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Wednesday, 9 December 2015

J Thomas Beasley "How about if you see a dog with a yellow ribbon, you call the police and have them arrested for endangering the public safety... Thats what I'LL be doing."

This is how this alleged group of public safety advocates respond the a legitimate safety intiative with threats of violence and vexatious complaints further wasting Leo's time?

I received this in a email from a pitbull advocate she said if i get near her dog with yellow ribbon it is not her fault what the dog does. ....can you believe this crazy v stuff
9 people like this.

Heidi Schold if the dog comes near my gun that has a yellow ribbon on it... its not my fault what happens then....

Heidi Schold A big knife with a yellow handle?

Heidi Schold Make sure you always carry some sort of weapon to protect yourself... I once spent what felt like an eternity trying to pull one of those monsters off my dog...

Lew Heifner I have a few dozens of yellow 12 ga magnum shotgun shells with deer slugs, those mean keep your mutant away from my "space". The slugs will carry a few hundred yards...

Lew Heifner For that matter my rifle shells are brass yellow, those will travel a bit farther. tongue emoticon

Adam Combs How about keeping these mauling monsters that are killing approx 2 people a month now, off the streets. You want one, keep it in your yard behind an iron 6 foot fence and let it "lick" your kids. What a concept. Ill put a yellow ribbon on my machete when I walk my small dog!! This means your pit will have its throat sliced if it comes to say "hi" to my dog.

Anthony Michael Ridge Every time I see a pit or a pit/mix heading in my direction while walking I click the safety off my concealed glock. You cannot trust these devil dogs!
Frederick J. Calabrese Glocks typically don't have external safeties.
Anthony Michael Ridge I know that, but some don't. Glocks were designed without them to make firing faster. But you must squeeze the trigger all the way before it will discharge this is just one of 3 "safety" features. clicking "safety off" was meant as a figure of speech. glad you know your weapons though
Frederick J. Calabrese I have a S&W M&P in .40S&W for that contingency.
Anthony Michael Ridge .40 S&W kicks like hell I'll bet, huh?
Frederick J. Calabrese Anthony Michael Ridge It's not bad. The full sized M&P was seemingly designed for that round, I used to carry a Browning Hi-Power chambered for .40S&W; it went through a recoil spring every 700 rounds.
Lew Heifner I carry a Springfield XD 9mm. Same thing with the safety, I don't normally carry "hot", (chambered) I do when my service dog and I are out and about. I don't have the strength I did as a kid, so I opted for the 9mm.
Frederick J. Calabrese I opted for the thumb safety equipped M&P. It has effectively the same manual of arms as the Hi-Power and 1911. I'm used to carrying and using a single action semiautomatic. They are typically carried in condition one- round in chamber, cocked, and safety on.
Elizabeth Honce Glock 19 when I'm walking my chihuahuas.
Bill Hyslop i am not allowed to carry a glock but i take the safe clip off of my bear mace.
Sandra Fuller Same hear I always remove the safety clip before each walk
Anthony Michael Ridge Bear mace is good but you must be accurate to hit the face or eyes, and that can be difficult at a faced paced lunging devil dog. And then there is the $50 refill
Sandra Fuller You can buy a 7.5oz can of UDAP Bear Spray on ebay for about $32.00 that includes shipping and comes with a holster.This stuff has a fogging/cloud action no need to be real accurate.Search youtube bear spray & pitbull.Stopped a a pitbull in his tracks video.Might not stop them all but it sure did that one.Caught on home security camera.Its kind of funny.
J Thomas Beasley How about if you see a dog with a yellow ribbon, you call the police and have them arrested for endangering the public safety... Thats what I'LL be doing.
Lucy Muir I like that very much!
Adam Combs Excellent
Carol Miller A very fine plan J Thomas!
Andy Kliene I have a chrome-colored handle on my .45 to protect me from yellow ribbons.

I find these comments extremely disturbing with all the talk of knives and guns etc however the most disturbing is the one by the alleged lawyer advising everyone to that he'll be reporting any pets he see's in public using the new safety initiative and he advised everyone else to do the same?

These so called advocates seem intent on inflicting their irrational fear of dogs on the rest of society and maybe it's time they get some treatment for their phobias before they end up in jail?

more to come

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