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Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Judge Judy lost the plot attacking "pit bull" owners threatened by a neighbor with a gun

Wow I think Judge Judy has been drinking the kool aide over at Dbo just have a listen to her response here she's lost the plot completely how can this be legal if she didn't even here the other side of the story?

“You have dangerous dogs! Yes they are! Read newspapers, go on Google, read about it, read about it! Do you read? Read about it! Do we understand each other? Do you understand me? You choose to have dogs that can cause serious damage. They have killed children, maimed adults, that have KILLED adults, you CHOOSE to maintain those dogs as pets, that’s your prerogative. You want to put yourself and your children in that position, this country allows you to do that. This country, however, does not allow you to visit your stupidity on others. Do I make myself clear? Clear?!”
Carl Smith to Judge Judy Rocks!
Ducks are dangerous too...
13 people like this.
Lori Welbourne I wish she could be the judge on all pit bull attack cases.
Rose Solesky I've always liked Judge Judy and the way she handles justice but never more than when she is confronted with a Pit Bull attack. these dogs shud never have been allowed to be adopted. They are animals,people extremely dangerous animals that can kill. Until they are stopped from being adoptable
Jen Sielicki not dogs
Like121 hrs
Marie McGrath I would love to put this on my page "Why we need BSL" but it won't work.
Like18 hrs
Marie McGrath We need more judges like her. Elected officials as well to enact BSL.
Like18 hrs
Mary Jones Go Judge Judy!!!
Like27 hrs
Nick De Rooy Love this soooo much.
She gonna need some aloe vera
Because she just got burnt
Like2 hrs

I am still a bit confused to be honest does Judge Judy make the law up as she goes along surely she has to at the very least here them out and how's the holly-er then now anti pit bull rant sounding like a true full on Dbo culty? 

Considering how allegedly intelligent you have to be to become a judge I am truly taken a back by her out burst and quite concerned for any pit bull owners having to front her so called "court of law"

Link to video of the rant.....

more to come....

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