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Thursday, 10 September 2015

Mary Ann Redfern true hate right to the core?

Mary Ann Redfern is a particularly fowled mouthed stalking Bsl Cultist she contaminates pitbull articles across the internet all with her special brand of twisted as like many other pro-Bsl cultists she uses victims pictures without their families permission and generally is a nasty un-balanced and extremely dangerous fanatic please refrain from engaging with this individual as she will contact your landlord and employers alike in the hateful quest to seek the extermination of pitbulls.

This is a typical post from Mary Ann on an article in which a town council is considering removing the reference to pitbulls in their dangerous dog ordinance and this in particular is the sort of thing that gets Mary Ann's blood boiling and her mouth running....

      • I stand by that comment. Any time a pit is shot, stabbed, euthanized, run over, was killing someone or attempting to kill someone. Pits in the act of killing HAVE been shot, stabbed, run over, clubbed and, occasionally (not nearly often enough) euthanized. I am thrilled when a pit dies instead of their victim. Absolutely.

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    As you can see Mary Ann doesn't care how it's done so long as pitbulls are being killed she trolls the internet daily abusing and harassing anyone who defends or owns a pitbull, she's been banned from most forums because of her in-appropriate and aggressive manner and She's on her second facebook account as they've removed her once too.

    Maryann has many fake or alias Disqus accounts in fictitious names as do most of the culties in fact there's approx 300 culties trying to give the world the impression they're the majority!! pmsl!

    The thing is as Bsl gets scrapped around the world the culties are getting more and more desperate with talk of adopting pitbulls and then taking them to a vet in a different town to be put to sleep and then there's been  increasing instances whereby pets are being stolen savagely murdered and then dumped back in the owners property this sort of behavior is not only tolerated by people like Mary Ann but she encourages this insane and most cruel behavior.

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    I've even seen her recommend that people kidnap neighborhood pets and take them to a neighboring town and dump then outside the shelter these people are completely lacking in Empathy.

    Mary Ann is not a Public Safety Advocate she's a very depraved and sick individual that thinks it's perfectly acceptable to use victims as is the case with the majority of the cultists.

    1 comment:

    1. Libel...pit nuts cannot operate minus libel and slander.
