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Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Julia Lewis? is that really a pitbull? I don't think so!

So our favorite hate group is at it again with their propaganda and again taking a nasty youtube video showing a horse being attacked by a dog they claim is a pitbull.

As you can see if you read Lynn's rant which is full of straight out lies including the whole it's in their genes" BS, "I hope pit advocates glancing at this page see this and acknowledge that this dog is only doing what pit bulls have been selectively bred to do"

I've never heard that pitbulls were bred to grab horses 

by the throat in fact they "were" bred for dogfighting?

Here is a graphic example of why pit bulls are not safe around other animals - or humans, for that matter. This dog grabs the horse by the throat and will not let go for what seems like an age, even though there are three men trying to detach it, one holding it up in the air by the back legs. I hope pit advocates glancing at this page see this and acknowledge that this dog is only doing what pit bulls have been selectively bred to do - to hang on and not let go. If they hadn't managed to get it off that horse, it would have killed it. See how, once detached, it grabs hold of one of the men by the back of his trousers (and one of them is laughing). This is an incredibly dangerous dog and those men obviously don't realise it. This is obvious from the comment made that they don't know why the dog got the horse by the throat.

What's clear from this video is that dog has not been trained or socialized properly and regardless of breed this particular dog is "dangerous" but that doesn't make the whole population of that particular breed dangerous?

Considering this video is from china and the word "pitbull" does not appear anywhere on the article or the link plus the fact the dog doesn't look like a pitbull?  

"Zack Marcus’ son and pit bull were skateboarding down the sidewalk, in what appears to be his neighborhood, when a young girl dog owner lost control of her Labrador retriever who took off across the street and latched on to the pit bull owner’s hands
Read more at"

And how does Bsl help victims of non banned breeds well the short answer is it doesn't, Bsl is designed to kill pitbulls which was thought would lower dog bite fatalities but it hasn't despite the deaths of thousands and thousands of pitbulls in shelters weekly.

In the meantime the death toll escalates alarmingly and the pro Bsl lobby still claim Bsl works but even if it worked it still ignores victims like this as "Patterdale Terriers" are not banned....

Reggie Young, pictured, was bitten by the family dog at their home in Sunderland on Saturday morning but sadly died later in hospital. The dog is now in kennels and is to be destroyed.

  • Baby Reggie Young died after being bitten by father's Patterdale terrier
  • Three-week-old was rushed to hospital but doctors could not save him

Breed Specific Legislation proponents have little to no interest in Public safety and their willingness to ignore
victims of "NON" banned breeds acknowledges as much, are Border Collies next Lynn?....

WHAT ABOUT US, Bsl? shared a link.
June 12

The owner of a Border Colli-mix has been cited after a 7-year-old girl was attacked while riding her bike Saturday.

The fact is many breeds have been involved in killing humans young and old and under all sorts of circumstances for all sorts of reasons and every legitimate canine organizations on Earth reject 's claims resounding confirming breed plays little to no part predicting dog bite fatalities.

 "Fatal attacks were reported from 17 states (California [4 deaths]; Georgia and North Carolina [3 each]; Kansas, Texas, and Wisconsin [2 each]; and Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New York, South Dakota, and Tennessee [1 each]).

More than 25 breeds of dogs were involved in DBRF during the past 20 years,  227 human DBRF for which data were – Breed ...
Purebred Pit bull-type total 66, Rottweiler 39, German Shepherd Dog 17, Husky-type 15, Malamute 12, Doberman Pinscher  9. Chow Chow 8, Great Dane 7, Saint Bernard 7, Crossbred Wolf-dog hybrid 14, Mixed-breed 12."


Please don't let these hate and fear mongers trick you with their fake stats and persistent propaganda as you can see with all my blogs the links are live so you can check it all out for yourselves and you'll finf I only use legitimate sources.

Julia Lewis;

Administrates this and other grotty ignorance and hate filled facebook groups more of the parasites infecting facebook only using it to launch social terrorism against anyone who opposes them, their ridiculous ramblings and nonsense logic.

"Dangerous Dogs" ;

OWNER SPECIFIC LEGISLATION is the only logical answer at least then we give ourselves the chance to save the maximum amount of victim suffering.

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