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Monday, 14 September 2015

Larry Boarts Jr rallying support to attack "Bikers Against Bsl"

Larry Boarts Jr has taken it upon himself to attack "Bikers Against Bsl" and promote a social terror campaign against them and he's recruiting all his pals in the PBPMR using Facebook as a platform to launch said attacks as you can see by this post.

Good morning, folks. This morning I submitted a consumer complaint form with Illinois' AG's office, regarding a nonprofit organization called "Bikers Against BSL". This group lists themselves as a not for profit organization, yet they spend a lot of time online promoting their products, mainly memorabilia with their logo on it.
It is my concern that they are running their organization as a for profit business, actively exploiting this issue for monetary gain, or profit, which is expressly forbidden under the law, going so far as running an online store, recruiting folks for models for their calendar, etc.
While submitting the form, I had the option to keep my name anonymous. Under the freedom of information act, they do have the right to request copies of any complaints filed against them, but the govt is not required to disclose the complainant's name.
I tell you all of this to ask you to take five minutes, click the link I've provided, and fill out the consumer complaint form available. It is my hope the more complaints they receive, the more likely the chance of them looking into this group. As I've stated, you can remain anonymous, so you should have no fear of reprisals.
I realize by posting this, I am compromising my own anonymity. I don't mind. If that group, ran by Chris White of Langley, Il, needs a target for their ire, I'll bear that burden.
Please help me make a little noise in Illinois. The one thing that disgusts me as much as people defending these dogs is people trying to exploit this issue for monetary gain.
Thank you.

Access to Illinois Attorney General Services and Information

It's definitely no surprise that Mia Johnson thinks it's a great post and a great idea to harass and bully a credible non profit organization this seems to be a theme among the haters to concentrate on disrupting the activities of and destroying the reputation of legitimate rescue and shelters and any/all opponents to breed specific legislation.

It's becoming obvious as Bsl is kicked to the curb that these pitbull haters will go to any lengths in order to achieve their goal of pitbull extinction including breaking the law.

I find it extremely ironic that this group would attack a non profit organizations especially considering their own non profits, one is run by an ex - phone line psychic and the other's run by a disc Jockey neither of which have any formal education, knowledge and/or experience in areas relating to Canines.

The latter actually makes more victims daily then his non profit could ever claim to help and considering all the donations are used to vilify pitbulls in the form of newspaper ads, bulletin boards on the side of the highway.

There's some major holes in their the biggest is they get all their so-called stats from Merrit Clifton who once again has no formal training and/or education in the fields of either Canine issues nor does he have any formal accreditation as a statistician or in animal science he's an Ex Journalist and he uses media reports to correlate his findings none of which have been reviewed by his peers or actually accepted by the dog and/or animal associations world wide.

The fact that the American Bar Association advise against the use of Bsl for many reasons but the primary reason being it is not lawful and it doesn't work.

Please visit "Bikers Against Bsl" and show your support for the good work they do and tell them we sent you... 


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