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Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Lori Welbourne is fitting into Hatesville just fine by attacking Sarah Jane for daring to school her!!!

Lori Welbourne seems to be fitting in well over in hatesville ie the pit bull propaganda machine revealed and has picked up their techniques with ease anyone exposing their stupidity automatically gets shared back to the hate group for a good old fashioned ridicule session.

4 people like this.
Elsie Delaney Pit bull fur mommies are not real bright. Stupidity is strong in this one.
Like38 hrs
Lisa Gaffney If her outright stupidity wasn't enough, her believing the nanny dog myth and 100 other grammatical errors would be funny. Sarah, for the record, sweetheart, nanny dogs don't kill children.
Like48 hrs
Kathleen Horton A five-pound pit bull? Umm. Nope.
Like37 hrs
Gary Young Sex with pitbulls is not a new event.. peanut butter and nutters go hand and hand.. they have been doing it for years only now it comes out when they get caught..or confess.. it is a crime in some places..
Like35 hrs
Dan Saeger Almost worth a meme, but there already are a million of these..
Like14 hrs
Penny Spears Please someone tell the 5-200 lb breads that we are jaded and to knock off with the maiming and killing already!
Like14 hrs
Lisa Gaffney Lol I missed this the first time I read through her garbled rant - "How dare you talk about them without getting the proper information first?" - Words that will come back to haunt you. It's called karma.
Like13 hrs
Lori Welbourne Lisa, I asked her to enlighten me as to what I got wrong, but she failed to respond.
Like3 hrs

Wow she must of really rubbed Lori's nose in it to get 2 consecutive hate posts and Gary young i didn't see anything about "sex" in that post these people are obsessed with pit bulls and peanut butter, creepy to say the least?

Awe nuts, Sarah thinks I'm an idiot AND a total knob frown emoticon
16 people like this.
Diane C. Nicholson There is nothing worse than being a total knob! wink emoticon
Like510 hrs
Lori Welbourne The word "total" was so unnecessary! hah]
Like59 hrsEdited
Diane C. Nicholson Totally!
Like210 hrs
Lew Heifner Like totally for sure.
Like15 hrs
Bob Tarpey i havent heard anyone say knob in 20 years.
Like25 hrs
Doug Skinner Love her tats. It's a shame to belong to someone else when the right one comes along. Mama Mia, my heart. .it'sa broken
Like210 hrs
Doug Skinner Long time listener, first time caller. I'm just curious why you two are so pitched against pits? I have my reasons
Like39 hrs
Laurie Miller Musselman Lori Welbourne: Is Doug Skinner a troll? Heads up!
Like19 hrs
Doug Skinner What do you mean by troll? Sounds negative. I've been on this site a while and asked questions of a number of people. Are you the troll police. Please answer
Like19 hrs
Rachel Simas Lori has a LOT of pit defenders who friend her and then attack her with name calling and declaring how ignorant they find her to be. They often start out with a passive aggressive question or comment. Laurie was just unsure from your comment if you wer...See More
Like28 hrs
Doug Skinner Fair enough. I like a good debate, not fight, but I'm I your corner and put it in public.
Like68 hrs
Rachel Simas We need more open and honest veterinarians like you. I know there are many that feel the way you do, but unfortunately too few are confident enough to speak out. Thank you for your honesty and courage in going public.
Like48 hrs
Doug Skinner My cousin just text me and her lawyer said the most they can do is require the ex to properly restrain the pit. Child endangerment! Forget ex v ex. What about the child?
Like17 hrs
Doug Skinner Excuse me, it is my cousins 4 year old daughter that I am concerned about
Like37 hrs
Laurie Miller Musselman Doug Skinner : I apologize for the scrutiny in this regard.. Yes, the 4 year old is in grave danger at this time. Someone has to save her life from the danger of the killer dog, who could strike a any time. If I delete my original comment, you see, all of these replies will also be deleted and there are some wonderful comments from you and from Rachel Simas.
Like4 hrs
Laurie Miller Musselman I just read your extremely intelligent letter to the editor, Doug Skinner, and I am impressed with your knowledge and education on this subject matter. You are a good man and you are now to be protected , here, also. I can alter my original posted comment, as I see that you may be disconcerted by my rather swift alert system for this forum.
Like4 hrs
Greg Krasichynsky Judgement has been concluded. Report to the disintegration chamber.
Like39 hrs
Marie McGrath Pit bull mom? Sort of resemble each other.
Like29 hrs
Lori Welbourne Which two, Doug Skinner? Diane and I? Laurie
Letters to the editor for Tuesday, Oct. 6.
Like29 hrs
Doug Skinner Yes. At the time only you two showed up as responding on my FB page
Like9 hrs
Lori Welbourne I've had two friends with children attacked in the face by pit bulls (separate instances) and I've personally known 6 people with dogs that were attacked by them - some fatally. I appreciated your letter to the editor and wish other vets could be so brave. It would make a world of difference if people would start being honest - especially experts in the field. It would save lives.
Like69 hrs
Doug Skinner I am being called to assist my cousins daughter in a custody case where the ex has a girlfriend with a pit. The rest of my reasons are in the letter. I had one I was keeping for my son..3 strikes and he was out. Enough said as someone else on here thinks I'm trolling.
Like29 hrs
Sarah May Doug Skinner wrote a great letter...I refer to it often. smile emoticon
Like19 hrs
Lori Welbourne I think she just read your post wrong, Doug. I'm always curious how people became victim/public safety advocates as well. There's usually a story. I refer to your letter a lot as well.
Like39 hrs
Doug Skinner Thank you for clearing that up and I will return my cutting humor to its holster. Not nice of her btw, to post for all to see. Have a nice day
Like19 hrs
Sarah May Thank you, Doug Skinner, for your letter! It hits the nail on the head with the pit bull issue. Hoping a future letter will come out, too.
Like39 hrs
Doug Skinner Sarah May if nominated I will not run, if elected I will not serve!! Perhaps down the road I will get more out. Just trying to keep my cousins 4 year old and me fingers safe
Like39 hrs
Linda Ann Oh I thought that was her boyfriend
Like29 hrs
Matt Linden I hope there are no children in that home. I have a few friends who own pit bulls and I pray for the safety of their children.
Like59 hrs
Joanna McGinn HAHA... my kids used to come whining with the 'HE CALLED ME A............." and I'd look at them or if handy have them look in the mirror and say, "ARE you that... did you turn into ...... because they SAID so?".... - 'well, no.' "see... just because someone calls you a name doesn't mean that is what you are or that you turn into ...... It just means they aren't very smart and can't think of anything real to say." Apparently, it holds true with adults.
Like49 hrs
Joanna McGinn However, isn't a 'mommy dog' a b*tch????? it's either accurate in this case or she's had strange sex sessions
Like29 hrs
Isabella Stack-Carson is in on a door? Or perhaps what you get when you bump your head? Knobbish...
Like39 hrs
Lew Heifner Lori, of course you a know... on the volume control for the voice of reason. Why do these "unlearned" pitters all think you have to own a dog to read up on the statistics of a killer breed. Why did she leave out coconuts, that myth has been getting lonely lately. They must get together and take bets on how stupid they can sound. And last Lori, how DARE you take the human's side against their killer dog???
Like78 hrs
Doug Skinner Check out an animal behaviorist at my alma mater by the name Alan Beck. He considers a pit bull to be a wild animal. I live only 60 miles away and maybe can visit him. I don't know if he has a site or page so just Google it.
Like48 hrs
Doug Skinner Alan or Allen Beck, Purdue University
Like8 hrs
William Johnson I never understood them using the term proud. You're proud to own a dog? Just doesn't make sense to me.
Like48 hrsEdited
Lori Welbourne I am a PROUD "Cockapoo" and "Wheaton Terrier" mom! Oh, yeah, and I'm the mom of a couple skin kids too.
Like98 hrs
Like14 hrs
Penny Spears "Skin kids"!!
Like24 hrs
Lew Heifner The furry kids are better..
Like3 hrs
Lori Welbourne Doug: Lots of angry blog posts were written about what Alan Beck had to say! I think it was possibly from this article:

However, Alan Beck, director of the Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine Center of the Human-Animal Bond, favors lettin...See More
Like98 hrs
Doug Skinner The pit bull will not go quietly, for the public is being shown a,warm and fuzzy dog. Pictures of bitten children is "too real" and means then people with a 7 second attention span would have to deal with it. Warm and fuzzy is better. People, like crows, are attracted to shiny objects. I apologize to the crow for any negative light cast on them by that comparison
Like148 hrs
Diane C. Nicholson The pit bull lobby has done an amazing job. They use emotion and people's sense of fair play to bring them onside. Those who want them for nefarious reasons are not enough to keep the breed going, so it's important that the lobby convince others to love the breed. And I have to admit, they're damned good at what they do.
Like38 hrs
Doug Skinner So we need a PR firm who believes in the cause. But again, it's hard to sell dead children to the public
Like48 hrs
Diane C. Nicholson Doug Skinner Indeed. And it's also hard to convince those who believe the pit propaganda that what they believe is a lie. Because it has been done via emotions, they become staunch supporters, ready to fight with everything they have for the sake of these persecuted dogs. That's hard to stop and the pit lobby is sitting back, grinning, and letting the average person fight their battles.
Like28 hrs
Doug Skinner Even my kids denied the dangers involved. Until their dog had 3 strikes and was out. I guess we need to somehow turn their strengths into weaknesses and ours into strength. But how? Time to get off for the night. I rented Cujo. LOL
Like78 hrs
Diane C. Nicholson I really don't believe that any other breed has supporters like these. If any other breed left behind this type of carnage, I seriously hope that they'd not shoot the messenger but rather would work at remedying the situation. This is why this is soincredibly difficult. The propagandists have made this a, "love me, love my dog" thing and have made certain that their followers do not believe anything negative about the breed. It has many cult characteristics. lol Cujo! wink emoticon
Like37 hrsEdited
Doug Skinner It's macho, protection, antiestablishmentism, I'll show you attitude, ego. Just your normal low self esteem stuff
Like57 hrs
Diane C. Nicholson Doug Skinner Yes, but that would be the badass types. The others, the "normal" people who've bought into this, tend to fight this tooth and nail as well. It's quite bizarre.
Like77 hrs
Matt Linden What we have is a perfect storm of factors that have combined to create the dangerous situation we have today. But pit bull attacks are only going to rise. Currently two to three people on average die every month. One child is mauled to death every mon...See More
Like55 hrs
Chris Blomskog Doug Skinner Do you know very much about Presa Canarios? I read up on them today when I came across Diane Whipple's death on January 26, 2001 in San Fransisco as a precedent setting legal case in I read in that these Canary Island butcher dogs were so vicious that they almost went extinct in the 70's until dog fighters came up with the idea of crossing them with Pitbulls. The ones that killed Diane Whipple were acquired by a criminal for dog fighting breeding purposes (Bane & Hera) but he went to prison. So he transferred their ownership to his criminal lawyers who were Diane's neighbors. This couple were charged with second degree murder and received a minimum 15 year sentence as per Wikipedia. However, if it could be proven by a Vet that Presa Canarios are actually large Pitbulls it might stop the backyard breeders in BC as there are about ten of them now online and being advertised as gentle herding farm dogs which couldn't be further from the truth. Denise, Paralegal and Certified dog trainer.
Like45 hrs
Doug Skinner Very well said. They have the warm fuzzy high ground so we won't win in court of public opinion. Must win in legal court
Like45 hrs
Doug Skinner No, just the san Francisco thing. I'm in your corner but not sure how to prove anything. Just by looking or suggesting is not going to stand up. Dna? Mix or not they should be banned
Our government, state or local is impotent.
Like35 hrs
Diane C. Nicholson Doug Skinner I don't think that's necessarily the case (2 posts up). But in order to show the truth, we have to take the high road. We have to understand that these people (except for the dog fighters who obviously have no moral compass) are not bad...See More
Like15 hrs
Diane C. Nicholson BTW, Doug Skinner-- off topic, but I can't tell from the photo-- what kind of bike do you have? wink emoticon
Like5 hrs
Chris Blomskog Agreed. I am just worried that BC will get BSL finally but Presa Canarios will fall through the cracks and not be included in the Vet ID system Ontario has had since 2005. I think a lot of people confuse them with Bullmastiffs too which are also part bully. Denise
Like25 hrs
Doug Skinner Chris Blomskog 70% of all large breed scare me now...and I do some scary hobbies. The other 30% I watch close.
Like45 hrs
Doug Skinner Diane C. Nicholson well I had 2, a Honda 750 spirit, I think, then a suzuki vstrom 1000. Didn't own a bike till age 64 then sold 3 years later. Both were used so I got in cheap. Sold due to thumb problems and off/on vertigo. Miss them some but glad to verify alive.
Like5 hrs
Diane C. Nicholson Doug Skinner Ah, nice. I have a Honda Shadow Aero 750 and my husband a Yamaha FJR 1300 (similar to the Vstrom). I got this bike for my 60th birthday but been riding since I was 17. That vertigo is a bugger! I've had it 3 times but it doesn't come on in the day.
Like5 hrs
Chris Blomskog Haha. That's funny because you are going to watch Cujo? I read Stephen King's book too. Freaky. However, we trained some really huge dogs from puppies like Beatrice, an English Mastiff who grew to 150 pounds and her best pal Koda, a wolfdog to 130 poun...See More
Like25 hrs
Chris Blomskog Diane C. Nicholson wow, we have a lot in common than dogs and BC as I also have been driving a motorbike since 13. When I got my motorcycle license in Vancouver when I was 25, I bought a Yamaha Virago 500 cc. Denise
Like14 hrs
Diane C. Nicholson Chris Blomskog Nice! Do you have a bike now?
Like4 hrs
Chris Blomskog I gave it to my older brother who still has it because it was a lemon
Like14 hrs
Matt Linden As far as strategy goes BSL is a political non-starter in many places. I think in those jurisdictions the strategy should be holding dog owners criminally and civilly liable for any injuries or property damage resulting from their failure to control th...See More
Like44 hrs
Chris Blomskog When my son is older (7 now), I would like to introduce him to a small dirt bike because my Virago could go to 180 km I accidentally discovered when following some Ninjas off the Victoria ferry. I was late for a Comedy show with Tommy Chong and my fingers were so stiff from riding so fast that I dropped an entire bottle of champagne on his feet that his wife had just handed me. Yikes! Lol. Denise
Like14 hrs
Lynne Smith Pit bull supporters just don't care about dead kids - the way they frame it is so many pit bull didn't kill anyone today - and somehow they view this as a legitimate argument.

But what they do care about is dead pit bulls. And due to their dreadful...See More
Like34 hrs
Diane C. Nicholson Matt Linden I guess that the liability insurance would be expensive, thus weeding out some owners. I'm sure they would figure that they didn't need it since their dog is a sweetie. Everybody hates puppy mills so I suspect they'd just think it was the...See More
Like4 hrs
Chris Blomskog Matt Linden I agree about the pics or memes like this, but I do think BSL is sellable if you phrase it as protection as follows:
Like4 hrs
Diane C. Nicholson Okay, so one CAN get a photo of a pile of dead pits. wink emoticon
Like14 hrs
Lynne Smith Los Angeles euthanizes hundreds of pits every week.
Like4 hrs
Chris Blomskog Even their origin countries have blanket banned all large exotic and American Pitbulls and have BSL on their smaller Staffordshire Bull terriers which still mauled 13 people and killed 4 in England in 9 months. Therefore, all Pitbulls need grandfatheri...See More
Like14 hrs
Diane C. Nicholson Lynne Smith Sickening. Yeah, I think those stats might make an impact.
Like4 hrs
Lynne Smith The problem is this is not about the dogs at all, its about being able to own anything you want without restrictions. And when you view it like that, its easy to see why good, humane laws are opposed at every turn.
Like4 hrsEdited
Chris Blomskog One rescue group said LA euthanizes 600 dogs/day; but not San Fransisco because they were the first City in California to get BSL in 2005. See BSL
Like4 hrs
Matt Linden There also needs to be a responsible breeding program. Historically, the way breeders have neutralized the danger of fighting breeds is to cross them with a Chinese pug type dog. The English Bulldog, Boxer, Boston Terrier and French Bulldog are four su...See More
Like4 hrs
Lynne Smith Breeding fighting dogs with non-fighting dogs will get rid of some of the problems, but that's not a true pit bull, so that's not going to happen.
Like4 hrs
Matt Linden It worked 100 plus years ago with the Boston Terrier.
Like14 hrs
Lynne Smith I agree with you, but if people wanted a Boston Terrier they would get e Boston Terrier. Certain people want pit bulls because they are pit bulls. They want the aggressive dog, or the idea that they can control an aggressive dog.
Like14 hrs
Chris Blomskog In Nelson, BC there is a breeder crossing Boston Terriers with small Pitbulls and selling them in Vancouver for thousands $. One family bought a puppy thinking they were getting a fun lap dog for their little girl whereupon it bit her severely. They ga...See More
Like34 hrs
Chris Blomskog says people cannot get insurance on Pitbulls, Rottweilers, or Presa Canarios because of the Diane Whipple case. I discovered that in BC when I had my dog business, my liability insurance policy was $2,000/year but excluded Pitbulls and R...See More
The USA's best-known dog bite attorney, Kenneth M. Phillips, presents the most reliable…
Like4 hrs
Isabella Stack-Carson "Proud" Miniature Pinscher owner/breeder, Pekingese owner, and Great Pyrenees owner. Not all "foamers" are toy breed-only owners. Plenty of us like extra large dogs, small dogs and every size in between.
Like48 hrs
Brian Long She probably buys the big jars of peanut butter. So there's THAT.......
Like24 hrs
Laurie Miller Musselman Brian Long , I almost brought this up. Thank you for doing so. You speak the truth in this case, as this accounts for the fierce defense of the killer dogs, it represents a dark underbelly, their secret love affair with Pit bulls. The obsessive compulsive tongue licking.
Like14 hrsEdited
Nancy Perdue It gets on your nerves how Pit Nutters always show off pictures of their Pitbull/s being sweet. It does nothing to change or stop the fact that killing is a bred in instinct for these animals and will always be.
Like53 hrs
Chris Blomskog Good meme of family raised Pitbulls that horrifically killed the children they are cuddling. I don't like it when people post these pics with any dogs nevermind with ones that have steel trap jaws. Denise, mom
Like3 hrs

At least they seem to have got the name of the group right they certainly are the Pit bull propaganda machine revealed, each crazier then the next and everyone's wrong except them.

2 people like this.
Elsie Delaney She favors her pit bull. That's always the oddest thing how pit bull people...male or female...always look like a pit bull. Look at their mouths...identical set. If that ugly mauler had his eyes open I have no doubt they would look as psychopathic as hers.
Like38 hrs
Kathleen Horton Are those apples and oranges on her arm? I wonder if she is employed and, if so, what her employer thinks of her pit loving life style.
Like17 hrs

Sarah Jane must have really struck a nerve with Lori to warrant 3 posts in concession she'll be stalked,  bullied and harassed for daring to express her opinions these people are not public safety advocates they hate pit bulls and are willing to sacrifice the victims of non banned breeds in order to achieve their goal of murdering all pit bulls into extinction.

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