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Friday, 18 September 2015

Lori Welbourne attacking "No Kill"

The complete lack of empathy should be a dead give away for anyone of sane mind that visits the PBPMR, it's obvious Harve Morgan (Pat Dunaway) is their go to for stats and facts most of which come from illegitimate sources or he cherry picks the facts and creatively edits them to give the appearance that they support his argument.

This is circulating with additional wording from Deb Infantine and Babyruth Garcia:
This is Cane Corso. Cane began to cry when the shelter staff took him back to be Euthanized (the nice word for KILL). By the grace of GOD Canes tears touched the hearts of the staff that day and he was allowed to LIVE! Shortly after this day Cane Corso was adopted. Cane was one lucky dog. Cane is not a unique dog. They ALL CRY! They ALL have hearts and feelings. They all want to LIVE! Nearly FOUR MILLION dogs and cats are scheduled to die across country this year, and the next year, and the next. KILLING animals is WRONG! KILLING animals IS NOT the ANSWER to controlling pet population. The answer is OPENING our MINDS and HEARTS to believing that there is another solution. The answer is the NO KILL EQUATION. When County governments work along side their citizens and implement the NO KILL EQUATION the community prospers as a whole. THOUSANDS of Shelters across America are working this program with GREAT SUCCESS. It is a PROVEN SYSTEM. Citrus county is NOT a No Kill Shelter. It needs to become one now! Please get involved. Contact your county commissioners. SPEAK UP for the animals in your community. You are the ONLY VOICE they have. Citrus County Board of County Commissioners: htm. (Photo reposted from Coalition. For more information on NO KILL go to:
Deb Infantine with Babyruth Garcia and 4 others
This is Cane Corso. Cane began to cry when the shelter staff took him back to be Euthanized (the nice word for KILL). By the grace of GOD Canes tears touched th...
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  • 2 people like this.
  • Comments
  • Harve Morgan The bleeding hearts of No Kill. When No Kill has killed more in the most horrible ways.
    Blind faith should be the realm of religion, not in the humane community. We have come a long way since...
  • Antonella Moscone Sad.frown emoticon
  • Jeffrey Sloan uhh.. that's not a cane corso
  • Antonella Moscone I think that was the dogs name.
  • Jeffrey Sloan Right, that's confusing. It's like naming a golden retriever "bull mastiff"
  • Chris Smith Dogs don't cry like people do. This dog probably had an illness that caused the discharge. Nice attempt to anthropomorphize dogs again.
  • Susan Gunter That is not a corso, and dogs don't cry tears. What a crock of shit. It's so stupid I laughed when I saw the picture.
  • Thomas McCartney More Dog Nutter no kill nutterism.........................this is a mental illness.Next these freaks will want to actually marry dogs and................................
    • Sabra Steele Who says they don't already want to? Most admit to loVing dogs more and hating people
      Like621 hrs
  • Lori Welbourne Or at least take selfies with them. I wonder if this nutter bought a lot of peanut butter?
  • Antonella Moscone This is not an anti dog hate site? If so I'm off of here.
  • Lori Welbourne I'm an animal lover and dogs are my favourite. If this was a dog hating page I wouldn't be here either, Antonella. I do hate pit bull propaganda though!
  • Christy Cornell Named the non- Cane Corso dog Cane Corso and thinks it started to cry because it knew it was gonna be euthanized. How ridiculous! Dogs don't know if they are gonna be euthanized. Animals can't understand a concept like that. More anthropomorphic BS t...See More
    Like1020 hrs
  • Christy Cornell Antonella Moscone , this is in no way an anti dog site. The majority of people on this site own dogs. Most of us LOVE dogs and want to see them treated humanely, even pit bulls. Many people are here because their beloved pet dog was attacked or killed by a pit. 

    With me, the issue with this article is the claim that the dog is crying due to being upset about being euthanized. Dogs don't cry tears in the same way that humans do, so it is dishonest to make these kinds of claims simply to pull on people's heartstrings. Read this article written by veterinarians if you get a chance. It talks about tears in dogs.

    Additionally, if you are like me and would like to see no kill successfully work nationally one day, please understand that as long as pit bulls are being (over) bred, there will NEVER be a chance for no kill to become a reality nationwide and dogs will just get shuffled around to languish long term in shelters, be euthanized in kill shelters, or even worse, die on the street. Without regulations being enacted and enforced for pit bull breeding, there is no way to have no kill shelters nationally. The people who pull on your heart strings like this story about the crying dog are usually the same people who fight having restrictions being legislated on dog breeders even as they chant the mantra of spay and neuter.
    VCA Animal Hospitals.
    Like919 hrsEdited
  • Chris Smith Dogs are my favorite domestic animal. I do support No Kill with the original concept of a 90% save rate, but not no kill that involves putting dogs into rescue hoarding conditions or adopting out dangerous and vicious dogs. I don't like having dogs kept in cages and a crate and rotate in so many homes and sanctuaries because they would kill other dogs or cats on sight if given a chance. I have seen too many people adopt a Pit Bull as a puppy, and then one to three years later having to pry the dog off a person or animal. It's not most Pit Bulls, but most of the time it's Pit Bulls that are doing the damage. Their rate of attacking and killing is abnormally high. We need honest conversations, not hiding the bad side so that rescues can keep adopting them out to unsuspecting families who believe all the propaganda. Spaying and neutering Pit Bulls, which are the last hold out would save countless lives, and is the only way to achieve not euthanizing dogs for space.
    Like517 hrs
  • Antonella Moscone Christy Cornell I am also here because my puppy was attacked and killed by a pit bull. And I have a 14 year old dog. I do agree on euthanizing aggressive dogs and this photo made me sad.
    Like216 hrs
  • Kathleen Horton If your dog has fluid coming out of its eyes, you might assume that the animal is crying. However, it's important for pet owners to note that dogs cannot cry in the way that humans do. If a dog's eyes are discharging liquid, it is because something is wrong, not because the animal is overcome with emotion.
    Like516 hrsEdited
  • Harve Morgan Chris Smith Do you have any idea where that 90% comes from? It's BS, is what it is.
    Blind faith should be the realm of religion, not in the humane community. We have come a long way since...
    Like15 hrs
    • Chris Smith The 90 percent to me is just an acknowledgement that not all dogs are adoptable. There will always be some dogs born that are just too dangerous or risky for communities. Combined with mandatory spay and neuter of Pit Bulls a 90 percent adoption rate would be easily and safely attainable.
      Like15 hrs
    • Harve Morgan But it is an unfair number. Consider this. In affluent communities, spay/neuter is usually done, owners can afford to pay the fees if their pet is impounded. Other areas have poverty rates that prevent owners from getting their pets back, prevents adoptions. Should these two types of shelters be judged by the same 90%? I don't think so.
      Like15 hrs
    • Chris Smith I live in an affluent community with mandatory spay and neuter for all dogs unless they have a breeding permit or exemption from a vet, and the local Humane Society is still flooded with Pit Bulls. It is a no kill shelter so they turn people away when they are full. There are currently 49 dogs listed for adoption. 28 are predominantly Pit Bull with 3 highly likely Pit Bull mixes. Several are mislabeled. One Pit Bull has been there for over 500 days because it can't be around any other animals or small children. Several people I know have gone there to adopt but left when all the dogs they saw were Pit Bull. They ended up going to breeders (two to Amish "farms"). Others went to reputable breeders. Our three major shelters are all facing the same problem. Areas with mandatory spay neuter like much of New England get excited when a transport comes in with a load of dogs because their cages are empty. Even poor people will scrape the money together to get their dogs back from shelters. Most are owner surrenders or strays, and many of the strays go unclaimed rather than someone not being able to afford getting their dog back. Some shelters in the south are still adopting out intact dogs. It will take them a lot longer to get the overpopulation problem more in line with other parts of the country.
      Like15 hrs
    • Harve Morgan It's a no kill shelter. I deal with public shelters primarily.
      Like15 hrs
    • Chris Smith Our biggest kill shelter only euthanized 2,000 animals last year (mostly dogs). Most were Pit Bulls with issues. 20 years ago before the low cost clinics they were euthanizing 9,000-29,000 a year at individual shelters.
      Like12 hrs
    • Harve Morgan And it wasn't No Kill that brought the number down. It was those of us who work for spay/neuter that reduced the numbers. No Kill wants to save them all, doesn't believe in abortions for pets, and actually adds to the overpopulation that No Kill claims doesn't exist.
      Like112 hrs
    • Chris Smith We're in complete agreement that spay and neuter is what brought the overpopulation more under control. I support the original concept of no kill which recognized that some dogs can't or shouldn't be adopted, and should be euthanized. That's not to b...See More
      Like112 hrs
  • Jeffrey Sloan Antonella Moscone My dogs are like my kids. I think probably most of us here love dogs, but not all. The thing we have in common is that we are all aware of the pit bull problem.
    Like315 hrs
  • Christy Cornell Agreed, Antonella Moscone 
    the photo made me sad too and I was happy to hear that the dog found a home instead of being euthanized. It was a sad photo even without seeing the dog's eye watering like it did. I don't know the history of this dog, but I hope it was a dog which never showed aggression and that it went to a good home. 

    Sorry to hear about your puppy being killed. 
    frown emoticon
    Like214 hrs
  • Jeffrey Sloan Sure, that picture tugs at the heart strings. But at the same time, I know that there are certain types who count on that, and aren't above leveraging people's compassion to get donations.
    Like214 hrs
  • Lori Welbourne Antonella, I'm so sorry about your puppy frown emoticon Most of us in this group have been affected by the horrors of a pit bull attack either through personal experience or through people we care for. The average Joe doesn't have a clue as to how bad it is because the attacks are so under reported by the media. Even the fatal attacks on children usually don't get the national exposure and uproar they should.
    Like214 hrs
  • Julia Lewis Lovely head, that dog has got. But why are they calling it Cane Corso? It's not remotely like one.
    Like110 hrs
  • Kathleen Horton Antonella, I too am sorry about your sweet puppy. Was the attacking dog put to sleep? Did the owner pay compensation to you?
    Like10 hrs
  • Antonella Moscone Kathleen Horton this is in Canada. No the dog has not been put down but is with animal control and will be because the loser who owns him
    Never showed up in court so the city has no rights until next year!!! So the beast has to live in solitary confinement till then! No animal should live like that even that horrible beast!
    Like310 hrs
    • Kathleen Horton I grew up in Vancouver and live in the Okanagan, so I remember the news story very well. It's crazy the taxpayers are being made to pay to warehouse a killer beast until next year!!! Do you know the name of the owner?
      Like110 hrs
    • Lori Welbourne Ludicrous! Lost little pets often get euthanized within 72 hours of not being claimed, yet a murderous pit bull gets to live off the taxpayers for a year?!
      Like29 hrs
    • Mia Johnson Yes the owner and his girl friend are well known but I understand for legal reasons not much more can be said.
      Like26 hrs
  • Susan George I am pretty sure Pit bulls MUST be in "solitary" OR they would never have to euthanize anything! They could just go into the pit bull's cage, each morning, and pull out yesterday's kill.
    Like29 hrs

Interesting that Jeffrey Sloan would mention that he knows about people using pictures like this to tug on the heart strings and get donations, you mean like Jeff Borchardt does on Daxton's Friends using victims pictures (often without permission) it's just a shame that in Borchardts case he seems to be spending the money trying to get his five minutes of fame putting up billboards and taking out newspaper ads as opposed to helping any actual victims?

Lori Welbourne seems to be obsessed with pitbulls and peanut butter as are the majority of the pitbull haters including the Dj who suggested to a 12 year old girl to smear her genitalia with peanut butter and let her "mauler" lick it off and apparently it's a breed issue when humans decide to have sex with dogs, go figure?

Anyone actually seeing the comments from these people and the complete lack of either compassion or empathy would agree it indicates they care about bugger all other then themselves and they really don't care about the other innocent animals caught up in and killed by their campaign of death against pitbulls as opposing "no kill" affects all animals in shelters not just pitbulls?

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