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Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Justin Gene Gregorits making money publishing while in jail for having sex with a minor typical Bsl proponent behavior.

Well I have to say I'm not surprised to learn of another pro Bsl culty doing prison time and to be honest I'm surprised more of them aren't in jail for similar offences committed against women and children daily via the boofhead Dj.

Still here? Write me.
Gene Gregorits
1616923, SD-3F-POD04-01-005
Pinellas County Jail
14400 49th Street North
Clearwater, Florida 33762-2877
11 people like this.
Skip Slavik Sent one out about 3 weeks ago. Hope you got it, Gene. Write back and let me know.
Rhonda Baughman Keep sending letters. will allow you to send him paper, envelopes and stamps.
Dave Public Gonna do just that. Does whoever is managing this page known of anything in particular Gene needs?
Rhonda Baughman Yes. Please send letters via the address and books via amazon. Also care packages through
Billy Snyder Will do brother. Wasn' aware of where YOU were...
Rhonda Baughman Every little bit helps.
Gene would like to thank everyone for their support during his hiatus. So what's he been doing? Worrying about Sam, and whether he has enough attention. And writing A LOT.
During that time away, "The Orange Woman" was written while incarcerated, and made its way to the outside world to the Monastrell Publishing team and has done well with sales thus far. Gene would like to emphasize the fact that this thing was literally written and produced and published from behind bars.
Additionally, a rather large manuscript for the next Gene Gregorits release is on the way to team and will be released soon.
Many have asked how to add commissary to Gene's account, and the easiest way is to go to - the commissary helps Gene fund his calling card, paper, writing supplies, envelopes, and stamps so the writing and communication with everyone in his corner can continue with relative ease.
Thank you all again - (from Gene)
11 people like this.

Justin Gene Gregorits aka Gene Gregorits will be sentenced in February, for the felony crimes of Unlawful Sexual Activity With a Minor, and Aggravated Stalking, in Pinellas County, Florida.
Gene is your typical breed specific legislation supporting pit hating nutter jail bird.

"A longtime member of DBO, and the Daxton’s Friends for Canine Education & Awareness cult groups, is guilty of having sex with a minor.
Justin Gene Gregorits aka Gene Gregorits will be sentenced in February, for the felony crimes of Unlawful Sexual Activity With a Minor, and Aggravated Stalking, in Pinellas County, Florida."

This isn’t the first time Gregorits has been incarcerated, per his own admission.
He also admitted to spending time in a mental institution because he wanted to kill women:
This current profile is the second that I know of and I'm betting the first one was removed because of his bullying and harassment but I didn't realize just how sick this guy really is and I say with assiduity that the community is much safer while he's incarcerated?

Gene please get some help for your issues and please don't terrorize your mother or any other women for that matter anymore please?

more to come.....

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