or post could be considered offensive if it is likely to cause serious anger, outrage, humiliation or disgust.  The maximum penalty is 3 years in jail .
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It's really strange they make these comments and posts on public forums and I copy and paste them verbatim then they accuse me off bullying them for expressing my opinion seems it's ok for them to express their deluded opinio...
Mary Jones's profile phototerry holt's profile photo
terry holt
12:33 AM
Actually I commented on a public forum you attacked me slandering and defaming me so I did "A BLOG" about it you then took a screenshot and went to your group and posted a link to my blog and my fb page asking your friends to report it so I did another "BLOG" about that so if what you've done isn't cyber bullying how can my "RESPONSES" to your attack be considered bullying?

note the presence of my meme'd profile pic in the same comment thread as the call to report me sort of tops of the whole cyber bully question off and even though you're being an arse I still wouldn't want you to get locked up for telling stories again??
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Mary Jones

 commented on a post on Blogger.
Shared publicly  -  Yesterday 4:30 PM
"I'd definitely give this particular nutter a wide birth if I was you because she's seems particularly stupid she's found a study that she claims confirms that dogs attack out of the blue without any warning signs and she's like a rabid dog with a bone."

Take it up with the University of Liverpool:
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Mary Jones's profile phototerry holt's profile photo
Mary Jones
Yesterday 4:31 PM
From the article itself: They found that in some cases there was no interaction with the dog before the bite occurred and therefore no opportunity to assess behaviour.

Read more at:
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Mary Jones

 commented on a post on Blogger.
Shared publicly  -  Yesterday 10:37 AM
It's a little rich coming from you since you opening cyberbully and harrass other people Terry.
Mary Jones's profile phototerry holt's profile photo
terry holt
Yesterday 5:22 PM
you made the comments I copy and pasted them from a public forum not illegal so go hard darl mmmk!
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Mary Jones

 commented on a post on Blogger.
Shared publicly  -  Nov 15, 2015
Terry these permanant comments of yours under my name about social terrorism and stealing pictures are libel. My lawyer will be in touch in due course. It is very easy for you to post peoples ad hominem attacks however these were only posted in response to your ad hominem attacks in which were more numerous than mine. Also here is the link to the university study: You will find in the article the following: "They found that in some cases there was no interaction with the dog before the bite occurred and therefore no opportunity to assess behaviour". If you have any further issues with the study I suggest you take it up with the University of Liverpool.
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terry holt's profile photo
terry holt
Nov 15, 2015
you are the one making threats not me, I eagerly await contact from your legal reps! pmsl! 
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Obviously finding her google+ page like this confirmed it seems she obviously had no idea what it meant as she was doing what she claimed I had done and/or was doing there was only one post that didn't have something to do with attacking me, my page and/or my blog.

The irony is if she had of actually reported me as she claimed there's an option to block the person you are reporting she either didn't report me or she was not offended and disgusted enough to actually block me.

However I am going to block her so she can't make it her morning ritual to visit my google+ and report me for simply expressing an educated opinion and exposing bully's.

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