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Sunday, 13 September 2015

Julie Wall loves anti pitbull art!

Just another Safety Advocate fail in keeping with previous advocacy techniques from this group of perpetual victims and pitbull haters.

While I am relieved that Julie seems to have given away her dangerous and reckless promotion of "breaksticks" (she must of sold her interests in the breakstick factory), I'm definitely not impressed in your taste in art Julie but each to their own I guess
Wow powerful artwork and poem expressing the dangers of pit bulls living among us.

Cartoon characters by Tiago Hoisel
We share a vision; to create, innovate and explore the world.
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I think it might be time for some counselling for "Gary Brown", it's been 40 years mate, get some counselling let them help you work through your fears as opposed to joining forces with the crowd you're in now as that can only lead to more hate and hurting.

Bsl Proponents are not public safety advocates they are supporting breed specific legislation in order to achieve their goal of exterminating pitbulls and their use of victims and ignorance to victims of non banned breed is reprehensible.

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