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Friday, 11 December 2015

All Victims Matter "not just pit bull victims?"

Matt Linden seems to be trying to initiate discussion in relation to possible negotiating points in relation to getting breed specific legislation enacted but as you can see his fellow group members are too Cynophobic-aly inclined to even consider compromise desperately clinging to both their irrational fear of dogs and the delusional claims of being the majority when clearly they're no more then a minority at best.

If BSL in any form is a political non-starter I am willing to advocate changes that will effect every dog such as mandatory liability insurance of $250,000 for every dog. (Let the insurance companies determine the actuarial risk for each dog.) Mandatory spay and neutering for every dog except those owned by licensed breeders. Require a separate license for every litter with such stipulations as not allowing a dog to be bred unless a minimum of four puppies spoken for. Also reform liability laws so there are no free bites.
11 people like this.
Lorde Faust I can't go for punishing all dog owners because Pit Bull owners think that Pits are pets.
Lew Heifner Mandatory chip and stripped of all pet ownership if dogs are not chipped. Liable for the actions of the dog for its lifetime.
Lisa Padgett Register them like sex offenders are? Townspeople can keep an eye on things and adjust their routes accordingly.

And periodic inspection of their god damn fences (and beefier requirements for them).

Susan George Amen!
None of them should live 100 yards from a school yard either! At least a registered sex offender will never jump the fence in front of everybody and shred your child to bits before anyone can stop him! They definitely need special attention even more so than the registry and you are so right!

Susan George Wait a minute... 100% INDOOR, 11 year old Chihuahua missing over half of her teeth! Really?! Same price for a dog fighter? And insurance companies would love to collect more money from people they will never do anything for, but let's not give them a reason just because so many people are Pit-bull-loving/fighting/breeding, ass wipes.
Elizabeth Bennet The coverage amount would be the same but your insurance premiums for the chihuahua would be tiny, whereas the premiums for a pit bull would be high. And it wouldn't hurt to have the insurance. Even a small dog can bite someone and cause an infection.
Lew Heifner

Matt Linden If you think you can get BSL passed in your city then it is by far the better option. But if it is a non starter where you live the strategy would be to approach it in a breed neutral way. Otherwise we are left with the status quo -- one free bite and no requirement for liability insurance.
Lorde Faust BSL would never get passed in my city, too many Pit Bull owners and the mayor owns a Pit Bulls, plus many of the police force. Alternatively, they are still a minority. The rest of us normal breed dog owners would be out in force to squash excessive regulations on us when many feel the dog laws in existence are already too restrictive as is when it comes to normal breeds of dogs.
Lew Heifner Lorde Faust And that is the same damned city where you need a parking permit to "legally" park in your driveway...
Lorde Faust Lew Heifner Actually where I am it is all on street parking and I wish they had permit parking only that also limited the number of parking permits based on somebody's property frontage.
Lew Heifner We get hate mail for parking in our driveway. The city is mucked up.
Lorde Faust Lew Heifner I have had the police ask me if I use my driveway when I called because some ignorant neighbor was parked in front of it. Does it matter? They are blocking my driveway and the law say 10 feet away.

The fact is these people are hiding their hatred behind a noble cause claiming to be acting in the interest of victim advocacy when they're more interested in getting revenge on pit bulls, claims that pit bulls are responsible for 62% of dog bite related fatalities over a ten year period from 2005-2014 at an average of 20.3 victims per year.

In that same period there was actually a total of 326 DBRF's obviously giving us an average of 32.6 victims per year over that particular time frame just for arguments sake let's say Bsl were to work 100% over any given 10 year period, so we subtract the 203 deaths alleged to have involved pit bulls from the total of 326 that still leaves 123 innocent victims over that time frame at an average 12.3 per year.

I advocate for the forgotten 38% these 12 people per year that Bsl proponents consider to be collateral damage "insignificant" in the broader scheme of things ("James Lee")  if you target a specific breed or type of dog you'll only ever stop deaths involving that breed of type of dog.

James Lee All Things Foamers non pit fatalities are almost statistically insignificant compared to pitbulls . even rotties are an embarrassment to their pitbully like owners ..

And that's not good enough because all victims matter not just pit bull victims mmmk?

more to come.....

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