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Friday, 18 September 2015

Lori Welbourne's "Bias" got her dropped from Kelowna

Looks like the usual bunch of coconuts with a couple of extras like Lori Welbourne why would she risk her reputation and that of the publications she contributes to by becoming involved with this bunch of mis-fits, the bartender, the Dj and the perpetual victims society.

I sincerely suggest that Kelowna Now distance themselves from this group and anyone who associates with them they're nothing but criminals and fanatics with many of them having extensive criminal backgrounds.

The nutters are doing their thing, trying to get newspapers and websites that run my column to drop me. Kelowna Now said they were inundated with emails and phone calls of very aggressive, angry people and they really don't want to have to deal with that kind of negativity. Apparently their newsroom lit up with people calling, and many of those people wouldn't let them get off the phone. Sounds like might be dropping me. I'm sure some already have and just didn't call to let me know. Kelowna Now was very nice to give me a heads up. I told the owner to think on it and let me know. I'd hate for the vocal minority terrorists to win, but whatever happens is fine. This bullying censorship thing they do just makes me want to write about it more, not less. Here's their contact info if you feel like dropping them a note.
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  • 13 people like this.
  • Comments
  • Julie Wall Have you ever thought to be a blog writer for huffington post. Now that I think about it I remember Barbara Key writing for the Huff.
    In Douglas Anthony Cooper's Sept. 25 column, there are errors of fact about me. More important, the column...
    Like59 hrsEdited
  • Julie Wall Ps sorry you are going through this.
    Like49 hrs
  • Mia Johnson Lori that's terrible! You should write someone at the Sun or Province to do a story on this. Or try BCTV news. I would definitely go to the major BC media with it - they'd love it.
    Like89 hrs
  • Mia Johnson Try BCTV/Global's John Daly as well as Alex Turner at CTV. They might find a tv interviewer to come and see you.
    Like59 hrs
  • Like49 hrs
  • Mia Johnson Comment sent
    I understand your newsroom has been under attack as a result of recent articles on the dangers of pit bulls by Lori Welbourne from Kelowna. I want you to know how important these columns have been in making people aware of the potential da
    nger. The pit bull crisis in the US has increased 8 times in 7 years. Thousands of pit bulls are being transported in Canada as a result of the crisis in the States. People count on you to bring this issue to public awareness so increased safety measures can be taken. I hope you will do everything you can to support this writer and continue to report on the situation.
    Like122 hrsEdited
  • Jeff Borchardt you get those fliers yet Lori Welbourne? If they drop you, they are nothing but a bunch of chicken shit cowards. I'll write a press release blasting them. You can tell them that.
    Like38 hrs
  • Lori Welbourne I haven't yet Jeff, but I'll check my mailbox today smile emoticon
    Like18 hrs
  • Helga Joubert Comment sent:

    I'd like to commend your organization for printing Lori Welbourne's column about pit bulls. This is an issue that is simply not on most people's radar, but should be because it can affect anyone at any time. People are being attacked
    walking down the street when pit bulls jump over/dig under/break through fences, leap out of cars, jump off balconies, and break through windows. People have even been attacked in their own homes in home invasion attacks, which is unique to pit bulls. People aren't even safe inside restaurants or grocery stores anymore thanks to the proliferation of fake "service" pit bulls. Pit bulls kill more humans than all other breeds combined. 
    The hard-core pit bull advocacy is made up of some of the ugliest souls I've ever encountered. If anyone speaks out about their breed, that person is threatened, mocked on social media, and their jobs are put in jeopardy by repeated calls to their employer. They even stoop so low as to threaten and make fun of victims and their families. 
    I have no doubt your organization has been harassed relentlessly by this vocal minority. I'm sure your employees who man the telephones have been sworn at, yelled at, and threatened. These people and their "pets" are nothing less than domestic terrorists. I hope you stand strong and continue to print Ms. Welbourne's insightful articles on this topic--it could very well save lives. Please don't let the obnoxious, antisocial minority stifle the First Amendment just because they throw a tantrum. Censorship by bullying is wrong, and I would expect a news organization to stand strong against censorship in all its insidious forms.
    Like78 hrs
  • William Johnson Very aggressive, angry people.. That sounds about right.
    Like68 hrs
  • Jeff Borchardt Here ya go Lori Welbourne. I imagine these clowns had something to do with it. Show them this.
    Like48 hrs
  • Nancy Perdue I hate those damn Pit Nutter people! grumpy emoticon There must be big money involved for the reason why the laws keep taking the side of Pitbull Adovactes.
    Like27 hrsEdited
  • This comment has been hidden.
  • Greg Krasichynsky We should go look at what CBC has done on the subject. Might be time for a revisiting of the subject for them - it's inflammatory, so it sells, and it's a public service, so it serves.
    Like67 hrs
  • Mia Johnson CBC interviewed us when our dog was killed by a pit bull. Ask for Richard Zussman and Stephanie Mercier - they were very sensitive. Stephanie also later helped me find out what AC was doing and later still contacted the city prosecutor on my behalf.
    Like36 hrsEdited
  • Mia Johnson Lori please keep in touch and if the paper does cut you off, I will personally contact these media people myself.
    Like32 hrs

Well I personally think Lori should have not allowed herself to be sucked in by these people and there lies and propaganda because the cold hard truth is that not one legitimate animal organization in the world accept Bsl as a legitimate response to the dog bite fatality issue and even the American Bar Association drafted a policy advising that does not support the use of breed specific legislation.

So if Lori gets the boot she's only got herself to blame really as there's plenty of information from legitimate sources which totally dispute all pro Bsl supporters claims it's just a shame that she would involve her employers in such matters.

As you can see Jeff's playing the victim as usual posting screen shots of an organisation that put him and his cultist militia on notice that there behavior would not be tolerated and they'd be exposed as far as Jeff's concerned he's a victim so he can abuse and bully anyone he wants end of story

So for her pleas Lori got 4 supporters to email a submission on her behalf to her editors the only trouble is they're going to get thousands and thousands of complaints about Lori's totally bias and obnoxious articles and Lori only has herself to blame.

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