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Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Elton Camp can not identify a pit bull but he does Meme's

Elton Camp seems to be the safety advocate you have when you don't really have a safety advocate and judging from the amount of likes his post get I'd confidently say even his own people are embarrassed for him too???

Should these monsters be tolerated?
3 people like this.
Nancy Perdue But they're just being Nanny Dogs like they were bred to be...BAWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Like2 hrs

Elton regularly uses cartoons and meme's in his advocacy?
The muzzle law we actually need.
10 people like this.
Elton Camp Hummm....wonder if this law could be suggested to Australia?
Like24 hrs
Nancy Perdue "Bawhahahahahahaha that's good!"
Like2 hrs

If you've ever read Elton's poetry you'd understand his mindset.

One picture is truly worth a thousand words!
3 people like this.
Melis Anaar Kaur shoot it between the bloody eyes
Like43 hrs
Nancy Perdue Damn that is FUUUUUUUGLYEEEE!
Like2 hrs

Elton you do realize that's an  American Bully?

2 people like this.
Mary Conner Love this!
Like15 hrs
Elton Camp Thanks, Mia. I didn't know its source..
Like4 hrs
Elton Camp (Can't read the signature)
Like4 hrs

They have to use childish tactics like this because they have no actual facts supporting their argument?

The official mascot of the local Klavern.

Honestly Elton you might want to use pictures of actual American Pit Bull Terriers?

Again Elton American Bully's not APBT?

Nobody has the right to impose this menace on others.

The fact is if they had any legitimate information from credible sources they wouldn't have to persist with these childish meme's?

The result of genetic manipulation by humans. It has produced a variation that has no right to exist.
4 people like this.
Linda Carraher-Franklin The only animal that is as ugly on the outside, as it is on the inside ...
Nancy Perdue Another deformed American Bully, just to look muscle bad ass cool for some stupid macho ass.
Tina Klink I saw a pair of these in the vet office last month. One of them sat down and had to heave its butt 3 times to stand back up.

Epic fail once again Elton can not identify a "pit bull" as any one of average intelligence can do apparently Elton is not of average intelligence?
This picture "proves" that, until recent times, alligators were nannies for children. Their bad reputation is utterly undeserved since it's all in how you raise them.

The fact is these people base their whole advocacy on lies and emotive propaganda sourced from the non expert washed up journo Merrit clifton and all under the guidance from an ex phone psychic with absolutely no formal training or education in the animal world and throw in the pedo Dj and what a mix!!!

more to come....

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