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Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Lori Welbourne insights the madness

Lori Welbourne the tits out Canadian reporter that recently got canned for posting biased poorly researched articles vilifying pit bulls has delivered another true masterpiece in the vein of her past works check it out...

My friend's initial reaction after reading some of the pit bull debates.
  • 46 people like this.
  • Comments
    • Beth Kehoe And they spell pit with two t's (pitt).
      Like721 hrs
    • Sarah May Great observation. Aggressive people tend to own aggressive dogs (there is correlation of criminal/domestic violence in these owners, as well).
      Why they can't read and write is beyond me...their nanny dogs should be teaching them proper grammar, spelling, and manners.
      Like2121 hrs
      • Nancy Perdue The terrible thing is a lot of Pit Nutters actually attend college.
        Like111 hrs
      • Sarah May You can be book smart, but dumb in common sense...They don't teach that in schools.
        Like11 hrs
    • Pamela Chappell Mendoza Totally true!!!
      Like321 hrs
    • Gail L Rosbach or, "If it ain't Pit, it ain't Shit"
      Like721 hrs
    • Stephanie Snier Butler This all is sad - but true!!!! Lol
      Like621 hrs
    • Velciu Doriana Aggresive dog, aggresive master.
      Like820 hrs
    • Bryan Baruch It's the difference between being educated and being ignorant. After that, it becomes difficult. Difficult to explain why, in the most affluent nation, on average, on the planet, why such ignorance exists at all, and why it persists generation after generation. I hesitate to blame individuals, as there is good evidence to indicate that the gross inequity in distribution of resources, including but not limited to education, is structural and systemic, not atomized and easily reduced to individual choices. The mythology of the pitbull is a cultural trope based in ignorance, hypermasculinity, patriarchy, fear, xenophobia and countless other social ghosts. The people who succumb to it actually don't stand a chance against their own cultivated ignorance, a nation in the grip of any number of right-wing populist panics (crime, immigrants, Obama's coming for your guns) and a society ill-equipped to correct the problem, which took multiple generations of intentional dumbing-down, intentional defunding of education, and intentional cultural anti-intellectual programming.
      Like1120 hrs
    • Laura Lisenbey Same mentality as their dogs. they prove it daily.
      Like517 hrs
    • Susan George Pit bulls are the weapon of choice. As deadly as a bullet fired into a crowd, with no penalty.
      Like616 hrs
    • Sally House And they always insist that pittbulls are not a viscous bread.
      Like715 hrs
    • Lew Heifner or it does not exist.
      Like213 hrs
    • Liza Mae Sally House, LOL AT VISCOUS!
      Like513 hrs
    • Liza Mae Bryan Baruch, you are very articulate. I would posit, however, that pit lovers cross all boundaries; in no way can they be pegged as leftist, rightist, libertarian, or other.

      They are pittiests. Pun intended.
      Like613 hrsEdited
    • Nancy Perdue Because they're too busy being hateful pushy pains in the ass to take the time to make ssense of what they're promoting. They have to know that what they're pushing on society is lies to sugar coat a breed of domestic canine bred for violence, on society. when the truth is spoken out to them they panic because they have nothig to back up what they're saying, so their best & only defense is to lash out and use profanity. They're just not very bright, no common sense.
      Like411 hrsEdited
    • Bonny Thomas Lee So Lori..whut is rong wth "F T S" my Dady sys it al the tyme...I will severely rebuke anyone who passes this sweet father would never say this, how observant your friend is Lori. Night all...Bonny Thomas Lee
      Like110 hrs

If you've ever encountered their madness on a public forum they're comical, first they wheel out their fake merrit so-called stats and/or their articles from their own hate filled blogs and let's not forget the whole it's in their DNA diatribe.

46 people liked that post so now we can add correcting peoples grammar as a legitimate and acceptable form of victims advocacy, however it is interesting the amount of spelling and grammar mistakes in their comments, ironic?

I don't think Bryan is going to last too long in this group he seems way to samrt for this mob although it seems he commented on the wrong post? (LMAO)

These people are constantly having to talk each other up with the majority of them having been ex-communicated from most of their friends and family as a result of their unhealthy fixation on killing all pit bulls.

Now you can find this post and many many more twice as comical at the perpetual victims society...

The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed

more to come.......