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Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Jeff Borchardt plans to extort shelters and lobby politicians to supporting BSL!

This one of the main tactics from the anti pitbull militia they love their Meme's generally they use victims pictures and often without permission.

So true. So when will those in the rescue business start to be held accountable for pushing dangerous and unpredictable fighting breeds into our communities and our homes? When do we get to reverse laws thatAnimal Farm Foundation pushed for that are a proven failure?
Do you think shelters like Lakeland Animal Shelter will listen to the victims stories then? Or will their volunteers at the Walworth county fair still snatch our life saving fliers out of people's hands and toss them in the trash?
...And rescue groups, shelters, and pit bull advocates need to be legally responsible for the pit bulls who maul and kill.
So using this same logic couldn't victims of "non" banned breeds sue all you pro-bsl advocates Jeff, considering breed specific legislation and it's advocates totally ignore non banned breed victims.

Jeff as you can see by these comments is trying to rally the troops to harass a shelter/rescue...

  • Jeff Borchardt Our next step ought to be protesting shelters. I'm dead serious. Right now they think they're wearing the white hats. Suddenly make them think they're wearing the black hats and see how fast they change their tune.
    Like · 6 · 20 hrs
  • Jeff Borchardt There is nothing stopping us from standing across the street with banners, signs and blow horns.
    Like · 3 · 20 hrs
  • Jeff Borchardt I can imagine if enough people started doing this, the news media would give us some coverage.
    Like · 4 · 20 hrs
  • Jeff Borchardt "What do we want?! Mandatory S/N of all pit bulls! When do we want it?! Before anymore Americans are killed by pit bulls! "

    "What do we want?! Stand with us and support BSL in the form of mandatory S/N!! When do we want it? Before another 3000 pit bulls are euthanized today!"
    Like · 3 · 20 hrs

As you can see the logic is flawed based on lies and opinion he collects donations and uses the money to put ads in newspapers and roadside bulletin boards neither of which help victims in any way shape or form.

  • Jeff Borchardt "What do we want? Stop pushing the nanny dog myth!! When do we want it? TWO frickin' years ago when BADRAP said it was not true!"
    Like · 5 · 20 hrs
  • Jeff Borchardt Let me know if anyone is interested in this idea. Just wait for the next pit bull promotion day at your local shelter. Daxtonsfriends.comcould donate a portion to help supply signs.
    Welcome to the Daxton’s Friends website! Our goal is to serve as a resource for healthy canine pet ownership,...
    Like · 2 · 20 hrs
  • Jeff Borchardt Anyone live near Bengall, NY? Blow horns across the street. I think Jane would have a cow.
    Like · 1 · 20 hrs

And he even goes as far as to offer to donate some of his donations to anyone wanting to picket their local shelter on their next adoption day how is this helping actual victims?

  • Jeff Borchardt I think we need to put pressure on the shelters until they stand with us and support BSL in the form of mandatory S/N of all pit bulls. I agree it's not fair to the other non fighting breeds. But this has just gotten out of hand. The shelters are dumping WAY too many resources into pit bulls.
    Like · 4 · 19 hrs
    • Harve Morgan The shelters don't set the policies, they follow the policies set by elected officials. Most shelters are not their own department, they fall under public health or the police dept.
      Like · 19 hrs
    • Jeff Borchardt You are right about that. But the way these shelter workers treated me last weekend makes me doubt the elected officials are well informed enough to make the right decision.
      Like · 19 hrs
    • Harve Morgan And by the time anyone gets to them with the right info, they are entrenched in No Kill. Like in Delaware right now, the officials aren't going to come out and say they made a massive mistake, they are putting band aids on it. I hit candidates running...See More
      Like · 1 · 19 hrs
    • Jeff Borchardt We don't have lobbyists. Usually by the time we even know about it, it's too late. The back door deals are already done.
      Like · 19 hrs
    • Harve Morgan Get to them while they are running for office. There's many ways to get your foot in the door. Most people have to work for a living, they don't have the time. That is what others depend on. Make every city council meeting, every county meeting, join the Chamber of Commerce and get on the governmental affairs committee. Go to the networking parties by the Chamber, engage, engage, engage.
      Like · 1 · 19 hrs
    • Harve Morgan When you get to the point where elected officials know you by name, then you become effective.
      Like · 19 hrs

So basically he's calling for help to extort shelters and other animal organizations into supporting breed specific legislation and old mate Harve even suggest lobbying during elections, I hope you're not involved Jeff as non profits are not allowed to lobby politicians?

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