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Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Jeff Borchardt, if anyone took him seriously he'd of been sued for everything he's got by now?

What's reckless dangerous and stupid is promoting legislation that ignores victims of non banned breeds while making statement to the effect that pit bulls are killers all other dogs are not?

In spite of the mountains of articles and pictures on the internet confirming that dogs have been called "nanny dogs" and not just pit bulls but many breeds these people get a story from one of thousands of pro-pit bull Facebook pages and groups disputing the facts and they're like a dog with a bone in claiming that one article debunks the millions of articles on the web.

Pit Bulls and Amputees
Animal Planet says pit bulls are "misunderstood", and that they used to be "nanny dogs".
Well, we "understand" the pit bull breed "perfectly".
And no, they were NEVER "nanny dogs".
24 people like this.
Sarah May More maulings & death...
Jeff Borchardt They need to be sued.
Darcy Hussin Gray Absolutely, Jeff!
Chris Blomskog Isn't it ironic that they say Pitbulls have "fallen from grace" and been given a "bad rap" when the Pitbull advocate group "Badrap" has denounced the myth that they are so good with children they were used as "Nanny" dogs? Denise, Paralegal
Joy Bruce Sickening!
Like16 hrs
Gishik Kwe What a dumb ass!
Nancy Perdue What has happened to Animal Planet?
Jeff Borchardt Gone to the dogs. *drumroll
Like122 hrs

This is typical Jeff Borchardt advocacy he's good at making meme's and Facebook pages but how do you help actual victims ??? Well the answer to that is easy, he doesn't help victims in fact he helps create more victims with his advocacy techniques abusing 12 year old girls etc etc etc..

The facts can't be refuted non banned breeds accounted for 38% of the dog related fatalities in America last year which was 43, so even if breed specific legislation were to work (which it doesn't) then there'd still be 17 deaths, that's 17 families grieving loved ones and what does breed specific legislation do to prevent similar deaths in the future?


Jeff Borchardt is not an expert he's a Dj who lost his son to a pair of boxer mixes he insists are pit bulls, his advocacy is based on hate and revenge and seems to do little to help actual victims he needs to stop blaming everyone else for his poor choices.

All dogs bite, attack and sometimes kill as the statistics prove and to ignore one group of victims based on the breed of dog that attacked them is ludicrous and to try and label the problem as a breed issue is infantile in light of the presence of victims of non banned breeds.

more to come.....

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