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Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Lori Welbourne says that American Bully's are Pit Bulls attacks an owner

According to our resident pit bull hating boobs out unemployed reporter and creator of pit bull victim awareness day creator Lori Welbourne seems to be fitting in with all the stalkers in the pit bull propaganda machine group.

Her unaltered "American Bully" got loose and was turned into animal control and was deemed a pit bull and now she's fighting them even though she's had troubles with them in the past with other pit bulls that got loose. She says it's a show dog and she shouldn't have to pay any fines and she shouldn't have to get it fixed. Special allowances should be made for her.
A broken leash recently set in motion a series of events that could lead to a challenge of Beaufort County's new pitbull regulations.
13 people like this.
Ken Esada as usual
William Johnson You would think if it was a "show dog" she would take better care of it. This law was designed because of people like her, that allow their unaltered dogs to roam, clogging the county shelter with pit bulls.
Karen Branson What bullshit! First, her dog isn't even trained well enough that she can control it if the leash "beaks"? Second, a show dog with what organization? Certainly not the AKC because the American Bulldog is not a recognized breed. Perhaps she shows in performance events (doubtful since when the leash broke, it took off running!), then it doesn't need to be intact. And lastly, an "American Bulldog" IS a pit bull!
Carol Miller "Dog shows" for the bully breeds are not like what we think of as a normal dog show. I have seen video of ADBA "shows" held in parking lots. The exhibitors are wearing clothes that I would not wear to paint the barn. The dogs are lunging at each other.

Watch the dogs in this video.

Watch the handlers in this video.
Karen Branson ROTFLMAO!!! What is that, a "handler pull contest"?! "Show dog"! That is hilarious! I love how the judge can't check the bite himself, he has to have the "handler" expose the teeth!
Carol Miller That ol' cowboy was not about to put his hands in those pit bull mouths. You don't get to be an ol' cowboy by doing stupid stuff.
Thomas McCartney Unbelievable, they are the opposite of what any show dog is, these undogs are completely untrained, out of control, lunging at any dog nearby wanting to kill them, dragging their idiot nutter owners along, freaken hysterical, i have not laughed this hard in a long time, what a bunch of utter morons to put this out in public and think this casts them all in a positive light with the general public.
Carol Miller I was hoping you would see it in that light Thomas.
J Thomas Beasley Show dogs! Bwahahaha. Next stop, Westminster! I like the one that was pissing while walking. Perfect form, huh?
Lori Welbourne Oh my god, Carol, that is soooooooo funny!
Tricia Malone They're all a little "special" aren't they?
Elizabeth Bennet A bunch of badly behaved dogs with their idiot owners.
Elizabeth Bennet In a normal dog show, the judge physically examines the dog, including inspecting their teeth. These dogs are too dangerous and unpredictable for that.
Thomas McCartney That thing is about as much a show dog as the average pit bull is a service dog.
Lisa Padgett
Gabriela Gonzalez to Bluffton Buy,Trade, and Sell
My babygirl got off her leash this morning and by the time I could get to the rd someone in a black car was grabbing her if you have my babygirl kyra please contact me
Lori Welbourne I can't believe she's going on about it not being a pit.
Billy-Joe Rebecca Morales This woman is ridiculous
Sabra Steele Now compare her so called Show dog with the pic of the Am Staff posted from the AKC show...the one where the man was "restraining" him in a ring full of dogs with 1 or 2 fingers looped thru his collar..

As you can see the dogs are "American Bully's" commonly mistaken for pit bulls well by these people that is everyone else seems to be able to easily tell the difference and as you can see they're stalking her facebook profile which is generally their first step once they've chosen their victims.

American Pit Bull Terriers are a lot taller and athletic whereas American Bully's are stockier bred for looks more so then anything else some are quite athletic some are not but they look nothing line an Apbt.

more to come

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