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Thursday, 31 December 2015

Pit Bull hate pages and the stats reveal they're not the majority?

For this blog I thought we'd take a sampling of ten anti pit bull pro breed specific legislation pages and just have a bit of a look at how much support they actually have , when you go to facebook pages there's a small section at the top like this....

Now if you click on "likes" it will take you to a page that has that pages statistics ie, number of likes etc etc...

Your Pit Bull/Dangerous Breeds Make You A Horrible Parent

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0%from last week

4 people talking about this page and 175 likes so it's safe to say there's not a lot of support for this page....

Pit Bull Type Dogs should become Extinct

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0%from last week

1 person talking and 119 likes same no support.

National Pit Bull Victim Awareness

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0%from last week

This is a relatively young page but it's simply repackaging all the same old hate pages and groups none of which have a lot of support this page as you can see has 202 people talking about it.

Ban Dangerous Dogs in Australia

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3 people talking about it and only 285 likes seems to be the norm among these pages?

BAN ALL Dogs NOW especially PIT BULLS

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0%from last week

2 people talking about it and 882 like this page once again has little to no support.

Pit Bulls and Amputees

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0%from last week

This is a particularly nasty hater page and with 214 likes and 224 people talking about the page it's safe to say not a lot of support there either actually this page is in conflict with the Cliftons.

The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed

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0%from last week

Well this page is the brain child of the Dj and as you can see it seems to have a fair amount of likes, 1,637 likes but only 181 people actually talking about this page.

Craven desires

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0%from last week

Craven desires has been going for years and belongs to one of the crazier of the crazy's, with 179 likes and 43 people talking about this page once again it's safe to say there's not a lot of support for this page either.

Pit Bull Petting Zoo

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148 likes and 2 people talking about it so that about says it all.

Daxton's Friends for Canine Education & Awareness

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0%from last week

Well the Dj's page they collect donations for victims and then use the donations to put up roadside bill boards and newspaper ads vilifying pit bulls using a picture of an American Bully all of which does absolutely nothing to help victims is it any wonder he has only 1,517 likes and 203 people talking about this page?

People Talking About This
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0%from last week

Dogsbite recently turned 8 and despite claiming to be speaking for the majority they only have 4,646 likes and 199 people talking about the page.

Now considering the population of America is approximately 317 million these people claiming to be part of the "majority" is not just a stretch but it's an obvious and blatant lie?

The thing of note is that not one of these pages has had a new like this month and if you go to the pages you'll see why they all contain similar content indicating that they're probably being run by the same people all of whom discard mainstream data and facts in favor of propaganda because the fact is they're not advocating for community safety they're advocating to kill all pit bulls.

They are motivated by hate and driven by revenge.

more to come....

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Pit Bulls--Why PETA? Why?

I need to start this post by stating unequivocally that I saddened and horrified every time a human is attacked by a dog.  It is frightening to think of man’s best friend turning against humans.  Any dog.  Any time.
I have no issue with a day to recognize and mourn the victims of dog bite fatalities.  DOG bite fatalities.  Not pit bull terrier type dog fatalities.  To single out a group of dogs and ignore all other breeds is ridiculous.  Think about it…you are telling families across the country that unless their loved one was mauled or killed by a pit bull type dog, the death doesn’t matter and doesn’t count.  How horrific is that?
The title of a press release from this morning is

Pit Bull Crisis Prompts Support Groups to Declare October 24th National Pit Bull Victim Awareness Day

The press release is rife with poorly researched data, hysteria and the outright lies of Merritt Clifton, Colleen Lynn and the other pro breed discrimination groups.  Complete with graphs that mean absolutely nothing.
Although Mr. Clifton’s data is often used in breed discriminatory articles and opinion pieces, the fact is that the data is mined from  media sources.  This is not peer-reviewed research, with raw data available for anyone who wants to look at the methodology.  No…it is data that Clifton spouts as gospel, with nothing to back it up or prove his contentions.   With one breath he says that pit bull type dogs account for 5% of the dogs in this country….and then he offers statistics that state that pits are being grossly over-bred by backyard breeders.   The facts he uses and that he feeds to actually contradict each other.  Why then do these charlatans have any traction with the media at all? ‘
Well the answer today is that they have joined forces with PETA – People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.  Just adding the name PETA to the press release gives them a certain level of credibility to the media and the country at large.
It is no secret that PETA is anti-pit.  Heck, they tried to make sure the best dog I’ve even known was euthanized with no assessment.  Their kill numbers are appalling.  Their stance that pits need to be PTS because otherwise they might be abused is obscene. They have actually worked against shelters and communities trying to achieve No-Kill.  But they do have a certain standing in the Animal Welfare community.
I just want to ask Ingrid Newkirk what in the heck PETA is getting out of this partnership?  Pardon the expression (although it is apt in this case), but what dog do they have in this fight?  Why would they ally themselves with groups of misinformed extremists armed with bogus data?
Why am I writing this post?  It is certainly not to minimize the sense of loss families feel when a loved one dies in this horrific manner.  It is to make sure people realize that the name PETA does NOT make these groups any more credible.  All it does is help show the world what PETA has become….a killing machine.  Killing a dog because of how he looks is not ethical.  Judging a dog by appearance not behavior isn’t animal welfare.  And depriving an animal of a loving home is certainly not Animal Rights.
Shame on you PETA.  Your public stance on companion animals is bad enough…but now you’ve joined forces with an elite society of idiots and misled, mourning families.  Good job……

Sunday, 27 December 2015

pit bull lies, disinformation and discrimination?

When discrimination seems to be more a way of life then a choice as these people choose to act this way all day every day we have all nicknamed them "sheeple" because of their mindless ignorant devotion to lies, death and disinformation in their kill all pit bulls campaign.

12 people like this.
Write a comment...
Raechel Celeste Smith This is why I want acreage since I can't currently afford a neighborhood that would ensure mess like this not be present.
Nat Limone TraSh.
Ronald Diebel They seem nice.
Brenda Geary Clark Yep it is bad when you have to take a butcher knife with you just to go in your back yard....
Brenda Geary Clark I wish it was that easy to sell our house and move......
John Tawaroa At least ya know where to get weed and pit puppies without a big mission.
Dave Campbell I guess someone doesn't like the Steelers

People like Colleen Lynn, Merrit Clifton, and Jeff Borchardt prey on weak minded people at their most vulnerable after a traumatic life changing event they use these victims to further their death focused campaign against pit bulls.

They are the lowest of the low using victims of pit bulls while ignoring all other victims this is not community safety advocacy it's discrimination, lies, disinformation and evil all rolled into one nasty kill campaign being orchestrated against the community and dog owners in general by an ex journo, an ex phone line psychic and a wannabe second rate Disc Jockey none of whom are experts in anything other then spreading Bs!

more to come.....