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Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Giovani Zorbo victim bashing again

Pitbull haters can not help but victim bash brcause their campaign is based on lies and propaganda and they seem to be getting less empathetic with every failure and removal of Breed specific Legislation which is happening at an increasing rate as communities using realize it doesn't work.

Giovani Zorbo has featured before with his less then acceptable advocacy techniques and this is another example of his lack of empathy and willingness to victim bash as the dog did nothing wrong and was shot and the police were at the wrong address but that doesn't stop this moron?

As you can see Giovani is all class......

Ian Anderson of San Diego says he's absolutely heartbroken after being forced to watch police shoot his 6-year-old pit bull Burberry over the weekend all because the dog was spooked and was barking.
  • 4 people like this.
  • Jeffrey Sloan Lying scumbag
  • Patricia Forbell You mean pit nutter... Oh same meaning.
  • Gary Young One by one they are being eliminated..thank you officer for doing your job and protecting was only a matter of time before old burberry went postal..
  • Gwendolyn Hanan The headline should read:
    Clueless pit bull owner forces officer to shoot his dog.

    Here's the thing, if you have a REAL service dog, then they do not get spooked and they do not bark at strangers and they do not rush out the door and charge at strangers and they most definitely do not continue to charge at strangers who are moving backwards away from them while extending an open hand.
    So no this is not a service dog. Yes the police were at the wrong house knocking loudly at 0:dark-thirty in the morning, after a neighbor reported a VIOLENT DOMESTIC DISPUTE at THAT ADDRESS.

    This guy, inside with his pit bull, who has admitted he knew was spooked by the noise because the dog was agitated and barking, makes no effort to secure the dog (by locking it in a bathroom or bed room or attaching a leash and tying it to a couch leg or etc) and instead opens the door. Not just a crack, but wide open so his unsecured agitated, spooked barking pit bull can get out.
    At which time the dog goes straight for the officers and begins to chase the 2nd officer who is backing away and realizes the owner can not or will not control his pit bull. So the officer has to.

Jeffrey Sloan chimes in with his typical style of banter generally abusive and Gwendolyn spinning her twist to the story which bares little in common with what actually happened but that's nothing un-usual especially where Gwendolyns concerned she couldn't lie straight in bed..

Gary Young is a newbie and most probably a fake profile but he's obviously every bit as twisted as the rest of the members of "The Pit Bull Problem" where you'll find all the hate you can handle and then some, check it out for yourself.....

Now to confuse these people with actual Public safety Advocates whom have the Communities best interests at heart would be very dangerous as little study confirms they're nothing more then dog hating fanatics and they'll use anything and/or anyone in order to exterminate dogs particularly "pitbulls". 

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