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Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Mary Jones and Leanne deetz butt-hurting after being exposed as the haters they are and are asking all their friends to report my blogs? is this not bullying?

It's really strange they make these comments and posts on public forums and I copy and paste them verbatim then they accuse me off bullying them for expressing my opinion seems it's ok for them to express their deluded opinions but every one else has to grin and bear it?

Anyone else being harassed by this idiotic page? I know that cyber bulling can equate to real jail time so how about reporting and finding out who this is?
8 people like this.
Elsie Delaney Yep. Just take it as a compliment. They only do that to people who are making a difference and has come under their radar.
Like812 hrs
Leanne Deetz The insanity on that blog wow. Lol
Like411 hrs
Steven Green Good old crazy Terry.
Like510 hrs
Carol Miller Only pit bulls require this insane level of advocacy. If pit bull advocates could keep their dogs from attacking and mauling humans, and all other carbon based life forms, there would be no need for this advocacy.
Like810 hrs
Heather Jackson Harassed ? I'd call it an honor 
Like410 hrs
Stephanie Snier Butler Oh how lovely... Just surfed this site and realized this man is a lunatic.
Like44 hrsEdited
Mary Jones It's Terry. Please everyone report this site for harrassment and bullying and hopefully we can get it shut down for violation of the bloggers Tos since it is harrassing and bullying people.
Blogger does not allow harassment or bullying.
Like710 hrs
Leanne Deetz Yes! Thank you.
Like110 hrs
Karen Entwisle I tried to delated it it's so stupid
Like210 hrs
Julie Edwards-Matanga He reports on his stupid blog that I am the administrator of a "hate page" called Inside the Dark Dark Sick Minds of Pit Bull and other dangerous Dog Owners", and then posts where I work and no longer work. Really a super sleuth there. He's likely reading and making screenshots of this very thread. Knock yerself out, Terry.
Like45 hrs
Mary Jones Report the page to google for harassment or bullying as per the link I shared.
Like1 hr

Mary Jones and Leanne Deetz if you don't want your deluded comments exposed stop making them oh and FYI Mary is it not bullying to take a link to your grotty little hate group and ask everyone to report it?

Oh and thank you Mary you've just confirmed you are a bully and even given me the evidence to prove it and affirm my claims from the blog you're crying about you are a lying hater.

Julie Edwards Matunga the blog about you and your pages is a zombies and dogs blog not mine but I did like and share it, knock yourselves out reporting because unlike fb google doesn't listen to your shyte!

more to come.....

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