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Saturday, 26 September 2015

Jeff Borchardt is little more then a media whore!

Jeff and his pack of culties regularly accuse pit bull owners and supporters of stalking victims and bullying families etc whereas you can see with this sample post from Jeff's hate group the Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed (PBPMR) anyone making a negative comment to Jeff gets stalked, her facebook profile examined and then her life is picked apart to justify their actions of supporting Breed Specific Legislation.

Borchardt has a number of go to propaganda lines that he wheels out as needed the main one being the whole "it's in their genes" tripe which can easily be dispelled for instance if it's in their genes why is it that only 25 so called pit bulls gave into their alleged genetic urges out of a population of over 6,000,000 American Pit Bull Terriers and that's only counting the registered pets , how many are there not registered? millions more possibly.

If American Pit bull Terriers attack because of their genetics how do you explain the attacks and subsequent deaths involving non fighting breeds Jeff D Borchardt?
"As with all breeds, the traits needed for their original tasks remain in the dogs – in this case, the sudden explosive aggression that was necessary to survive in the fighting pit. An APBT may never show this aggression, but if it does there will be no warning and the attack will not be easy to stop."
Click here to learn more about the heritage of the American Pit Bull Terrier:
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  • Comments
    • Dennis Baker The ones that do kill dont come with a warning label , breed is the most reliable indicator. The most common statement from pit bull owners is he has "never shown any signs of aggression before" after the severe of fatal attack. We're just waiting for your turn Cloey and hoping the price of your lesson will not be someones life. If it happens to be your life that is lost Cloey I promise to use your story to help fight for education and regulation to prevent further severe and fatal attacks. Keep talking!!!
      • Jeff Borchardt Any of the known victim stalkers/harassers (like Cloey here) could be next. And how do you think you'll feel IF it happens to you? Do you think your fellow pit bull advocates will be there for you? Support you? Console you? Think again. They will be the FIRST to blame you for your own attack. They will be the FIRST to throw you under the bus.

        I wish someone like me would've warned us before Dax was killed. I wouldn't have shot the messenger like these people do. 

        Since I know this group is under 24 hour troll surveillance, mark my words folks. It WILL happen to one of you. The odds are against you when you keep fighting breeds as pets. It is just a matter of time.
      • Dennis Baker Jeff Borchardt Thats right its never the dogs fault.
      • Jeff Borchardt Tick tock. Who's it gonna be?
    • Laurel Davis dogs that bark, chase people off their property, growl when disturbed--are not as dangerous. They are communicating--and if people pay heed--problems don't have to occur. Pits don't tend to give fair warning. They wag their tails, grin, play bow and then go for the face. Only nutters whine that dogs who give fair warning of pending distress are more aggressive.
      • Sean McCarthy Dear behavior specialist,

        One of my dogs runs away from me when it's time to apply his monthly flea/tick preventative. The minute he sees the application tube he runs away from me and we spend quite a bit of time playing ring around the rosy until I finally catch him.

        What am I doing wrong and would you consider this abnormal aggressive behavior? How do I stop him from running away from the flea applicator?
      • Nancy Perdue Boy ignornat @$$#013$ just "LOVE" to talk about them selves don't they? BAWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
      • Liza Mae Aw, how sweet! She's stalking you! Hangs on your every word, I imagine.
        Like319 hrs
      • Jeff Borchardt Apparently Liza Mae. I asked her if I should be worried about her standing across the street with binoculars.
        Like311 hrs
      • Jeff Borchardt What could go wrong?
        Like111 hrs
      • Jeff Borchardt She is a dog hoarder.
        Like211 hrs
    • Mary Jones Yep when the pit next door attacked, it didn't bark, didn't growl, it just went in for the kill.
    • Sonya Del Rio Cerezo Uh..she can't even form her ideas correctly. What a dumb b--__!
    • Julie Edwards-Matanga I also saw Cloey Jade's (not her real name, it's Erin Sutton) Fund Me account to help her pay for some medical care for her dog. Why is it ok that she begs for help, and why can't SHE get a job? That's right, she needs to harass victims of pit bulls to shut them up so she can feel better about the risk she takes with her own children every day. Why can't her husband sell one of his stupid motorcycles, or give up smoking? I also saw that her dog, Pimpy Do Dah, sports a set of testicles.
    • Gary Young Now that I think of it... the pitbull that tried to kill me didn't make a sound.. it just came running down the's the gravel that caught me ear.. thank God it did or I wouldn't have "heard" it coming..I did have a split second to react.. interesting.. after all these never made a sound..
    • Carol Miller The pit that attacked us made no sound either.
    • Nancy Perdue ~_~ What an air headed in denial complete ASS! By the way Cretin Chihuahua Rat Terrier dogs aren't the ones severely to fatally attacking people, pets and livestock every year.
    • Barbara Ghiselin Cloey- NO!!!- they are not all "ticking time bombs" but the biggest problem (and it is huge) is no one knows which ones will snap and which ones will not. There is a family from GA that had many Pit-Bulls over the yrs and one day the mother just went to use the bathroom and came back and her 2 yr old son was killed.. This "dog?" they owned for 8 yrs and they called her "kissy face" I saw her talking about it on tape. Also Edward Cahill from Portage, IN He was killed last X-mas day by his (FATBOY) a dog he had had for 7 yrs- and Darls Napora- from Pacifica, CA - she and her husband were members of BADRAP- San Francisco. Darla was 6 mos pregnant with their first child when she was killed (8-11-11) by a 2 yr old (intact) male _hit-bull they got as a puppy. These are just a few examples of these BEASTS just doing what they were bred to do for hundreds of yrs MANY of these dogs come from loving homes so they are not all abused!!. PLEASE go to (NOT .com) and ( NOT .org) Google the names of the victims I just mentioned and Dr David Billmire- for starters and get the education you need so badly before something terrible happens
      Like219 hrs
      • Lew Heifner A fine example of a child "paying the freight" for a loss at pit roulette...
        Like311 hrs
    • Jeff Borchardt So Cloey had children and other dogs and pets when she took in this aggressive dog? And notice she doesn't have money to fix her fence? AND she has other pits....

      Cloey? My dog's nails should be the LEAST of your concerns. You're one sick cookie.
      Like610 hrs
    • Mary Brady Honeycutt And she knows for a fact hers aren't waiting to explode? What a moron!
      Like210 hrs
    • Laurel Davis I looked at her page. Please pinch me,cause I actually feel sorry for her maulers. She is so annoying and stupid, I actually feel bad they have to put up with her. If they could talk, they would probably beg for the needle.
      Like39 hrs

Jeff Borchardt is doing exactly what he accuses pit bull owners of doing as you can see he's visited her profile and screenshot pictures and you can bet this coward blocked his victim so she couldn't see all the nasty stuff him and his mob say about her all class Bogart as per usual.

Lew Heifner is there advising everyone to report the woman as a fake even though they all know she's not a fake just another of the tactics they use to try and silence advocates and the truth.

As I've mentioned in previous blog posts these people are far more dangerous then any one breed or type of dog could ever be the fact is they are all liars and their whole campaign is based on lies created by a washed up journalist with no credentials in either the research field or the canine/animal world, Merrit Clifton is using the whole controversy over pit bulls to gain notoriety his work has NEVER been peer reviewed.

The main player colleen Lynn is an ex phone line psychic that turned her hand to media development particularly web promotions she has absolutely no training or schooling in the canine or animal field of study and her self proclaimed status as a dog bite victim expert involved being bitten by a dog that was never proven to be a pit bull.

This post and the reaction to it from the members of Jeff's hate group is typical and they've raised Jeff onto a pedestal declaring him to be their poster child that can do no harm which clearly isn't true as the mountains of evidence testify he's not a public safety advocate.   

The links in this post as with most of my blogs are live, if you have a facebook account I suggest you use the blocking facility and protect yourself from any similar attack as unlike normal people who use facebook for it's intended purposes these people on the other hand are only using facebook as a means to launch hate motivated social terror campaigns against pit bull owners their families and their pets.

Jeff Borchardt is not a canine expert, he's not a dog bite specialist, he's a part time Dj that made a poor choice and now blames everyone but the person responsible for his son's death after the babysitters "boxer" mixes he insists are pit bulls attacked his son despite his express instructions regarding letting her pets anywhere near the child.

Don't blame us or any particular breed of dog for the fact that your choice to leave your son with this woman got him killed and FYI it was her neglect both before and after the attack that resulted in your son's death.

Please Jeff point out the section in the trauma care manual that recommends leaving a victim un-attended, completely naked bleeding on a cold hardwood floor (in winter) while you call your boyfriend? the cold hard fact is her negligence got your son killed and her lack of care after the attack undoubtedly contributed to his death.

The fact is the dogs involved only became pit bulls after attacking the child prior to that 2 years of vet history lists them as "Boxer" but we all know saying they were pit bulls gets more media attention?

jeff is a media whore not a victim.

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