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Sunday, 13 September 2015

Susan George's Mythbuster Fails

Now I thought I'd seen it all pretty much until I came across the latest input into the Bsl debate from Susan George on "The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed" you know the Public safety advocacy group on facebook.

Check it out for yourselves Susan claims to dismiss the myth regarding "LOCK" jaw and claims that "pitbulls" have lock jaw and were bred to fight Bulls in pits, you have to be a special kind of stupid to come up with this stuff and the scary part is she believes every word she says?


1) Proof That Pit BULLS DO have a "locking jaw". Police can't make them release with TASERS, Batons OR Pepper spray. BULLETS? Doggie let go.
LIE #2) PROOF Pit Bulls were NEVER *"Farm Dogs"*. BRED for Bloodsports (pit bulls Fought Bulls in a Pit-make sense?) Google it- Pit bulls have KILLED Entire FLOCKS of Sheep in one day. Kill Everything. EAT NOTHING=SPORT HUNTERS.
It is not known why dog bites horse's neck.
  • Valerie Fannon They can be raised from a tiny adorable puppy with lots of love and care and then snap. The dog cannot help it. But people can stop breeding them. Some countries do not allow the breeding of pit bulls along with other breeds that are bred freely in the U.S. The dog that I had that turned on me was one of the breeds not allowed to be bred in some countries---I now know why.
    • Susan George I'm so relieved that you informed yourself enough about "dog communication" to save your life. I never knew some of the things you told me later, but because you understood what to do, and did it "by the book", you are here to tell us. Your story became a learning experience for all of us. I thought I remembered that you literally had to be still for over a half hour! Most people don't know what to do in that situation, and fewer yet realize that Pit Bulls "don't speak dog"-meaning that there is nothing one can do, except be rescued by someone else to stop a pit bull attack. I am so grateful you made it through that. Being informed can literally mean the difference between life and death. Reading really does save lives! smile emoticon
    • Valerie Fannon It was a very long several seconds. Possibly 45 seconds that I had to lie motionless, silent and face down on the ground. That was after I realized none of my verbal attempts were going to persuade him. It was so hard for me to wrap my mind around the whole idea that our family pet wasn't safe that I took several weeks before I surrendered him. When I look back I wonder what the hell I was thinking.
    • Susan George I think we all think our pets will always follow our lead, and they love us too much to ever harm us, but one day certain dogs realize they are more powerful than their owners, and it gets dangerous. I'm so glad that you made to the point where you were ready to make that hard decision. Lately, I am coming across so many stories of people who were denied the option to euthanize healthy, but dangerous pit bulls. I have heard of other people who knew they needed to put down their pets but waited one day too long. Nicole Cartee was at odds with this fact, when after 10 years of being a pampered pet,her pit bull turned on her last week. Sadly, she did not survive. Those who loved her, are trying to inform others of how dangerous pit bulls are. Let's hope those "on the fence" are listening.

As you can see  Valerie and Susan are in a play-off for the dumbest most easily lead human on the face of the earth, honestly you have to wonder how they've survived the world as we know this long?

The thing is these peoples count themselves as experts because they've been attacked and hey don't get me wrong I'm sympathetic to the fact they were attacked but it doesn't make them experts.

To be honest there's been a rash of the sort of story Valerie tells including screenshots from alleged ex-pitbull owners that have now seen the light having had other pets killed or individuals attacked all of which are fictitious, the work of their resident Meme makers using their fake facebook accounts to try and maintain their claims that they are the majority which is complete nonsense. 

Let me close by mentioning the quality of the video and the chances of actually identifying the breed/type involved and the fact that I couldn't find the word pitbull in the original posting of the video which was shot in China.

As usual the links are live so you can follow them to their source and see for yourself just how ridiculous these people have become, be warned do not engage these people they are fanatics.

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