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Sunday, 27 December 2015

pit bull lies, disinformation and discrimination?

When discrimination seems to be more a way of life then a choice as these people choose to act this way all day every day we have all nicknamed them "sheeple" because of their mindless ignorant devotion to lies, death and disinformation in their kill all pit bulls campaign.

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Raechel Celeste Smith This is why I want acreage since I can't currently afford a neighborhood that would ensure mess like this not be present.
Nat Limone TraSh.
Ronald Diebel They seem nice.
Brenda Geary Clark Yep it is bad when you have to take a butcher knife with you just to go in your back yard....
Brenda Geary Clark I wish it was that easy to sell our house and move......
John Tawaroa At least ya know where to get weed and pit puppies without a big mission.
Dave Campbell I guess someone doesn't like the Steelers

People like Colleen Lynn, Merrit Clifton, and Jeff Borchardt prey on weak minded people at their most vulnerable after a traumatic life changing event they use these victims to further their death focused campaign against pit bulls.

They are the lowest of the low using victims of pit bulls while ignoring all other victims this is not community safety advocacy it's discrimination, lies, disinformation and evil all rolled into one nasty kill campaign being orchestrated against the community and dog owners in general by an ex journo, an ex phone line psychic and a wannabe second rate Disc Jockey none of whom are experts in anything other then spreading Bs!

more to come.....

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