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Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Who can identify a "pitbull"?---not Sarah Howard, Nicholas Valentine, Clarice Larson, Lucy Muir, Lynne Smith, Christy Cornell, Olivia Wyatt, Mia Johnson, or Lew Heifner that's for sure because they think this video features Pitbulls!!! PMSL!!!

So the Bsl supporters are constantly disputing the issues surrounding  visual identification of "pitbulls" they'll claim that anyone can identify the breed of any given dog especially a suspected pitbull.

But in direct contradiction to their statements confidence regarding identifying dog breed you visit their "pitbull" hate groups and find posts like this;

No need for worry - Pit Bulls will soon be too crippled to go after anything !
Jump the fence that the kids are not easy @thebullycampline ‪#‎exotic‬
  • 2 people like this.
  • Clarice Larson I wonder if one like that could take down a human. They're like English bulldogs..
    22 hrs · Like · 1
  • Lucy Muir I think definitely if one managed to grab on and get a good hold, it would have the jaws and the inclination to do serious damage. I think they are so deformed they can't breath well and they can't run and leap like other pits to take down a human starting from a distance.
    22 hrs · Like · 2
  • Clarice Larson So disgusting. Why don't people just own normal dogs?!
    22 hrs · Like · 4
  • Lynne Smith Clarice makes a good point - just get an English bulldog. Or a pot bellied pig for that matter. Why on Earth breed more pit bulls??
    22 hrs · Like · 4
  • Clarice Larson An English bulldog killed my papillon poodle mix though. I don't like those either. I get so much anxiety every time I see one now. But ya there is only one that has killed a human that I know of..
    22 hrs · Like · 2
  • Lucy Muir I'm so sorry Clarice Larson.
    22 hrs · Like · 3
  • Christy Cornell Stupid on every possible level. Anyone who loves dogs would never breed something like this. Regardless of risks to humans associated with pitbulls in general, bully breeders in general should be ashamed for creating such genetic messes.
    21 hrs · Like · 6
  • Sarah Howard They look like a cross with Boston Terriers, a way to get them into apartments etc that have a weight limit.
    20 hrs · Like · 4
  • Clarice Larson Lovely.
    20 hrs · Like · 1
  • Olivia Wyatt these pit bulls look like pig crossed with demons
    18 hrs · Like · 5
  • Nicholas Valentine The original comment on the video was " barbecue " , which I thought quite funny .
    17 hrs · Like · 1
  • Mia Johnson They look like fat pigs. Someone is proud of them?
    17 hrs · Like · 2
  • Lew Heifner Fugly.
    6 hrs · Like · 2

This is a typical example of the type of post to expect to find on your average every day hate page/group now despite claiming any/everyone can identify pitbulls here's a video of some American Bullies and they're all ranting about them being pitbulls!!! 

Now I don't claim to be a dog breed identification expert but even I can tell you those dogs (as with most dogs) are not pitbulls one big hint is the breeders logo???

I think it's time that facebook stepped up and actually enforce their own community standards and remove these individuals and their hate groups/pages from the social media platform and allow users to have a bully free experience.

I'd say it's safe to say that these people definitely do not know what a pitbull looks like nor could they identify one either judging by this facebook post so that's another epic fail for the Dj Boofhead Bogart.

just saying........

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