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Sunday, 27 December 2015

Pit bull hater lies and disinformation 101 !!!!!

Just another example of the lies and disinformation from the pro breed specific legislation crowd who seem to totally ignore victims of non banned breeds.

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NANNY DOGS R RatedVideo SharingChihuahua Attacks Baby - YouTube
R RatedVideo SharingVideo for baby killed by chihuahua▶ 1:20 More
TOOTHLESS teacup stands his ground.
LikeReply1June 16 at 12:42pm

As you can clearly see for yourselves Chihauhau's are dogs and they attack and kill too?

    Chihuahua Attacks Baby - YouTube
    Dec 14, 2013 - Uploaded by Louisa Jones
    Whooooaaaoh Duuuuude! Scary dog! If you pause the video @ 1:13 you can see a demon in the dog's eyes ...

    chihuahua puppy attacks baby - YouTube
    May 11, 2010 - Uploaded by moni2717 esta es lupita! mi chihuahua de 4 meses! le estoy diciendo que ataque a mi ...

    Chihuahua Dog bites baby - YouTube
    Nov 12, 2011 - Uploaded by brooke51711
    Tink the Chihuahua gives baby Brooke a bite on the hand and Brooke thinks its the funniest thing in the ...

    Mom says no one helped her after dog attacked child - CBS ...
    Oct 31, 2013 - Cortney says a home quarantine isn't enough for a dog that attacked her baby girl. She's asking that the Chihuahua be labeled a vicious dog ...

    Girl recovering after being attacked by pack of Chihuahuas ...
    Feb 22, 2013 - Neighbors say the Chihuahuas would routinely get loose from their yard ... A 6-year-old girl is recovering after she was attacked by a pack of ...

    Chihuahua pack attacks 6-year-old girl - Minor Topics
    Feb 25, 2013 - One of the chihuahua's that reportedly attacked 6-year-old girl in Salem, Ore. Screen ... 7 Signs You Should See a Doctor About Your Baby's

These delusional people are actually suffering from a mental illness call Cynaphobia it's an irrational fear of dogs and in particular pit bulls in the case of these people who seem willing to sacrifice victims of non banned breeds so they can exterminate pit bulls.

They're not public safety advocates they are pit bull haters hiding their murderous intent behind the guise of community safety in a very very sick plot to eradicate ll pit bulls.

more to come.....

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