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Friday, 11 September 2015

The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed is no place to soucre information for a school essay om pitbulls, they're hardly un-biased?

Is there any boundaries to their madness with everything from conspiracy theories involving the so-called pitbull "lobby"  to the "aggressive gene" and as with dogs and aggression ignorance isn't born it's learned as Jenny Pollman displays in her post 

Jenny's post.....
So proud of my 16 year old son. His English class is writing an essay for class. They got to choose a topic from the list given by the teacher. One of them was "should people be able to own pit bulls". He choose it. One of his friends is going to debate him on it. I'm so proud of him! He's catching a ton of grief already for it. And he's fine with that. So help me out friends. Give me key points you think are most important to put into this essay. He has to have 5 paragraphs. And GO!
  • 40 people like this.
  • Tricia Malone Definitely what they were bred to do and compare that to what other dogs were bred to do.
    Like · 4 · 17 hrs
  • Stacey Schaeffer He should debunk the biggest myth of all by explaining that Pitbulls were never considered "Nanny Dogs."
    Like · 11 · 17 hrs · Edited
  • Annie Cowan Brown All dogs bite but not all dogs kill. While size is a factor, there are plenty of dogs larger than pits that dont kill people and/or animals. Also, there are lots of breeds that are abused, but very few of the turn killer because of it. Its genetic.
    Like · 11 · 17 hrs
  • Lew Heifner The owners will claim the breed does not exist, that is why I use "pit bull type dog". 

    Dogs have a great deal of instinctive behavior hardwired into their brains, experts agree up to 90%. If you want a dog to help you hunt ducks, one would select a C
    hesapeake Bay Retriever or a Labrador Retriever, these dogs are bred with the physical and mental characteristics to make them excel at these tasks. Selective breeding has given them webbed feet for more efficient swimming, a large thick tail for an effective rudder, thick undercoat for insulation from the icy waters they retrieve downed ducks from, and a love of retrieving. These dogs are genetically hardwired to perform these tasks, one would hardly expect to get a chow or a doberman to do the same work. 

    If you have a flock of sheep, one would select a border collie to look after the animals. Border collies are bred to herd animals, they have an incredible attention span and endurance that is not to be believed. These physical and mental characteristics have been carefully selectively bred into these dogs to make them suitable for these tasks. 

    Other examples; golden's retrieve, pointers point, and bloodhounds track, you get the idea. All of these behaviors are instinctive and are not "how it's raised".

    Now on to pit bull type dogs. Today’s pit bull type dog is a descendant of the original English bull-baiting dog, a dog that was bred to bite and hold bulls, bears and other large animals around the face and head. When baiting large animals was outlawed in 1835, people turned instead to fighting their dogs against each other. These larger, slower bull-baiting dogs were crossed with smaller, quicker terriers to produce a more agile and athletic dog for fighting other dogs. All of these physical and mental characteristics have been carefully selectively bred into pit bull type dogs to make them suitable for these tasks. Seriously, are these the genetically hardwired selectively bred tasks you want in a dog that you expose your fellow citizens, friends and loved ones to? I would hope not, steer clear of pit bull type dogs and other bully breeds. 

    The pit bull type dog problem is made far worse because well meaning people do not understand dogs' behaviors. Human emotions and moralities are naively applied to dogs. When a pit bull type dog kills, it experiences the "emotion" of accomplishment and victory over the weak. A dog will not experience the same emotion of regret that a human may feel. Attempts at punishment would only be effective if applied a mere few seconds after the bad behavior. A human child can be punished weeks after the bad behavior and understand why they are being punished. The more primitive level of comprehension in a dog makes reward / punishment far more complex.

    This issue has never been about which breeds bite the most. The issue with pit bull type dogs is the degree of damage they inflict, and their attacks being more likely to result in fatality. Appellate courts across the United States have recognized the dangers of the pit bull breed for over 25-years. 

    When pit bull type dog apologists talk about how the dog is raised refer to this PBS documentary. The segment on the foxes demonstrates it is all about genetic, instinctive behavior.

    Nanny dog myth;

    The other inconvenient truth for pit bull type dog apologists to consider, their dog could easily convert them to our side as so many others have before, it will never convert us to their side. 

    Newly adopted dog that passed the temperament testing:
    This is "DOGS DECODED" by Antoan Hlebarov on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people...
    Like · 6 · 17 hrs
    • Annie Cowan Brown I use pit bull/type and its derivatives, meaning all the offspring that loose pits created that are also carrying the aggressive gene.
      Like · 2 · 17 hrs
    • Annie Cowan Brown I think its also interesting to mention that the average age of pits in shelters is 1-3 years old. Between 1 and 2 is when their hormones kick in, the aggression comes out and people say, "oh shit, its true" and dump them at the pound.
      Like · 4 · 16 hrs · Edited
  • Jenny Pollman Thanks everyone. I can't wait to see this finished essay. I'll make sure to share it with you all. My son is very intelligent. So I know it's gonna be good.
    Like · 15 · 17 hrs
  • Stacey Schaeffer I'd love to read it when he's finished, Jenny!
    Like · 10 · 17 hrs
  • Like · 5 · 17 hrs
  • Jeff Borchardt This is all they need to know.
    Featured Pages: Canines In The News Daxton’s Friends News Dog Attacks In The News Educational Editorials...
    Like · 5 · 17 hrs
  • Chris Smith Since the topic is whether people should be able to own Pit Bulls here goes. He can bring up the areas that have BSL and have seen a decline in human fatalities, maulings and bites. It should also include their intended purpose a...See More
    Like · 7 · 17 hrs
  • Helga Joubert The statistics alone was what made me take a closer look at the issue in the first place. Compare the fatalities by breed now with fatalities thirty-odd years ago. Definitions of the words "anomaly" (which would describe the occasional death by other breeds) and "pattern" would be appropriate.
    Anecdotes about real people are super effective. I would use a combination of stats to give people an idea of the big picture, and then make it personal with one or two true stories of pit bull attacks and how those attacks are still affecting victims or victims' families now.
    An explanation of what "game" means, and why dog fighters use almost exclusively pit bulls, would underline why an attack from a pit bull is usually so much more devastating than an attack from another breed.
    Only 5 paragraphs... that would be hard to do! A fifty-page book would be easier, I think. smile emoticon
    Like · 10 · 17 hrs
  • Nyki Phillips I can't wait to see your son's essay Jenny.
    Like · 8 · 17 hrs
  • Randi Beth Coulter Yall are welcome to use some of the things I've told you about my personal experience.
    Like · 9 · 16 hrs
  • Lisa Gaffney I find it disturbing that pit bull discussion keeps popping up in schools as opinion-based material rather than the straight up facts. It will be interesting to see what grade and/or comments he gets in return from the teacher. To me, it sounds like someone wanting to push an agenda to students.
    Like · 10 · 16 hrs
    • Julie Edwards-Matanga Do tell! Out of the mouth's of babes, they are a barometer. Likely the appeal of the politically correct rhetoric will resonate to the young, they are fed this kind of political message every day. However, you will be surprised how many of them will have bloody pit bull stories of their own to tell.
      Like · 4 · 15 hrs
  • Sabra Steele The fact that many of them pass temperment tests but yet go on to kill and attack...
    Like · 10 · 16 hrs
  • Like · 2 · 16 hrs
  • Gayle Cuba I'm proud of you, your son, and your whole family, Jenny. He picked a topic that is sure to be controversial but didn't shy away from it. Standing up for what is right isn't always easy but necessary. Keep us updated on the progress and outcome!
    Like · 8 · 15 hrs
  • Jenny Pollman Thanks Gayle Cuba! I was shocked when he came home and told me this. Even more shocked it was a topic on the teachers list.
    Like · 5 · 15 hrs
  • Gayle Cuba Yes, Kudos for the teacher(s) that aren't afraid of such a controversial subject, also. I would imagine there are staff members and/or students who own pit bulls. I'd love to see the fireworks when THIS debate occurs!
    Like · 4 · 15 hrs
  • Julie Edwards-Matanga Some of the common myths spread by pit bull advocates: 

    1. Pit bulls were "Nanny Dogs", myth derailed here:

    2. Pit bulls have great temperaments, and pass the ATTS at high rates, Myth derailed here:

    3. Pit bulls are not "human aggressive" and are in fact the only breed selected for non-human aggression. All the man biters were culled. Derailed here:

    4. Pit Bulls are not a breed, but a type of dog, this is true. They will also claim there is no such thing as a pit bulls, and that nobody can correctly identify a pit bull (which doesn't exist). Dogsbite and the truth blogspot will have links to studies to disprove this and also discuss the faults of the Mars-Wisdom panel genetic tests and why they don't work to identify pit bulls. 

    5. Pit bulls do not have locking jaws, this is also true, but there are cases where the pit bull was still gripping after death. There was a case posted just yesterday. Which dog has the most powerful bite is pointless. Which ones are the top choice of dogfighters internationally, and which type of dogs are doing the most damage? 

    6. Only pit bull attacks are covered by the media. Easily disproved by going to dogsbite, which has links to all dog attacks, as does the Merritt Clifton report. 

    7. In the 70's, 80's, 90's it was the (Rottweiler, German Shepherd, Doberman). Bring up the Clifton report and show that pit bulls were also leading contenders then, and there are documented public efforts to BAN them, early as the turn of the century. Another argument to bring up is the breed Cuban Bloodhound, it's not a bloodhound as a scent hound, but rather more closely related to the pit bull. 

    8. BSL doesn't work, it cost too much. New report on dogsbite. 

    9. "It's all how you raise 'em", there's an excellent recent article from Canada on this one. There are lists on our pages denoting how many of these dogs were beloved family pets with no prior incidents. The list should slap them in the face, but true believers are not touched. 

    10. Any dog can be aggressive and can bite. This is true, it's also true that in some municipalities they are not the leading biters, but it's also true that they lead the bite in many municipalities. They lead in the counts of bites that matter, it's a numbers game, the insurance industry is speaking loudly. I believe the calculated actuarial risk is around 2,000%. Their bites are the most expensive. You may also bring up the numbers of animals maimed and killed every year by pit bulls, that study published by Animals 24-7, the numbers are talking and not everyone is listening.
    Like · 4 · 15 hrs
  • Susan DeVilder I helped my son Conner write a paper about the No Kill Movement. The thesis was you can't save them all. He got an A and his teacher said it was an interesting topic.
    Like · 4 · 14 hrs
  • Irene Solesky All dogs bite but all dogs don't Maul
    Like · 4 · 14 hrs
  • Susan George I love the info in the report below, contrasting Huffington Post pit bull week, and the real life tragedies of just one weeks fatal, and near-fatal attacks.
    Like · 3 · 14 hrs
  • Jennifer Sue Scott Yayyyyyy!!!! He sure has a plethora of research and knowledge at his fingertips!
    Like · 14 hrs
  • Susan George I sent some powerful before and after pit bull child photos, with ttheir names as a message to you, in case it helps.
    Like · 3 · 14 hrs · Edited
  • Penny Spears Pit bulls are NOT like other dogs, no matter what anyone says. It's like saying a gorilla is the same as a spider monkey, and the same as the chimp that ripped off that woman's face and hands. The people who fight and argue so for pit bulls don't seem to care about the thousands euthanized for space in kennels EVERY DAY. Yet those dogs on social media can garner thousands of dollars for their care, like Micky who mauled Kevin.
    Like · 3 · 14 hrs · Edited
  • Penny Spears Also, how about the story of Upright Alpaca Farm, the entire herd, save two, killed while the owners were away. Then the dogs were ordered to be euthanized, but were "stolen" from the shelter the night before. The shelter workers were charged, I believe. Then FB had a huge outpouring of generosity for the alpaca owners, replaced the flock and then some. They added guard llamas. Personal stories are always more gripping than cold statistics. Stories we have, in infinity.
    Like · 1 · 14 hrs
  • Penny Spears I'd love to see video...
    Like · 14 hrs
  • Jackie Jenkins The correlation between personality types, and owners of pit bulls. That's a bit deep. But he is 16. The likelihood that someone picks a pitbull because they had a bad life themselves.
    Like · 4 · 14 hrs
  • Sandrine Sandy Georges They are banned from US military bases!!
    Your son might become yet another hero.
    And yes, would love to read his essay!

    Thank you
    Like · 2 · 12 hrs
  • Stephanie Michelle Garnet Jenny, I wrote an essay for college on this subject. If he wants to look it over and take certain points or stats he's welcome to! Just let me know and I can email it to you.
    Like · 3 · 12 hrs
  • Olivia Wyatt Pit bulls attack familiar family members, even after years of owning them. Or Pit bulls don't need a reason to attack.
    Like · 1 · 5 hrs
  • Julie Wall Does this sound like a normal and safe dog breed to you? Pit-Bull Rescue Central, the leading authority of pit-bulls recommends all pit owners to have a "break-stick",a wedge-shaped piece of wood used to pry open a pit bull’s jaw during an attack. "Since pit bulls have a strong fighting background, we recommend that owners also have a breaking stick as a precaution. Breaking sticks are not something to brag about and the general pubic might have the wrong impression if you walk around with a stick in your hand. Breaking sticks are not illegal, but they are considered dog fighting paraphernalia in certain states and/or with certain law enforcement agents."

    This person demonstrates how to use a break stick on a pit-bull: 

    According to Pit Bull Rescue Central, "It is a FACT that our pit bulls, AmStaffs and pit mixes come with a built-in fighting heritage.It doesn’t matter where we get them from, whether it be the pound, a stray we pick up, or a puppy we buy from a breeder. The majority of pit bulls will, at some point in their lives, exhibit some degree of dog-on-dog aggression. Yet, chances are that a "normal" pit bull will not share his affection with other animals.We cannot predict when or where it will happen and we can’t love, train or socialize it out of the dog. Pit bulls may not start fights, but they will finish them.""
    Like · 2 hrs · Edited
  • Julie Wall There are 300 dog breeds and most have never killed anyone. Breed choice does matter! From 2005-2015, 222 killed by pit bulls:
    Like · 3 · 2 hrs

I'm pretty sure that this particular hate group is no place to get advice and/or information for a 16 year old school students essay.

All the so-called information in the comments comes from the one source, a very unreliable source with a very poor reputation for providing factual and legitimate accepted statistics seemingly focusing more on killing pitbulls then helping victims.


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