But in direct contradiction to their statements confidence regarding identifying dog breed you visit their "pitbull" hate groups and find posts like this;

Jump the fence that the kids are not easy @thebullycampline #exotic
This is a typical example of the type of post to expect to find on your average every day hate page/group now despite claiming any/everyone can identify pitbulls here's a video of some American Bullies and they're all ranting about them being pitbulls!!!
Now I don't claim to be a dog breed identification expert but even I can tell you those dogs (as with most dogs) are not pitbulls one big hint is the breeders logo???
I think it's time that facebook stepped up and actually enforce their own community standards and remove these individuals and their hate groups/pages from the social media platform and allow users to have a bully free experience.
I'd say it's safe to say that these people definitely do not know what a pitbull looks like nor could they identify one either judging by this facebook post so that's another epic fail for the Dj Boofhead Bogart.
just saying........
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