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Friday, 11 September 2015

Breed Specific Legislation Fails

A Person named Buk Lao has started a petition to the President asking him to ban pitbulls in America approximately 2 months ago and it seems to have been signed by the MAJORITY of the pitbull hating fanatics.

"I implore you to ban ownership and breeding of all pit-bull type dogs and stop these violent, aggressive and unpredictable animals from causing further harm to kids and loved ones and putting unnecessary strain on the healthcare system. The pit-bull breed accounts for most of the fatal and debilitating attacks; while children and elderly often fall victim to these vicious land sharks. These dogs do not belong in a civilized society, as they were bred for one thing only - to attack and kill. No one has a right to own an assault dog and endanger innocent people. These dogs are a relic of the past, they belong on battlefields, to be wielded by highly trained professionals and not roam our cities. Rid our great cities of this menace for the sake of the children and make our communities safe!"
President Barack Obama
Senator Harry Reid
Petition to ban pit-bulls, and stop them from maiming and terrorizing your loved ones!

  1. 2 weeks ago
    200 supporters
  2. 2 months ago
    100 supporters
  3. 2 months ago
    Buk Lao started this petition

As you can see it hasn't had much support 219 in over 2 months, so much for their majority!! lol!!

Sign this petition

219 supporters
281 needed to reach 500

219 seems about right from what I've gathered while observing this particular hate group, I had estimated their numbers at around the 250 individuals with an average 10 or so fake facebook profiles each and numerous other various social media accounts which they use to launch their social terrorism attacks.

There is one thing for certain with the United states of America having over 300 million residents with an estimated 4-6 million Apbt's plus the many many mixes breed specific legislation equates to persecuting millions of innocent owners and pets because of the deeds of a minute group of individuals within that group.

Considering the average DBRF's  over the last 2 decades has been 23.2 deaths per year and the death toll in 2014 with Bsl was a lot higher at 43 which seems to confirm what all the experts are saying specifically that BSL does not lower bite instances or fatalities. 

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